this, kind of. if you pay attention to the shitposters that's all you'll see. try paying attention to the people who are actually talking about the game instead of replying to faggots. 90 percent of shitposting is falseflagging anons under 60 layers of irony replying to each other anyways because decent modern vidya worth discussion is so few and far between and everything else has already been discussed to death.
Seriously, why can't we be friends?
Luke Brown
Jayden Flores
It's just sonyfags ruining every thread.
Robert Hill
>pussyfooting around in order to not hurt feelz
pick one
Leo Hughes
i can't respect a moron's opinion im sorry
Evan Wilson
Notice how no worthwhile conversation took place at all in that pic. It took them four panels just to state that they either liked/disliked a game.