>think you're almost done with game
>you're only halfway through it
what are some other games that do this?
>think you're almost done with game
>you're only halfway through it
what are some other games that do this?
Mario 3d land and world
pokemon gold and silver. blew my fucking mind when I realised there was a whole second set of gyms and e4
Okami does it like twice.
Dark Souls 2 and Devil May Cry 4
Tales of Symphonia
Kid Icarus Uprising
>Boring long corridors
SOTN had a shit map
based Iwata
Anything from platinum.
You need to replay it like 14 times.
Tales of Phantasia
> hype up boss fight with huge buildup
> kill boss, everyone goes home
> hmmmm nope turns out you're just halfway through the game
>lots of people stopped before synphonia's midpoint so they all think it's just a ffx ripoff
Ghost 'n goblins
>thought it was going to be like Nier where you repeat the same game over and over
>disappointed because the ending was meh
>motherfucking route C preview starts playing
Far Cry 3
Infinite Space kinda does this
>think you're only halfway through a game
>last "half" of the game is far far shorter than the first "half"
What does this?
doesnt count, its you find out you are 1/3 done with it, but you think its haft done, and then you think you are done with it but its really only 2/3 done.
>find out you're only halfway through
>the second half is disappointing and filled with shit level design
>OK,that was a nice, over the top game, felt a bit like Gurren Lagann. I guess now I'll just finish up the post game quests
>What's that? I'm only halfway through the game?
You you explored everything?
Collected everything?
Got used to the controls?
Good! Oh, by the way, it turns out you were kind of the bad guy all along.
Now do everything again.
With a different character.
Who moves differently.
And fights differently.
And has to explore differently.
Well it's not half the game. More like there's a final 1/4th. And it's absolutely terrible.
>go into game completely blind without playing any of the previous games
>finish route A
>tell my buddy "Wow this game was kinda short"
>"You know theres like 2/3 of the game left right?"
Is this why there are so many fags who don't understand that A2 is Best Girl?
She effectively becomes best girl by default
>tell my buddy "Wow this game was kinda short"
>when the game literally tells you it's not over after beating route a
True, I was really surprised that the game was divided in three story arcs. What games do this?
Amazingly they pull the same shit with Infinite. Levine is a hack.
Solatorobo does this best.
What? I was surprised the game had an actual world map at that point, since in other FFs you're walking on that shit within the first hour. But the actual game ending there?
Maybe he thought the first disc was ending there.
But instead, you get a tour of almost the entire planet.
THEN Disc 2.
NieR: Automata
Most of the SMT games
Oh this
>Spikes are the bane of Bunny's existence
>Chelsea just plows through them with zero fucks given
I love how the game went from Castlevania with Metroid elements to Metroid with Castlevania elements.
For many people this was there first FF.
And possibly the first not short game they played.
Back then it was normal for games to be like 3-5 hours long at best.