>3 phases of a fight where the boss completely regenerates
Literally no other boss before this was this long and tedious, what the fuck happened?
>3 phases of a fight where the boss completely regenerates
Literally no other boss before this was this long and tedious, what the fuck happened?
Git gud scrub.
This is the best boss
one of the best boss fights in the series and the best boss fight in ds3
>tfw got her on 2nd try
I know I probably got lucky but I'll chalk this up to my years of experience in Souls games
Me on the left
Its the same as gael or the orphan of kos or ludwig. Its the exact same thing. They have one health bar but you might as well consider it 3 because they have so much health. Would you rather it have one constant health bar but you do very little damage. Autism m8
Literally the best boss in the series.
When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth.
Thou’rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course…
There's something about the way Ariandel reacts after you kill Friede the first time that really gets me.
Even sword dog didn't hit me this hard
That's not Midir the boring dragon
I started losing hope in this game when I saw that they removed every single new addition ds2 brought to the series and brought back garbage from ds1 like the dusk crown. Then it just went downhill and I couldn't bring myself to fully complete the game even once.
I will never know why they made the backstep worse in this game. It's now useless and serve no practical purpose.
>le wannabe Gehrman
Hypest moment in the Dark Souls series when that happened
>people complained that ds3 was disappointingly easier than the first 2 games and bloodborne
>finally got a boss harder than nameless king, and people get mad
gotta love Sup Forums
The first easy phase actually prepares you for the final phase but obviously the black flame attacks keep it challenging, it's genius boss design.
t. ds3 babby
This! Miyazaki is a master of both anime and vidya design.
what THE FUCK is Ariandel supposed to be some kind of alien?
Didn't Hayao Miyazaki work on Ni No Kuni though?
Not only is this one of the best bosses in the series, it's the best one where you're up against multiple enemies. Literally git gud.
>Can't beat dark souls boss
>post a thread on Sup Forums
This should be a bannable offense
Whether the boss has 1 or 10 lifebars doesn't matter. Total health is all that matters.
I thought nameless king was harder than her.
>bring me my flail
Having to repeat the shitty wyvern phase of NK really ground my gears. I enjoyed all three phases of Friede, though. The intro music is dope.
He's turning into a one of those rotten birds.
It was an excuse for not having the DLC world take longer than an hour to explore. Also it's future proof that Fromsoft forgot they were developing for a Souls game and not Bloodborne.
Kind of sealed my opinion for the game. I have yet to play the final dlc, despite having it installed on my pc.
I have to agree, phase one was too easy but still took a bit of time baiting her into moves (you could go all out and stagger her but she had one hard hitting move that was unstaggerable), then in phase two you had to kite around the big fuck which took forever, then finally get to stage 3 where things got interesting but you had to put in all the time to get there to start learning her stage 3 moves, and if you fucked up time to start all over again. What a fucking bummer
epic my dude