We haven't heard anything about this game since E3. With it being released in just over a week, should we be worried?
We haven't heard anything about this game since E3. With it being released in just over a week, should we be worried?
user, there are two Nintendo Directs coming on Tuesday and Wednesday for Gamescon. Expect news.
I got around to ordering a copy today, so it'd better not succ.
Ubisoft had "Go Big At Gamescom" in their schedule for the game.
Correction, Wednesday and Thursday. I forgot what day it is.
What are you talking about? There has been previews and lots of new trailers released since E3.
The gamestop game almost got me to preorder it, but I'm thinking plenty of people would flip it fast. I actually just bought a used copy of breath of the wild, so it's not an unrealistic expectation.
i liked it but although it has a decent duration it doesnt have much replayability of any
everyone should be worried that this will be the goty because rabbids are fucking awesome
any idea how you get this shit if you buy on the eShop?