Could Sup Forums tell me how do they mass produce a game when it's only on one disk...

Could Sup Forums tell me how do they mass produce a game when it's only on one disk? Do they copy the game to hundreds of computers then start burning blurays?

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"Gold Disks" are usually send off to CD factorys where they just copy the code of the original CD and burn it unto the final disks that land in the store. The gold disk gets destroyed afterwards.


But how can they burn millions of disks in a short period of time?

usually they make a huge cylinder then slice it up on one of those Deli cutters, then they send it to india where children scoop out the core and turn it into DLC.

>The gold disk gets destroyed afterwards.

why? because the gold disk contains the source code?

Its like you don't have the internet at your fingertips

They have gigantic factories, user...

Its called a factory, user. Machines designed specifically to produce a lot of an item quickly.