Has Sup Forums ever tricked you into buying a game that was objectively bad?

Has Sup Forums ever tricked you into buying a game that was objectively bad?

>steam wallet


no because im a human bean


>he gets influenced by Sup Forums
How does it feel to have such weak mind?

Well opinions are subjective and I value my own over Sup Forums's, so no.

>he doesn't sell the meme trading cards


all memes aside Sup Forums convinced me STALKER was a good game and bought all 3 of them. Never listened to Sup Forums again.

Pre ordered original Bioshock

Hated it. Only occurence I can think of.


Sup Forums hates anything that's actually good and circle jerks really shitty games nobody ever heard of. Don't listen to anyone on this board

Those were great games at the time they came out.

Same as above.
Only muh nostalgia game that actually still holds pretty good is Deus Ex because of the unmatchable atmosphere this game still has.

Sup Forums has been shitting on this trash non stop, the only threads that had some appearance of shilling for it were obviously ironical. Too bad you're retarded.

The absolute state of PC gaming...

Also consoles is cod and battlefield so it's not much better

I almost want to buy it and log in to help it overtake Dota 2.

Maybe then valve will release a game somebody wants. (top Kek)

>Those were great games at the time they came out.
that was at a time where 3d open world games and peoples autism were at it's peak. nothing had really set a standard so you thought the clunky and tedious STALKER games were good when in reality people were just thirsty.

If you use this place as a primary factor in what you should buy, then you deserve anything that happens to you.

>muh microtransactions

Steam really was a mistake...


is PUBG e sports a thing yet?

please say no

you don't like it =/= objectively bad. this has been a public service announcement for you and the rest of Sup Forums

yep, they already hold tourneys for it and everything.

Not exclusively this by this board but TNO and Doom were both fucking trash and I still see people defending them here...

Not bad, but so many dead fighting games.

Have I learned my lesson? Probably not.

The only things that make a game objectively bad are bugs, replay-ability/longetivity and how well it runs. PUBG fails at two of these.


wow, game shilled by ecelebs is shitty

who could have guessed

let me guess, leaf?

How could Sup Forums trick you into buying a game that is bitched about constantly here?

5% bitching 95% shilling

What is the Switch

Not OP but most of the time I buy games Sup Forums dislike because people here is just a bunch of contrarians, btw I liked PUBG


oh yea i guess the cult following for the game runs on memes.

>bought Code of Princess on 3DS
>it's total and complete shit

Just goes to show that when people play exclusively on Nintendo platforms, they're so starved for good games that they'll hail turds as nuggets of gold.

>dude just try it
>it's amazing
refunded after 30 min

There's no such thing as objectively bad because what's bad and good is all based on perspective.

Yes. Dark souls 1 and 2. Total of 12 minutes of playtime between the two before hitting the refund button.

Should just call it sonic adventures with the amount of rolling you do.

They don't care. They get 20 cents from every sold key. Plus market fees.

Sup Forums tries to daily trick me into buying this shit. But I'm not stupid.

Surely you aren't this stupid. If a game is a buggy mess (Watch Dogs on release) then it's objectively bad. I'd argue that games where nothing happens most of the time are also objectively bad. DayZ, for example. Running for an hour to get somewhere isn't gameplay.


>hated the original bioshock


You'd think so, but no

>thinking nobody wants artifact

I'm screenshotting this post and writing down your ip so I can btfo in 2018