When you realised Fromsoft lost it without dev time being an excuse

>3 phases of a fight where the boss completely regenerates

Literally no other boss before this was this long and tedious, what the fuck happened?

Git gud scrub.

This is the best boss

one of the best boss fights in the series and the best boss fight in ds3

>tfw got her on 2nd try
I know I probably got lucky but I'll chalk this up to my years of experience in Souls games

Me on the left

Its the same as gael or the orphan of kos or ludwig. Its the exact same thing. They have one health bar but you might as well consider it 3 because they have so much health. Would you rather it have one constant health bar but you do very little damage. Autism m8

Literally the best boss in the series.

When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.
Thou’rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course…

There's something about the way Ariandel reacts after you kill Friede the first time that really gets me.

Even sword dog didn't hit me this hard