Seems like most of the problems at launch is fixed now.
What does Sup Forums think of this game at it's current state?
You still can't pirate it so 90% Sup Forums of hasn't played it.
Honestly I've enjoyed what I've played of it. The launch on PC was kinda shit but it's pretty well polished now.
I'd buy the damn game at full price if not for
>Windows 10
That's the only downside to the new play anywhere shit. Even dismissing that W10 itself is shit, the store has been pretty fucking awful for me.
FH1 was better and the music it's fucking garbage, other than that it's pretty fun but i'm not playing it again until i can get my own music into onedrive shit.
>Bought the ultramrmegagold edition on the windows store
>error ocurred, you will be refunded...
>the game is broken into diffirent apps in the store
>still get all the dlcs plus the game, exept the gold edition "app"
>download all at release saving 100 usd
Yes you can. OpusDev cracked it
Is it still priced above every other game?
Does it still run like shit?
unless you play every racing game out there, dont
game is riddled with microtransaction and shitty networking, everything online related involves 10 minutes loading time, and you cant cheat engine and get cars even if you only play sp, so a lot of time will be wasted grinding stuff and watching loading screens in auction store
Might run like utter shit on my PC (1060,4690k,8gb), although I might have fixed the FPS issues last time I played it. However I already pay for Spotify and I don't feel like giving Microsoft more of my money so I can't have a custom soundtrack and that's a major factor in me not launching that game again anytime soon.
Hoping that Forza Horizon 4 will set in Japan.
>Seems like most of the problems at launch is fixed now.
You are like 5 months late.
>. OpusDev cracked it
Bypass* and it doesn't have the performance patch nor the DLCs.
More like
>Windows Store
for me. Fuck that piece of shit. Put it on Steam or don't bother, MS.
is it better than 1/2?
also can I use a wheel with 1 on xbox one yet?
Just download the demo
It's amazing how people spend tens of hours to create shit like that
What's wrong with the store? I never had any issues with it
I bought an xbone so I wouldn't have to deal with GFWL 2: Electric Boogaloo and it has been pretty chill
>need to justify his purshase
Did they fix the bug where you can only play it on Windows 10? I don't want all that always-on telemetry.
I understand 7 is old now, but it should at least be playable on 8/8.1.
UWP is Windows 10 only. 8.1 is complety shit compared to windows 10. I understand when it's 7 but people who have 8/8.1 over 10 are retarded.
you get telemetry in 8/8.1 too silly
Try using it with LUA disabled (UAC).
Still has a number of performance problems, get heavy frame drops in the city and rendering issues when I take any car over 400 kph, this on a GTX980. It's not entirely unplayable, but it's far from perfect.
There used to be a way to use your own music through the game by making an offline groove music folder, but I think that got patched out, sucked cause it used to do all the post processing shit that the inbuilt music channels did, like when you enter a festival or go through a cave or tunnel.
I have a cheap pc and I can play it on high with 30+fps and medium at 60 fps , never had any fps issues.
gtx 960 4gb
amd 8320
Bought it with all dlc recently. Expensive as fuck. I'm guessing these games hold their value.
I really just got it so I can drive around in anime itasha cars.
I bought it since launch because always wanted to play a forza game on PC, but I still have some perfomance issues even after all the updates, and play a racing game at 30 fps sucks.
Thats ArRy86 right? Got any other storefronts to follow?
I bought it in the recent 50% off sale, it's very fun and runs ok on my garbage toaster. The only thing I'm pissed about is that I can't connect to multiplayer for some retarded reason so I miss out on getting Forzathon cars that way. Last time I enjoyed an open-world racer was when Burnout Paradise launched.
I can get 54fps on 1440p with all settings on ultra on an rx480.
Any Xbox one user here? Apparently one copy of digital FH3 can be played on PC and Xbone one with different independent profiles (and those 2 users can play multiplayer together).
I am planing to do same with FM7, I have read that with gift cards the standard edition of game costs 42€, so I'm looking for some trustworthy Xbox One user to buy game with me for 21€ or I could let play my FH3 Ultimate edition with 2 expansion packs for access to FM7.
You can just upload your own music files into a music folder on Onedrive and just play those via Groove. No need to pay a cent.
Importing your own music into Groove still works like said, I used it last night.
Another option would be to set your in-game radio music to the lowest setting and use your own media player instead. This way you still get access to Skill Songs while listening to your own music.
>4k HDR trailer in 24 hours
Horizon 3 is the best game Microsoft has pushed out in like 5 years. Runs kinda meh on my PC so i bought a Xbox One S and gotta say digital copies working on both is a cool idea
I have both games and would love to help you out but I'm really uneasy about gamesharing. You should try the xboxone subreddit.
Do i need to use the groove app or can i access them via the in-game station
Play Anywhere is fucking great. I work on the road alot and having my Fable Fortune work on my laptop in hotels is top notch.
Do you speculate there will be a 3rd location expansion or will FH3 only have car packs until FM7 takes over?
Pro beats me down so bad but I don't want to lower it and make it way too easy so I don't play it much.
Turn10 is currently working on a new IP for Microsoft that has nothing to do with Forza. It was a surprise we even got 2 new locations with Snow Mountain and Hot Wheels.
I thought Playground was the one working on the new thing
O, shit maybe. I got them confused.
I want to play it but it's windows store only and never gets discounted, plus my CPU is kind of old and I only have 8gb of ram.
It's been awhile since I last played but here is what I got:
I get 120-130 fps at 1440p with a 7700K and a 1080Ti.
The game is amazing, it's just impossible to do a race without getting rammed full speed when you slow down for a corner.
street racing please.
I would love this. Tokyo nightlife, downhill mountain races, eurobeat radio stations.
Is the game locked to 60, or is it possible to go even higher?
You can lock it to 30/60 or uncap the framerate, works just fine at 144hz. Need a pretty beefy rig for it to actually stay there though. 60’s not an issue after the performance patch a few months ago.
>until i can get my own music into onedrive shit.
You can do that though. Copy music you want into the onedrive music folder and make a playlist with groove music. Select that playlist in FH3 and you have your own eurobeat radio station.
>never gets discounted
It was half price 2 weeks ago
>tfw the original (and comfiest) open world series will never come back
>while MS shits out a third installment for W10
m-maybe the Crew 2 will be alright?
Considering what the physics looked like in their demo, I don't have high hopes for The Crew 2. This is coming from someone who played through the first one, and had top tier cars.
You can unlock the framerate, it's a shame they didn't add 120/144 caps though.