Is Bloodborne the best game of all time?

Is Bloodborne the best game of all time?

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If you are the average nigger with a IQ lower than 90 yeah it must be

Not even close

It's the best game of this gen but only artificially.

Shit controls.

Can't see shit.

Bloodborne is 7/10 game objectively, I wish it wasnt a exclusive so everyone could see how mediocre it is

Game of the decade contender

Nope, Dark Souls 2 baybee!

Hwta makes Bloodborne good again?

Its below average for an action game

>world design
Dark Souls is better

Dark Souls is better

I dont get it

>Eyeballs inside a gaping mouth with row of mismatching teeth surrounding it.

Reminds me of one bad mushroom trip I had once, everything covered in teeth and hair.

The rest of your points could be argued, but;

Dark Souls is better

No way in hell

its far better and not even a contest

I think you just have shit taste

Use a different renderer.

>below average combat
Wrong. It's decent but nothing special, yeah.
>dark souls has better OST
Nope. Dark Souls 3's is better though.

Yes. If you think otherwise you are the average nigger with an IQ below 89.

Ludwig shits on them all, try again mustardrace.

Not that hard boss. First half is piss easy, just go directly below in front of him and spam R1. Even when he attacks roll in front of him.

1) literally nothing in any of these games is har
2) they are discussing music not the muh difficulty of a boss

Gehrman's theme is better than anything the Dark Souls series has ever come up with

Fuck off with this shit game.

Does anyone honestly think Dark Souls 2 or 3 can compare to Bloodborne?

Serious question, both felt much weaker as games.

FRC HMPH (the pthumeru guy who attacks quickly and does the hmph noise at every attack) is pretty hard.

I dunno, Bloodborne feels more linear and bosses are way too often misses.


I dont even have a PC stupid nigger, PS4 is my main platform and BB is simply not that good

Bloodborne is a mediocre action game not a Souls game, of course you cant compare it

I'd say BB and DaS 3 are about the same regarding linearity. What do you mean by bosses being misses?

I'm playing right know, nearly near the end and doing DLC, but bosses so far were mostly disappointing. Rom, Witches, Old Reborn, these three dudes. Honestly, these unique fights at random places are more challenging than these.
DS3 bosses left stronger impression.

See? I can do the same stupid shit with Dark Souls.

this nigger has clearly never listened to Gehrmans, Ludwigs or Laurences OST

sure thing mustardw

Why are you calling me a nigger when BB shills are literally the ones confirmed niggers? I just have good taste in music unlike you

Dark Souls is shit too, what's your point?

I honestly think Dark Souls 3 is better than Bloodborne in almost every way.
It's true that it's not a very imaginative game, but nothing about it is as visually repetitive as Yharnam

I like BB more but I also think the bosses after Amelia aren't great. Rom, witches, one reborn these kind of slow bosses just don't fit into bloodborne. Fast paced fights like Blood starved beast or Gascoigne are way more fun.
I haven't fought every boss in DaS 3 yet but I can already say that DaS 3 also has meh-ish to bad fights: the big tree with the arm and the 3 gorillion guys in the cathedral (even though they had nice OST) weren't really fun. Yhorm the giant the dragon in the archdrake area were memefights: either do 1/2000 of their HP or do the hidden technique and 1 to 3 shot them. I also think the crystal magician (forgot his name, pretty early boss) and Aldritch were alright at best, reading the cool stuff about Aldritch and then seeing him just fireing a gorillion projectiles was a bit disappointing.

you misspelled Dark Souls 1

friendly reminder to remind yourself that those who say Bloodborne isn't the best souls game are either

a. salty mustards
b. salty xboners

A third person action game will never be amongst the best games of all time it's just too limited as a genre.

This. Objectively at least in the top 5.

No but its pretty great

>only half of the game is good

Tumblrbait is never good.



>tfw half of Dark Souls 1 is greater than the entirety of Bloodborne
also stop parroting what you hear on the internet kid.

not even better than Demon's Souls lmfao

why do people like this gay opera shit? it made me laugh out loud when i got to his second phase for the first time. the best track in Bloodborne is Gerhman's theme, without question.

Bloodborne is more like berserk than every single other souls game combined.

Gehrmans is the best of all time yes

but Ludwigs is god tier too you absolute plonker

Nah but it's damn fine

wow great sounds like sex to my ears. theres a reason opera shit out and died hundreds of years ago you tasteless plebeian

It was great but the flaws are hard to overlook.

>theres a reason opera shit out and died hundreds of years ago you tasteless plebeian


Top three, definitely.
I like the enemy and location progression, how you get introduced to weirder and weirder enemies and lore throughout.

I thought it was a werewolf hunting game set in some fictional Victorian England when I started it. Boy was I wrong.

I really liked the Ludwig fight and the OST. The swings often fitting with the music was almost like a dance in contrast to the wild beast from the first phase.
But I still think Gehrman is better, he may be easier because of parrying, but I like him the most.

it is

No. It's an obove average action rpg with select rather cool designs and some impressive production values but it's not the best game of all time.

I can't beat ludwig

I don't know if I'm underleveled or bad or both. Its NG+ and I'm level 100 using ludwigs holy blade and that nigger just turns my asshole inside out every time.

>world design
>dark souls is better
Uh, no

Nah, the positives vastly outweigh the negatives

can you make it to phase 2?
Phase 1 you should dodge diagonally forwards through his attacks to get under him and cut him up. When he tramples, unlock the camera and roll under him (towards his hind legs) so you come out behind him, and he usually wont hit you with the second stomp. When he jumps in the air and stays up there, listen for the little shriek he makes right as he starts to drop and roll right then.

To me the only negative things I can say about bloodborne are the chalice dungeons and pvp, both of which are completely optional, although it is a damn shame about how the pvp turned out.

biggest flaws are the performance is below 30fps with stuttering sometimes, and load times kinda suck. Also there are usually some issues with connectivity (as in finding other players) in MP, even though there are tons of other players out there

Level doesn't matter. Post stats and build. Is your LHB upgraded to +10?
You could have a all stats at 30 build that has a higher lvl than a skill build with 40 to 50 vit and 50 skl and the well rounded build would be worse. What matters are your damage stats, vit, runes and gems.

I make it to phase 2 maybe 40% of the time and when I do make it I'm usually almost out of blood vials.

I havent actually attempted it again in quite some time, maybe I'll have another go at it this weekend. I remember my damage output seemed really low. Like I said its NG+ and my holy blade is just normal +10.


>Poor performance
>Shallow rpg elements (bloodgems)
>worse online system than Dark Souls
>Can't rest/teleport from lamps
>No weapon combos
>No option to respec/change appearance
These are my main complaints, I think From nailed the perfect balance for combat with DS3.

I havent actually played the game for a while so I don't remember my exact stats but I know its a quality build that I ran when I first got the game. I always do quality builds on my first playthrough for souls games because I want to try out all the weapons, it wasnt until about 75% into the main game that I realized quality builds fucking suck in bloodborne. Also I know my gems were kind of mediocre because the chalice dungeons either put me to sleep or make me angry.

>no weapon combos
Everything else is a valid points but what the fuck are you talking about there is no combos

Is 5 the best girl of all time?

Quality builds are good for LHB, it has equal and pretty Skl and Str scaling. But NG+ Ludwig will be hard with mediocre gems. There like 20% gems in Mensis dropped by these brain things if you don't want to farm in dungeons, they should be good enough.

When you fight human enemies in DS2/3 you can normally get two hits before they can roll away, I think this is way better for the flow of the combat rather than the hit&run/mashing strategy that we got in BB. Also, I forgot to mention having a ranged parry is way too good and safe considering how easy it is to nail a parry in this game.

Is Gascoigne the best boss in the series?

>Dark souls OST is better
Get a load of this idiot

>Somehow gains no weight above her shoulders or in her arms
I love how delusional people are.

I think the combat in bloodborne lends itself better to its enviornment though, it feels much more frantic and frenzied, almost like you're fighting like a beast

actually I still really like Bloodborne

Or the face.

Low IQ entertainment

The credits theme is so good

The true combo thing is for pvp mostly, but yeah I think the combat is fine despite being a little simplistic, the hunter isn't supposed to be a master martial artist after all.

What if I say Demon's Souls is better user? What then?

Actually, I do think Bloodborne is the best one objectively (because it is, let's be honest), I just personally like DeS more.

Say it with me

Oh ok, if you were talking about pvp then I agree. Bloodborne has none of the mind games that dark souls pvp had, its definitely kind of brainless.

3 is perfection


>tfw did a research on Bloodborne and got A+

>Not Laurence
Git Gud, fag

Im no /fit/fag, but couldnt you make some specialized exercise to keep the fat localized?

10 days

bought bloodborne for sale, thought it was really overhyped so checked it out. Can't play it longer than an hour it's so shit

It's not the best game ever but it is the best Soulsborne game and my personal favorite ever.

>Souls game

Holy shit... why i still attend this board?

>Recovering blood echoes gives you (20-the amount of blood vials you respawned with) blood vials

That's literally all they had to do to fix their shitty new healing system

Would Dark Souls or Bloodborne be a better entry point to the series?

Yes there is actually a tribe in Africa that does something similar

fightting orphan
mom: why is that guy screeming so loud ?

if you prefer dark souls over bloodborne youre a harry potter loving fantasy magic(k) witches and wardrobe wearing world of warcraft player

the fact people even compare the two emphasize how a buffoon has become president in the united states and how things like weapon skins are thriving in the videogame industry.


wear your glasses then nerd

not even close

>give me free stuff

>We want to make the game as frustrating as possible to players who try to persevere

You're right, we should also arbitrarily reduce the player's health by 5% every time they die as well, just gid gud amirite fellow gamer XD

>has to cram his political opinions everywhere