why can't we politely discuss vidya related thing we are interested in? if you personally don't like something, at least let other people have fun talking about it
Well,what vidya related thing would you like to discuss?
Elijah Bennett
every time I want to discuss something, console war happens
people want to ruin everything as soon as possible
for what purpose?
Joshua Campbell
I dunno. People like to shitpost I guess. Everyone here is anonymous so there's no repercussions for acting like a jackass.
Camden Miller
It's honestly not that bad
Christopher Thompson
Nothing new or exciting will ever be made with the metal gear series. People will just get salty about the Kojima shit. Survive looks fun, I just don't some corporate shitfest to be involved :(
Eli Thompson
user is an asshole
Evan Price
the worst. open your eyes
Carter James
Why would you discuss video games? That sounds autistic and pathetic as fuck.
Carter Jenkins
The issue is not the community on Sup Forums but how Game companies brainwashed people who play games.
PC players get upset when Console developers hold games hostage and force you to buy inferior hardware just to play a game you like at sub 30 fps and sub optimal graphics settings. Causing the fox and grapes effect.
While console players get brainwashed by console marketing in to thinking how they have the ultimate gaming experience which in turn makes them feel special for having special games only they can enjoy because they payed an entry fee for the special hardware. This also makes them angry when former exclusives or theoretical exclusives suddenly get announced as multi plats or coming to PC mamkign the game seam less special and fealing special is literally all the have at this moment in the gaming industry considering consoles no longer have any advantage over PC seeing as you have day 1 installs and patches just to play the game.
Zachary Bennett
I blame the people who give shitposters attention. Seriously the best way to not let your thread get derailed is to not acknowledge them, but of course people have no restraint, or they're so bored with the actual discussion that shitposting is more interesting to them. A sad state of affairs really.
Anthony Walker
But my system and favorite game is objectively better than your console and favorite game. I can't let a single minute pass without making sure you understand this. Doing this takes away time from playing my favorite game on my system, so I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making.
Nolan Brooks
>liking video games laughinggirls.jpg
I bet he even BUYS video games as well.
Alexander Williams
aaand that's the way the cookie crumbles
Sebastian Taylor
Because of poorfags. They can't afford games or their PC's too shit so they go full sour grapes and shitpost against everything except the few games they actually own.
Jordan Jones
>he doesn't know about piracy looks like you're the poorfag here.
Jordan Russell
because 16 year old americans and europeans love to put their anger in Sup Forums People like this are the cancer of the world
Hudson Taylor
>or their PC's too shit lrn 2 read. Poorfags play emulated games from 15 years ago on shitty laptops.
Camden Morris
>complains about lack of conversation >contributes nothing Don't complain if you're not doing anything to make it better.
Brayden Gonzalez
>Make a comfy video game thread: 0 replies >waifu bait: 250 replies >*blocks your path": 230 replies >Is 2B a cute?: 340 replies
Jayden Long
This is Sup Forums, full of underaged edgy little shits , brainless shitposters and sad, jaded subhumans If you want to talk about video games, go to neogaf or something like this
Andrew Murphy
>go to neogaf You are in Sup Forumseogaf already
Oliver Murphy
that is the point of this thread
you can't contribute anything good here because every thread gets derailed by trolls and shitposters
Ethan Thompson
Emma Stone looks like a monster
Parker Perry
My favorite video game is Silent Hill 2. What is your favorite video game guys?
Camden Ramirez
The devil bypass blush, lipstick and paint
Logan Jones
That doesn't happen nearly as often as you and everyone else in this thread are implying. Trolls and shitposters are usually a minority and can be easily ignored.
Thomas Ward
Conflict breeds discussion. If you can't take the heat, don't play with fire.
Ethan King
Because your opinions are bad and you should feel bad!
Hunter Stewart
I don't have a favorite game, I can't simply choose one among many
James Miller
if you want serious discussions go to reddit, im not joking about that either
Carson Wright
not true, user. it is a serious problem
Wyatt Lopez
r/gaming is bad.
Ian Hill
Chase Lewis
Some people just like watching things burn
Lincoln Sanders
>this is the average Sup Forums user in 2017 i think this answers your question OP
Angel Bennett
it's a hugbox
Jason Fisher
I do not enjoy the posts and conversations there.
Jose Miller
Carter Gray
Everyone shitting on everyone is much better than having you account forever associated with a comment you made that didn't go along with the hivemind. You're literally not allowed to have an individual opinion on reddit.
Austin Anderson
neither is Sup Forums, go to any 3x3 thread. its literally just the same games being posted over and over again
Ian Flores
>You're literally not allowed to have an individual opinion on reddit. Why are you lying?
I go to r/gaming and I see stuff like a picture of some video games and the comment "Done adulting for today" and I want to tell that guy off and that he said something stupid. But there are hundreds of people in a mass group agreeing/upvoting/commenting on how much they like his post and if I tell him off my account now gets into trouble. Here on Sup Forums that exact same post gets made and I can tell the guy off and state how I don't like his post freely. That is one example of why r/gaming is a terrible place.
Benjamin Wright
There's a million such places on the internet already. If that is what you want, you can find it elsewhere.
This is where people argue about videogames.
Leo Lewis
No place allows discussion in the manner this place does. That doesn't mean you need to always argue. Sup Forums without shitposting would not be the same thing as going to a forum or reddit.
Jaxon Mitchell
What do you want? A place where no disagreement can publicly be uttered? Then fuck off back to the rotten Facebook echo chamber group you come from. There are more than enough places on the web to find that.
Sup Forums is great, because you will always be confronted by someone who disagrees with you. You learn that your opinion is only one of many and that it may not be absolutely correct. That you need to check your opinion for flaws, and that you need to present your own opinion convincingly. That's what makes Sup Forums awesome.
Gabriel Wilson
>that you need to present your own opinion convincingly. No you don't. You can just state your opinion and call everyone else a retard you fucking retard.
Nolan Taylor
>>No place allows discussion in the manner this place does.
Yes, and that's because in other places they listen to people like you.
Aaron Torres
You can try that, but don't expect many people to reply to your posts, or even read them.
John Mitchell
I dunno OP, I enjoyed the early Persona 5, BotW and Splatoon threads I'm currently playing through the best games of the GBA and having a blast. Which Megaman Zero game is the best btw?
Mine's Earthbound
>This is Sup Forums, full of underaged edgy little shits , brainless shitposters and sad, jaded subhumans >however, this excludes me, the only enlightened person within the masses
Jordan Collins
thats me but I dont shitpost about games I cant play , I just like to talk about the games I can actually play
Tyler Thompson
>>If you want to talk about video games, go to neogaf or something like this
go to neogaf if you want to talk about how much you love sony
go to reddit and find a sub that likes what you like to talk about how much you like it
Sup Forums is where idiots go to argue, the rest of the internet is where idiots go to agree with similar idiots
Jace Collins
And who's gonna make money on those replies...come on you can do it rub your brain cells just a little harder.
Camden Davis
Where do you go, oh so enlightened one.
Charles Cook
Sup Forums, because I'm dumb as hell and I like to argue
Dominic Gray
waaaah...they always destroy my sandcastles.
Brayden Diaz
peace leads to boringness
Aiden Brown
Everyone thinks they're too intelligent for the rest while always having a snarky personality due to anonymity. In an environment like that it's hard to discuss things.
Cameron Nelson
Luke Brown
this, kind of. if you pay attention to the shitposters that's all you'll see. try paying attention to the people who are actually talking about the game instead of replying to faggots. 90 percent of shitposting is falseflagging anons under 60 layers of irony replying to each other anyways because decent modern vidya worth discussion is so few and far between and everything else has already been discussed to death.
Jayden Flores
It's just sonyfags ruining every thread.
Robert Hill
>pussyfooting around in order to not hurt feelz >discussion pick one
Leo Hughes
i can't respect a moron's opinion im sorry
Evan Wilson
Notice how no worthwhile conversation took place at all in that pic. It took them four panels just to state that they either liked/disliked a game.