It looked pretty polished at E3. What else is there to show?
We haven't heard anything about this game since E3. With it being released in just over a week, should we be worried?
>mfw ubisoft ruins the illustrious rabbids franchise with random italian plumber crossovers
troll post do not reply
They've released trailer and have been giving interviews, they're showing it off as much as they can, and they went big at e3 anyways.
we going to hear somthing resident evil, right?
Woah... Ubisoft has... Learned from... the... Best.
it's just lots of same looking things acting goofy. why are such things so popular? same with minions and probably other stuff that i can't think of
Gamescom my nigga
What ? They released character introduction trailers, gameplay videos, previews, interviews with the Creative Director/staff, what else do you want, the plot of the whole thing printed and sent in your mailbox ?
I haven't heard anything about Directs but if there was one in the near future they'd probably only talk about Revelations 1 and 2 HD since they've been announced for Switch for this Fall