Why can't Sup Forums do Destiny threads?
Why can't Sup Forums do Destiny threads?
Because destiny turned out to be really, really shitty and shallow (aesthetic aside), so when you try to talk about the game as if it was good you come off as some kind of marketer.
I want summer to end
That trailer was so fucking obnoxious
I can't stand that Guardians of the Galaxy-esque humour
because it's filled to the brim with autists, which are all contained in i loved destiny but i don't recommend going to that namefag circlejerk
Cayde had that sort of humor ever since TDB. .
game will still be #1 this fall unironically. They literally have less content/modes/features for multiplayer and people will still suck that dick.
>Halo goes to shit as soon as Bungie leaves
>Bungie goes on to make garbage
What went wrong?
Destiny is literally made for 12 year olds, I don't know who you think you're fooling.
What I can't understand is
>make Halo, beloved franchise
>start to despise MS because they don't let you make anything else
>break off
>make another sci-fi space marine game about aliens, with nearly identical gunplay, but with none of the charm of the other series and make it an MMO
reach was the last good bungie game
Hes not wrong
Its ok user
The world won't end just because you have shit tastes
Damn why is batista so good as drax
it's insane that garbage became #1 on both consoles wew
no alternatives
hence why im buying it on ps4 then on pc
That seems like a waste, only do one platform user
my poorfags friends dont have ps4 and I aint waiting a month for spoilers
the jews got me hard with this one but fuck em, if the game is shit on release I wont be buying pc and wont buy any of the dlc
>find a revolver in Destiny
>Use it for a few minutes
>Figure out that all of the weapons have the same DPS depending on rarity, aside from the charged up energy rifle
>Uninstall it because I fucking hate games that do this
I mean I pirated Destiny 1, but I sure as fuck hope they don't do this shit in Destiny 2 as well.
>and make it an MMO
>only does 16 players max
As someone who hasn't played Destiny 1, you're saying all that determined weapon DPS was rarity? So all guns of every type of the same rarity essentially all take the same time to kill a target?
> I pirated Destiny 1
360/ps3 versions were trash
He's wrong, it's based the guns level. Rarity has nothing to do with it. Legendary and Exotic weapons can both deal the same damage, it's just that exotic weapons have unique effects that make them more useful than legendaries. Also, exotic weapons generally look better.
Not in the hub ;)
So is it like Borderlands where you loot while shooting or is it like Warframe where you get rewarded outside of the mission?
It's like Diablo 3 where you question your life decisions every hour and then
you loot while shooting
Well Blizzard/Bnet is handling the PC sales and I haven't played D3 is a while so might as well get Destiny 2.
So you can change inventory on the fly?
It's dependant on the level.
The variant of a weapon ie. lower mag size, faster firing speed for example, doesn't change the dps either. A level 20 sniper rifle has the same dps as a level 20 SMG. That's how it works in Destiny.
Destiny's gunplay was solid, the loot was addicting and the lore was interesting despite most of it being external from the game itself. A beefier sequel with more raids and strikes, an actual narrative and a wider range of gear while being available on PC is appealing. I recall wishing there were all these things when I was playing the base game before the DLC had hit.
I will say that the story on a surface level seems underwhelming, though. The idea of the last bastion of humanity under siege is neat, but the catalyst being a butthurt alien who wants the Traveler for himself is lame. Also, the multiplayer was bad in the first game and looks like it hasn't improved in the slightest which is a shame considering Bungie's pedigree.
Because the only shooters Sup Forums likes are either crappy old shooters from back when they were a kid and they weren't such big disappointments yet or super "realistic" slav shooters that are basically early-access and only interesting to /k/ fags bc they can roleplay their paranoid doomsday prepper fantasies.
You know I'm right.
because its only good if you have friends to play it with therefore around here it is considered complete shit
It's like an MMO, where the enemies drop weapons and armor and if the weapon or armor is exotic or legendary, you have to get it appraised to see what it is and how good it is. Destiny is exactly like a FPS MMO.
I like Cayde's character but those types do not work as leads who are constantly focused on.
that is a meme
You can easilly make friends in Destiny
Just play the game and be social
I made tens of great contacts while raiding with lfg
I have owned Destiny since launch on the PS4 with all the DLC and have never done a raid because I don't have enough people to do one. I've even gone to the Destiny general on /vg/ and haven't done a raid.
Oryx was the most interesting antagonist, 'cos there was all that really weird hive and taken shit buried in the grimoire cards. When Rise of Iron came out I couldn't really give a fuck about nanomachines.
I'm glad we're getting some more on the Cabal, like how they can supposedly just level the last city with their dicks controlling their ships, but I just don't find it anywhere near as interesting as a omnidimensional space god that made a pact with the void.
Oryx was better lore-wise because he was probably still a villian from the original game
Rise of Iron is filler~tier story-wise and if anything is a warning to anyone hoping for a solid story telling
Because the first game was horrible disappointment and had on disc dlc that wasn't even new content unit the third expansion that actually removed a few things from the game also it has on disc dlc and the first two expansions fucking sucked and were not worth 20 dollars.
t.someone who has 1489 hours in destiny
Halo 2 > Halo then shouldn't Destiny 2 > Destiny? Not to say this is the same Bungie but you know.
Because Bungie is dead. Joseph Staten is back at MS. Marty and Jaime are working on some VR shit. Shiek is doing god knows what. Letho is working as a professor. Harty is doing some game design school. Hoberman is running Certain Affinity. Most of the concept artists have gone to 343 or other companies. The only thing Bungie is still good at is skyboxes.
That's actually a really good point. So much shit at launch had Oryx attached to it, and when we fought Crota in The Dark Below he was just the son of him, so we knew he would be a big deal.
Meanwhile Lord Saladtin showed up every month to get us to shoot each other, but didn't tell us about the ancient vault filled with sentient red liquorice he locked his friends in.
It really was filler tier. The taken king missions felt different from the horrible base game story missions but then rise of iron seemed liked more of scan shit and then kill things just like base game the raid was pretty good though.
This is fucking stupid
>This is fucking stupid
Why? Because nothing really changes? Are you a cuck virgin?
As a RPG mechanic it is stupid, but it rewards every player the same way for their own playstyle. Just like using Assault Rifles? You'll never have to use Pistols simply because they would've rolled with more damage alá Diablo 2.
All the best things about Halo 2 can be attributed to Joseph Staten and Marty. Both of which no longer work at Bungie.
Figures. As much as I don't want to be a good goy I'll probably get it nonetheless.
Halo 2 was not loved for the story
If anything it was hated for cliffhanger and lack of subtitles, hence you couldnt understand half of shit that was mumbled through radio
What about Michael Salvatori?
Come to think of it Halo 2 was stroked a lot for its multiplayer component since some people didn't like how it pulled a MGS2.
Well yeah, him too. But he's not there either.
>Halo 2 is not loved for it's story
That's the best thing about Halo 2. Everything else is inferior to Halo CE outside of multiplayer.
Shiek is still at Bungie
What is he doing? He's not a concept artist, all I can find from him recently is a bunch of sketches.
lmfao, this is what people exactly think after dumping 2k hours into destiny but now they're gonna do another 2 grand into the new game
Man they could really build upon what made Halo great gameplay wise, but no lets stroke that CoD dick some more
Lead artist, or whatever title at the top of their art team
Salvatori is still at Bungie, as well. He's a composer
nah, will finish story, see if its good, play some pvp maybe
IF the story is actually intresting and they're really introducing some cool shit, well why not I might give in and even buy DLC
If the base game is dissapointment again - then fuck it, im ditching that ride for good
Taken King was best expansion, but that's not saying much since the others were shit
The alternative is not playing awful meme games, you fuck
>they actually increased the cooldowns of all abilities so that you can't kill the sponges as quickly
>on top of applying all of the pvp nerfs to pve
I just can't
I wasnt playing Destiny because it was meme game, i played it because while flawed it was still very cool game. The only thing keeping me on the fence with D2 is Rise of Iron that was a total dissapointment after Oryx
nah the fat producer guy commented on in the edge article the cooldowns are lower in the retail
There is a list of games that are only fun if you have friends to play with. Destiny is one of those games and seeing how most people here don't have friends. They hate it.
Oh great, so they're just gonna add more sponge instead? The fact that this kind of thing made it past a concept stage and into a full-fledged beta is telling enough.
They might who knows. But if the base D2 is a dissapointment people will ditch bungie for good, so many times your name can save you from a total fiasco
Man, ODST is my fucking jam.
>play the strike in the beta
>get to the boss
>expect it'll be an actual boss instead of a regular enemy but just huge with a lot of health because it's a new game
>it isn't
Thanks bungie
>replaying CE,3,ODST and Reach with a friend every year
The magic is still there, every ride is as good as the first one
That's actually a huge red flag
If that's what your advertistment department wants to show to make us buy the game, then how bad is the rest of it?
>Destiny 2 PC open beta
>Tuesday to Thursday
Why not Friday to Sunday? I just don't fucking get it.
Because friday and sunday are september
So what? Then do it a Friday to Sunday in August.
I would, but I'm not bungie, sorry
That's how it was in Destiny 1. Strikes typically have a suped up, reskinned normal enemy while raids are the ones with super bosses that have multiple forms and are difficult. Strikes were designed to be completed in 15 minutes.
That was such a letdown, they could at least make a different moveset for a strike boss
I know I played it even the raid bosses are just bigger versions of regular enemies like atheon, the templar, the deathsinger, crota, the warpriest, golgoroth, and vosik but at least they had interesting mechanics to make most of good. Most of the strike boss in destiny 1 are just hide in a stop and shoot the boss and clear enemies unit it dies. There were only two strike bosses in destiny that were actually unique bosses. Even in the story missions the bosses suck hell the final boss of the base game was just three big minataurs.
Salvatori was literally hired mere months before Marty was fired. Otherwise, they were both contracted via their Total Audio production company. That's why Marty still owns the rights to all the Halo and vanilla Destiny music.
Because they have to appease investors and their board.
Thursday is the last day of the fiscal month, which means they want to get people hyped as much as they can and then buy it as soon as the beta ends or while it happens. That way, you get the most sales on a month transistion, which makes August and September both look good on statistics.
t. Accountant
Thanks for clearing that one Mr.Buisnessman
>The variant of a weapon ie. lower mag size, faster firing speed for example, doesn't change the dps either. A level 20 sniper rifle has the same dps as a level 20 SMG. That's how it works in Destiny.
This is factually incorrect.
Where are you going? No, wait, listen.
I was right, at first. In the ever-expanding Blighted-place, even Light must obey the sword-logic. Even you Guardians, you best and brightest of the dying dawn, you drew blood in honor of the Taken King. The Warpriest did his duty, and you did yours. Oryx was challenged, yes, but challenged in the way of the Hive, which is to say that challenge is worship — is challenge — is power. Sword-logic. You played your part well.
You were not supposed to touch the Light.
How did you find your way into the King's Cellars? How did you even recognize that benighted draught for what it was? Do you not know that the Hive pursue Light precisely for the purpose of devouring it with slavering jaws and slick greedy gulping throats? How did you take (or rather, un-Take) the Blighted Light that Oryx gathered to offer in sacrifice to Akka, and ignite it so that it burned and burned the Darkness?
It was barely Light anymore. But you took it. And when you took it, you did not keep it. You set it free.
You fools! You disastrous, bumbling squanderers! It's not right! Who now shall be First Navigator, Lord of Shapes, harrowed god, Taken King? Not you! You might have been Kings and Queens of the Deep! But you have toppled Oryx and you have not replaced him!
There must be a strongest one. It is the architecture of these spaces.
Why are you leaving?
As someone who was ultra-hyped for Destiny 1 (took part in all those Sup Forums Bungie ARG threads back before the game was officially announced) and absolutely loved Bungie's stuff up until then (especially the background lore of Halo), I can only tell you why it was personally disappointing for me.
I think going the Dark Souls route of having their lore spread out extremely thinly as well as having the stupid bullshit "Grimoire Cards" functioning as the background was a terrible mistake. One of the reasons I got so into Halo when I was younger was that Fall of Reach, First Strike, and Ghosts of Onyx were all actually really decent books (Eric Nylund is a damn talented author) that gave the universe a lot more meat to it than the original trilogy. With Destiny, it doesn't feel that way at all. Rasputin's supposed to be this ancient Warmind we're supposed to give a shit about, but we know nothing about Warminds and what they do or how they're created or really anything. Nor do we know anything about the Traveler and its Ghosts. I get that Bungie wants to create an air of mystery in Destiny's lore, but it feels like holding a curtain over a brick wall. They're obscuring it because they don't have fucking anything to show. A single tie-in novel would have frankly done the setting wonders.
Additionally, gameplay-wise the fact that enemies eventually just become bullet sponges at higher levels doesn't increase the amount of fun you have, because the fuckers aren't smarter or anything like they were on higher difficulties in Halo. They're just tougher.
Actually, the biggest sin this game committed to me is the lack of controllable ships. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU INCLUDE THAT FLYING SECTION IN REACH IF THAT WASN'T A TEASE FOR FLYING SHIPS IN DESTINY. And the worst part is, I legitimately love the ship designs in Destiny. JUST LET ME FUCKING FLY THEM INSTEAD OF MAKING ALL YOUR SHIPS PRETTY PAPERWEIGHTS
Guys , i have 90 GBP on my battlenet account from selling some old Wow gametime tokens since i don't play Wow since 2015. Is it worth buying Destiny 2 ? Haven't played 1 .