Why arent you playing morrowind with your friends user?

Why arent you playing morrowind with your friends user?

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because humans are faggots





where do you think you are user?

how stable is this shit?
also because i'm playing superior early 2000s games

I don't get to have friends

Why would you ever play that garbage game?

I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy why would I do it to my friend?

It was fan-patched to be ok.

because it's good
you'd understand if you didn't just parrot your favorite eceleb youtubers and actually played it

My """"(((friends)))"""" only play Pubg and CSGO.

Uh, you don't get to bring friends

I got it at launch and was extremely excited for it. It's fucking garbage, fuck off.

because I dont know how to fix the resolution

it runs on OpenMW, not vanilla Morrowind, it has native 4k if you want

sure thing kid

Because I don't care about Morrowind anymore

can some people knowledgeable in morrowind help me please

i am totally new to the game but i am enjoying it, i just finished all of ranis's mage guild quests, i am a conjuer and i am level 2, this feels wrong some how, i feel like ive powered through multiple mages guild quests at too low of a level and now im scared i will become either arch mage at a shit level or get out leveled by creatures on quests

i feel like i am missing quests around the map/place and im unsure what to do, can someone please advise?

ps this game looks great at 1080 and a good view distance

Now you can enjoy THIS with your friends!
They'll soon become enemies!

same thing happens if i use an axe on a mage character with no skill in axes


reeeeaaaally that's that noggin coggin'

>Why arent you playing morrowind with your friends user?

but I am

What is this? Now you can play morrowind with friends?
Is this a multiplayer mode ?

This mod is old and dead and has never worked correctly. Unless this is something new and you're being a fag for not sharing sauce

The mages guild makes you reach certain magic skills before you can proceed further. You'll hit a wall soon. Go to cities and do local quests

Its a new mod that works with openmw

Yeah, the game is bad if you dont play it right

It works fine dipshit

You didn't even crop the stamina bar out you fucking retard


I don't like Morrowind, and I have no friends.

Someone wanna start a Sup Forums server? I would do it but I'm an europoor with shit internet.

the game fucks up severly if you try to play with too many people

How it feels to be Romero's bitch?

how much of a bitch would I be if I installed that mod that makes you level up automatically along your skills instead of needing to sleep and distribute points?

I just can't handle the min maxing element man. In those kind of games I want to min max everything

I always install the +5 stat increase on skill increase, because the minmaxing is just tedious.

I don't have friends ty for reminder

It can still handle around 8-10 with a good server. But this is really designed more for small scale co-op with friends rather than going full Freelancer.

You think your SSE would work with it?
I wanna try coop with Rebirth and SSE

No, because there needs to be script sync, which is the only feature really missing from it.

So I assume Magika/Stamina Regen mods won't work either?

Those would, because stats are already synced.

Oh cool.
Welp time to explore Morrowind with a friend.

What about some "fix" mods like Delayed DB Attack and Solstheim Rumors?
I assume the last one will work bout what bout the first?

Both would work, NPC spawning at least is synchronized. Script sync is all about the end result.

>playing videogames

I've read a little and it appears I should wait till 0.8.0 version
Have you tested this TES3MP what is your opinion bout it?

It's good shit, and miraculous that it has come so far in the first place. But that's the magic of OpenMW for you.

Single cell loaded world akin to Gothic 2


Never played an Elder Scrolls games, despite my love for RPGs.

Should I start with OpenMW?

I've never played Morrowind. Should I wait for Skywind or just play the original?

>the gw2 tier action bar

what does nani mean

Skywind is garbage.

Summoned creatures don't work in Multiplayer it seems; whenever some necromancer summons his 5 Daedra friends they do fuckall making the Necromancer easy prey.

Because it hasn't aged well
Because the controls are shit
Because the combat is terrible

Whats going on with your game? I jad to live under a rock and hadnt heard anything new so far.

GCD and its spinoff mods are actually way better than vanilla when it comes to leveling.

Still being worked on, but money's getting tight, and we might slow things down to work on a side game to help fund it.

Morroblivion actually came out? How did I miss hearing about that?

Ahahahahahhahaahaha Fuck yes

Vanilla is better for now. OpenMW is very far along but there's no advantage to using it over vanilla.

what's the opinion on MGSO?

is it a decent graphic overhaul?

>flailing like a retard with a dagger he probably doesn't even have the skill to use, stamina steadily declining
every time

This is modded, right?


I've always used it, but now that I've been modding for a while I realized its pretty useless. Just get MGE and the MW code patch. Better Bodies is also nice

what does nani mean?


It means "what" in japanese.
Its a meme youtu.be/DoCQfjeWB3o

just daikatana with 1.3 fan patch

>Implying I have friends.
>Implying any of us have friends.

You need to go back.


No new textures? Because it looks excellent.


There's like five tiers of quests in each guild mate, you'll be fine. This ES game forces your character to be talented before it lets you finish a guild line. If you are really that concerned/ bored of the mages guild, try expanding your horizons.
Train in a different school, go exploring, or try and figure out the main quest (which is really well done despite being an ES game.)
The best part of Morrowind is just living in it, it is just that kind of game. The freedom is yours.

I've been to busy playing The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition.

I suggest that another anons should buy it

Will consider Toddardo Howardo

Anyone want to play with someone who has barely touched Morrowind? Looking for fellow noobs to co-op with.

No animefags.

nope thats the base game


Cause I don't like Morrowind at all

How many players per server does it support?
Is it open morrowind?
Let's do a Sup Forums playthrough i'm really depressed.

no thanks weeb

Wow is that what Morrowind is like? Why do people praise this? That combat looks so stupid.

>I start working next week 12 hours a day
>Same anno domini I could be playing hard mode Morrowind with a dozen Sup Forumsermins and take down Dagoth with chitin daggers

>noobing it
That sounds like a pretty awful multiplayer experience tbqh

>not learning the game together with someone and experiencing things first-hand with a friend

I'm going to be soon actually, convinced a friend of mine to get it on steam, waiting for another to get ahold of his computer.

It's probably going to be a fucking distaster, because one of them is gonna want to be a meme archer and fuck over everyone he sees, the other is gonna be trying to hold it together, and I'm going to be trying to fuck over everyone the first guy isn't. Going to be like a roadtrip but in morrowind. And more violent probably.

Yeah but you say that as a noob.
As a seasoned player, I can only imagine how buggy this multiplayer thing is.
It is probably very frustrating, even for vets.

Damn, you sound like a ginormous faggot.

Its about as buggy as minecraft multiplayer

Hes right though.