

great you can play botw and.... bomberman? in the bus

>roastie uses a console for children
like pottery

Found the mgtow fag

Useless junk indeed

For serious, though, why aren't guys allowed to wear purses? It's literally just a midsize bag for carrying shit.

get a messenger bag, more useful than a purse

Found the tumblr snowflake

Get a fanny pack you fag.

Faggot alert

...a fanny pack is way more fagalucious than a purse.

Try a briefcase

Are you serious? A fanny pack is just one step below a cargo belt and cargo belts are pure Liefeld manliness

>he thinks wearing something called a fanny pack isn't for total fucking faggots

waist fedora

Do Americans really do this?

found two sexually frustrated virgins

>tips dick

there are plenty of manpurses out there

Only Chad's can pull off the fan pack. A bunch of wrestlers started wearing them and so all their scrawny and fat fans started wearing it not knowing they look like faggots.


wow someone who was not the op is even a bigger faggot.

>it sounds gay therefore it is gay
Only an American would use the name of an object to attribute characteristics to it. Get the fuck out.


Is PS4 the official console of /r9k/?
Because if so, I'd like to stay as far away from Sonyfags as possible.

Wearing a fanny pack makes you basically an outlaw and people can legally kill you

i need this but with the switch dog

Whaddup Sup Forums, back at you with another thread

this is LOW.....

You mean there are horny sluts on XBox Live? Where can I find them?

like i said, useless junk





>a thread died for this

How's your dying masculinity, Eurocuck?



Kind of looks like Taylor Swift with a shitty chinstrap

I saw a fat guy wearing a fedora use one in one of my class. He brought out an iPad and a stylus to take notes.

> muslim convert
> interested in marxism


Briefcases are bulky and inconvenient. You can't just reach into a briefcase with it on your shoulder. It's great for ferrying documents and laptops, not storing things in a convenient, portable space.

>it's not porn
Nice, usually I'm disappointed in these kinds of dumps

Get a backpack then you fucking faggot.


Too bad all this sjw shit started in america



Is that bad?

>grey asexual, panromantic, neurotypical, psychology student, muslim

This is what mental illness looks like.

I could ask the same thing. Your whole country just cried over the death of a communist.

Sup bitches.

If she doesn't need to eat why does she have teeth
or a tongue
or a mouth at all
or forward facing eyes


sonic mania :^)

If you don't understand you probably have autism.

What is it with eurocucks and their unhealthy obsession with America? I don't even give any european countries a second thought in my daily life but every time they see something that offends them in the slightest they start frothing at the mouth and blaming America

It didn't though. This shit came from marxist kike professors in mostly England and France and spread to America.

Because Sci-fi authors are fucking hacks


More like
>Tips tiny dick

I don't get it. They aren't wrong. In fact they just proved that person correct.

You can't reach into a backpack with it on your back.

Why are nerd girls always so cancerous?

This thread isnt going to be around much longer my dude, lets get the sauce, iqdb cant figure it out


He literally posted the first page with the title in english. Fucking learn how to read you fuck.

>Frankfurt School
>whole country
Nigger this is the country that elected Donald J. Trump the leader of the free world.

Americans are fucking autistic when it comes to words.

Not an argument, normalshit.



>Nigger this is the country that elected Donald J. Trump the leader of the free world.
Even Trump had to condemn the killing of that commie.

I saw a fat guy with a fedora wearing shoes a few weeks ago, I've gone completely barefoot since then

Well the U.S. kind of is fucking things up for everyone else and has been since their inception so...

Because we don't need it? The reason women carry purses around is so they can carry with them tampons and make up. What does a guy need besides his wallet?


>why do women carry purses
No one has ever asked this question. Everyone who isn't literally retarded is aware you wear makeup, spend 15% of your life bleeding from your genitals, and wear clothes too tight to make pockets practical.


I've been carrying around a messenger bag for years now.
Some people here would say I shouldn't be doing that either but I don't give a fuck, it's convenient.

Nintendo 3DS

The great irony of this anti-American obsession is that it aggravates the evil that it aims to extirpate, namely the go it-alone impulse famously ascribed to the U.S. By criticizing the Americans whatever they do, on every occasion--even when they are completely right--Europeans (we are not alone in this, but we lead the dance) compel Americans to disregard our objections--even when we are right. The American reflex, conditioned by the constant avalanche of anathemas coming at them, causes them to keep thinking: "They're always blaming us, so why consult them at all? We already know they'll vilify us."

And so America's enemies and allies alike, valuing animosity toward the U.S. over influence on her, condemn themselves to impotence. In the process they strengthen the American superpower.


Then that goes in to your other pocket.

that's what a messenger or laptop bag is for retard. what all do you need to carry around?

Because the US is the only country stomping around trying to maintain a colonial empire, and they're dragging the rest of NATO around forcing them to help them.
