>Dormammu, Firebrand, Venom confirmed. Leak is 100% correct, pic related is roster

>Chun li face fixed. Spencer, Cap, Chris, and Dante still potato

>Story is some overarching dual-sided plot around getting stones to stop ultron and also keeping Jedah/Doramammu from conquering the world


Other urls found in this thread:

shittiest roster I've ever seen.

Where are all the darkstalker characters?

Jedah and Morrigan.

There are just as many Darkstalkers as there are G&G or Street Fighter Characters.

You're really caustic to the FGC trying to kill our games before they are even out.

Where is Gene, Nero, Asura, Leon, Xmen, Vergil, a DMC4 Dante, Carnage...

UMVC3 was great, this is just shit.

Where are felicia, talbain, hsien ko and lilith?

"Our games".
Fuck off you fucking Muslim. I am not in any "Community", I just play what I like. MVC3 was great, Tekken 7 is great, Soul Calibur 5 was great, MKX was decent...this roster is just shit. Which is a shame, because it looks like it has decent gameplay, but you can't compete against shitty roster + shitty art style and music.

>Soul Calibur 5 was great
it was fun but it's not a good game

>Marvel vs Capcom game without X-Men
It's like if Smash Bros 5 didn't have the Mario cast. Fuck Disney.

Had decent gameplay and netcode, good artstyle too. That's more than you can say about this shitty game.

>Had decent gameplay and netcode
you didn't play it

nobody likes the X-men anymore.

I did. Meter-dependent GI was shit but I had good Internet so that's that.

You forgot symbiote suit is just a recolor

Well duh nigga, of course Parkers Symbiote suit is a recolor.

>Venom confirmed

Yeah, as DLC.

Can't wait for UMvCI whose selling point is "Dante doesn't look like a crackhead anymore"

And anyway, we already know the final launch roster.

Not in mvc3 where it is an actual accurate design

>Gamora instead of she hulk because they're tying to push their fucking lame ass movies


>we have to support it even if it's shit because FGC
You're the problem here, not us

What happened to Monster Hunter...

>No blade

MvC is still the best game.


what you mean the suit is a little darker and the spider a little sharper?

Instead of adding Spencer we could've had Gunrock.
Instead of adding Gamora we could've had fucking Blade.

Chris looked fine in the trailer though

Spider is bigger

Yeah because that's literally what it's supposed or be

Shit function that Black Panther does better, Furry Ryu, gimmick projectile character that was lowest tier character in 3, and literally a reskin with no tits

I'd take the gamora switch but only if Cap Marvel stays and Ms. Marvel comes in too.

Hell that'd even be ok because 30 damn characters is fucking stupid.

Looks like Dr. Light is not as benevolent as I thought!

>Shit function that Black Panther does better
anytime someone says this or "black panther should be a wolverine clone" it pisses me off.

>no signs of monster hunter as a playable character
Im scared guys

And it's female.

How did they fuck the faces so bad in this game? Was it given to interns?

Blame MCU for not knowing what they are shilling anymore

>no phoenix wright
fucking dropped

Marvel Studios doesn't do shit with the rest of the other Marvel departments.

>wanting phoenix to be in the game with a painted on face and being able to spam objections with his Box Infinity Stone

In mvc3 the symbiote suit was the one from the comics you retard this game with its huge story mode could not even have the deceny to give him anything more then a color swap even though the symbiote is a minor plot point in the story

It is DMC4 dante, white hair and all
Just got his face smashed in is all

Capcom either have the western VA voice with the lip movement or animated with the Western voices

Are you going to pick up this game day one Sup Forums?

Its already obvious they dont care about this game so why put in the effort for their shitty story?

Can you add a side by side of the one in the trailer I want to show my friend how retarded capcom is being

Whats your favorite function? Mine is the claw-based rushdown function. Super fun to play

>only 4 females


Fuck I would have loved that.

Story mode looks pretty solid for a crossover though, I have hopes it might be entertaining.

Because they made a big deal about it yet they can't be assed to give us something an older game did

Mine has to be the Dark_Dimension_Function also like Covered_Wars_Function

So will UMvCI bring back Wright and Akuma?

I also really want to see Asura and Apollo

>can't be assed to give us something an older game did
they gave us a big chunk of MvC3's characters

While also throwing out another chunk of them.

>Announcing pre-order bonuses and season pass content way in advance.

Capcom are such fucking dumbasses, don't they realize you're supposed to keep quiet about this and sneakily announce it close to launch? This is what other publishers do and nobody gets mad.

Christ almighty if you're going to make an image like this, use at least 10% of your brain before you do so.
We evolved from apes for a reason.

>This is what other publishers do
Uh, which ones?

>no Old Man Logan and Miguel O'Hara in the cast

fuck MCU


For this reason I will never not shit on this game and Capcom. These practices should be accepted much less normalized.

Using desires and hype of competitive players to pull the wool over the eyes of the average consumser while they do the same shit as SFxT is vile

How would I know? I already forgot about them.


>furry ryu
i know this is bait, but it is sad that people actually think this.
I hope the FGC and e-sports as a whole dies.
End Capcom as well

>Venom confirmed
I saw symbiotes, not Venom. I'll believe he's on the roster when I see, not before.

but he was literally confirmed to be in the roster

By the leak? Unless there's an official source. I'm just very skeptical over things I'd like to see in games nowadays.

He better show up to fuck with the bad guys. I'd love to see Venom tango with Nemesis. I hate when they shoe horn him in as just a generic villain when Eddie's always been an anti-hero. Except for his hatred for Spidey which itself has become more of a sort of friendly rivalry.

They are story mode models. MKX did it too

At this point, and with how companies have neglected fan demanded characters in the past, I would not be surprised if Venom wasn't in the base roster or DLC. That's how retarded everthing is nowadays.

Hes DLC.

>Only 3 females
>No Asura
>No Phoneix Wright
>No Joe
>Everyone looks awful

It's gonna bomb

>>Only 3 females
This is pre-op Captain Marvel

Wait that's female?
Oh my God

I see no mention of him being DLC there.

>no Gene
>No Clover characters at all

>rank 14 and below for beginners league in mvci

hehe we hearthstone now.

that mode is gonna be smurf city

People were shitting on this game enough when they were under the impression from the leak that Monster Hunter and Venom were in the base roster. Making them part of the first DLC pack, when Venom isn't even new to the series like they said all DLC characters would be? Fuuuck Capcom, dead game.

>Only 6 brand new characters in a fucking crossover fighter, the rest are blatantly rehashed wholesale from MvC3
>Remove all the fun/niche characters sans Arthur
>Remove all the X-Men and Doom, even though I acknowledge that isn't Capcom's fault
>Announce day one DLC for the rest of the actually new characters that are even included in the story mode for fucks sake, and should have been in the main roster in the first place

Fuck Capcom and their lazy, greedy bullshit. This game was clearly rushed out the door with the intention of milking the consumer with a barebones full priced game that exists only to peddle DLC.

Anyone who buys into this is a fucking retard.

Venom could be '''new''' if they use the Flash Thompson Venom instead of Eddie Brock.

Ignoring the bait, but

>neither Shulkie nor 'pool are in this
I guess it isn't called MvC4, at least...

Welcome to fighting game sequels.

Sigma and black panther are confirmed to be fought in the story mode, venom too

>while they do the same shit as SFxT
the SFxT hate train was the most retarded bandwagoning I've ever seen and just showed how much the avarage consumer doesn't understand business.

The base game already had way more content than any other fighters at the time but noone cared because people couldn't stittalking how they didn't got even more content and that Capcom dares to charge money for it.

Content is a joke.

I'm hoping for a dmc4 costume dlc

>lazy, greedy bullshit
I wonder when will people realise that Capcom doesn't have the financial stability it had when making MvC3 anymore.

>buy a house
>house a fully functional second bathroom ready to go
>door is locked
>you arn't allowed to access it, despite owning the house and the property it's on, until you pay an additonal fee

Fuck off

If they planned on making a watered down budget title, they should have priced it accordingly and been less blatant about jewing customers with DLC instead of announcing it proudly the day the game was announced.

MvCI is seriously one of the worst marketed games I've ever seen. Capcom deserves all of the shit they're getting flung at them.

Was the second bathroom part of the listing for the house?

I saw someone on Twitter saying Jedah was a waste of a slot because he's "Darkstalkers' Ryu clone." What is it with people who know absolutely nothing about Darkstalkers but insist on running their mouths about it?

it had like 40 fully fledged SF tier characters and a lot of game modes WHILE actually looking/sounding good

avarage fighters either launch with 15-25 characters OR have undetailed characters /weak graphics

it's a shame the stupid gem sistem really damaged the gameplay but on a casual level SFxT should have deserve a lot of praise from consumers, yet it just got it's reputations completely destroyed and the game flopped

Do these people even know what Ryu does?

Sure. But no one in their right mind would buy that house, or defend the realtor trying to peddle it.

Then why did this house get purchased?

Because this is a hypothetical metaphor.

That's exactly the fucking retarded mentality you should get out of your head

what you don't understand in the concept that you've already got a good product for your money's worth?

Is that leaked scummy E-SPORTS-Sports-sports proposal video still up anywhere or have the Capcops completely scrubbed it from the internet?

If it was a good product, they wouldn't have halfassed the roster as bad as they did. 6 new characters in a crossover fighter, the main draw of these kinds of games, is fucking pathetic. Locking six additional ones behind a paywall is just rubbing salt in the wound.

People in the real world don't give a shit about "functions", and that list of characters they blatantly rehashed from UMvC3 is anti-hype.

And that is why this game WILL fail.