I used to look up to Egoraptor as an inspiration for my drawing but now I feel he isn't worthy of the Egoraptor handle...

I used to look up to Egoraptor as an inspiration for my drawing but now I feel he isn't worthy of the Egoraptor handle. Arin is a fucking sellout who rejected his talent for cheap fame in the laziest way possible. I could forgive it if he at least still drew stuff but he's even neglected that. Oney recently went onto a podcast and said he does a lot of other things alongside recording LPs, and he puts out as much videos as Arin does for Grumps. This basically confirms that Arin is nothing more than a lazy sack of shit and I'm disgusted to ever have looked up to him.

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Why wouldn't you find real people to look up to

>you can only look up to one person

What the fuck does he even do anymore?

Consider it a wake up call, user.

Is he a sellout though? He's said numerous times he's always just wanted to do whatever makes him money. Game Grumps made him money.

It's even crazier when you remember that tweet he made saying that he'd rather die than become a lets player

Meh. No one is perfect and Arin is no doubt pretty damn retarded a lot of the time, but I still kind of respect him all things considered. For all his flaws he has still managed to build something of an empire. But most of all, he hasn't built it just for himself. He made sure to be able to include all of his friends on it too and he certainly didn't need to. I respect that.

>people is singular

In this context, I think it's implied plural.