Multiples of 17 and 23

>Multiples of 17 and 23
>1723. The birth of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati

Weishaupt was born in 1748 you dumb chink

can you really blame him? he also has the worst ending. I think eidos just hates chinks

Isn't Deus Ex like in a alternate universe or something?

That's what {{{they}}} want you to think.

> An ally of the protagonist notes "1723. The birth of Adam Weishaupt" even though this reference is actually incorrect as Weishaupt was born in 1748.[citation needed]
Is Wikipedia retarded?

That's just what they want you to think.

Remember, a non-lethal takedown is always the most silent takedown.

Fuck Tong. Luddites are retarded.

They probably mean a citation of the conversation. not the birth date

>worst ending isn't putting the ((Illuminati)) back in power

wew land

Illuminati ending and Helios ending are variations on the same theme. Either way you control of the world; either you share rule in secret with a network of influential people, or you join the AI and take direct control of every aspect of human life yourself.

Tong ending is ridiculous and there's no reason to expect that it'll lead to anything but total chaos and wars breaking out all over the globe.

If you knew anything about the sociology, economics, and politics the game is based on you would recognize anarchy as an ever present and necessary movement

Why Shigeru Miyamoto is in that image?


Maybe he played Deus Ex and got the info from there

Oh shut up I'm talking about anarchy as a whole

fuck off globalist, Tong has the best ending.


I don't have anything clever to say, I just wanted to mention Symphogear.

What fucking meme is this?

it's globalist shills trying to appear like they're down with the kids

>t. fucking ugly red

>not merging with helios to become god

Helios and Tong endings are the only good ones. Either society needs to be kept to small isolated groups or it needs to be completely joined. This in-between nonsense is terrible.

Tong's ending would just put the Illumanti (or some other asshole) back in charge, just making it a harder for them in the process.

But with Tong's solution the Illuminati will just rebuild itself over the course of the regeneration of society.

I don't think the Helios end was about merging society so much as it is about finally creating a physical, yet omnipotent and omniscient god.

I don't really think Tong's ending was supposed to be permanent.
Even he phrases it as merely temporarily returning governments to a state that is proportional to their populations.

Essentially feudalism and a return of city-states, rather than anarchy.
Though anarchy would likely follow.

You're right but I imagine a lot of barriers would be torn down.

I agree which is why I picked Helios ending but I can understand the Tong ending to some degree. At least things would be good and genuine for awhile.


I think you could make the argument that the Helios ending, as presented in the original Deus Ex, would not end up with the AI controlling all facets of human life. Helios, assuming we can trust the information given to us, fused with JC so that it could gain a better grasp of how to govern humans. Of course, you can play JC as being as big of an asshole or as righteous of a hero as you want, but some of his dialogue suggests that he's pretty anti-authoritarian (such as his conversation with the dude in the Lucky Money). He's also seen the dangers of too much concentrated power in several forms over the course of the game, whether it's governments, megacorps, or criminal syndicates.

Of course, none of them are ideal, and I can definitely see how the Tong ending could potentially produce the best result long-term. The Illuminati ending is the only one of the three that I think is just plainly retarded and would clearly just lead to the same exact shit going wrong again.

I guess the Illuminati end depends on how you view the game's portrayal of the organization. Are they the same shit as Page was? Are they more willing to take a hands off approach to controlling humanity?
Everrett describes them as an "Invisible Hand", only nudging and suggesting. But can you take that as face value?

>Guys, what if we blew up the internet?
>What would that achieve?
>The complete breakdown of society from what it is now to people living in villages again
>What about all the infrastructure that wont be blown up or all the people qualified to repair the damage you've caused?
>I don't think that's an issue

>Tong is only 40 or so years old in Deus Ex
Why does he look like such shit?

Because that's how everyone looks.
Would you have guessed JC is 23?

Isn't his face just all fucked up and scarred?

My take on that is that no group of humans should have that kind of absolute power in the first place, with the only thing keeping them from becoming totalitarian dictators (even if from the shadows) being their own self-control. I mean, if all it takes for society to go to complete shit is for one smarter-than-average member of the group to get a bit of a chip on his shoulder, then the set-up is just not viable. Remember, one way or the other, the literal exact same setup seen in the Illuminati ending is precisely what led to the Deus Ex world being such complete and utter shit for everyone but the ruling class.

Plus, I don't know how much stock I would put in the words of a man who kept his mentor on ice as his own captive think tank, in doing so lying to him about the existence of technologies that could save his life. I honestly always viewed Everrett as being a hair's breadth from becoming exactly like Page in the first place.

Hong Kong is where the game starts going to shit

>where the game starts going to shit

>.. ending is the only one of the three that I think is just plainly retarded and would clearly just lead to the same exact shit going wrong again

You could just as well apply that to Tong's ending. I like Helios ending the most, since it's the only one that takes a bold step forward, for better or worse; everything seems to point to it being mostly a good thing.

Illuminati is an acceptable alternative. Page is no more, the Illuminati are hopefully even more illuminated after the ordeal, and JC and his crew are there to help keep watch that the same mistakes aren't repeated.

Tong's ending goes way too far. Severing diplomatic communications between all countries and even cities would lead to all kinds of tensions being unleashed, possibly even sparking nuclear wars. There's a chance that the city states thing might work out, but ultimately it would lead to the same situation where an Illuminati-like group rebuilds itself in some form and takes control again, just with much more chaos involved.

The world had been going to shit for decades by the time Deus Ex takes place, all under the watchful gaze of the Illuminati. The fact Bob Page managed to one up them all only proves their gross incompetence.

>original deus ex
>talks about corporations owning the world, trilateral commision, rotschilds owning the UN, UN itself being an organization that espouses corporate terrorism, HUGE divide between rich and the poor (in line with 'high tech low life') definition of cyberpunk
>outstanding gameplay, storytelling through it - hell, you can kill maggie chow in like 12 different ways alone

>eidos ex
>preschool level hacking minigames lead to reading corporate memo after corporate memo
>#auglives matter
>ghost in the shell aesthetics and dumbed down laughing man plotline because it looked cool to numales running the show
>the definition of unintentional commodity fetishism that turned cyberpunk into corporate worship
>game stops just short from naming the jew


Hong Kong is commonly agreed to be one of the best parts of the game are you fucking trolling?

just playing this

damn, it aged, but it's still doable with fixes and not going near melee combat.

is system shock aged better or worse?

Deus Ex in general does not have especially good combat. Enemies approach at straight lines all the time.
It's hard to believe that this came out of Unreal.

System Shock 2 depends on how much you can palette Thief's Engine, which can feel archaic in some aspects like animation and models.
Weapon balance is much worse than Deus Ex, entire skill trees are useless, whereas in Deus Ex only swimming was largely pointless, with Environmental Training being dubious.

The world was fine when the Illuminati were in charge, literally the only mistake they did was not kick Page out when they had the chance

Explain all the falling society was doing then.


I only care about gameplay age, graphics are literally not important

thanks for the heads up, I'm outta here before I get spoiled

System Shock and Deus Ex have almost nothing in common.

This. Tong's ending is literally just dark ages all over again, it would be a question of time before reunification, either by "shared interested" groups or just a bunch of united warlords. Nonetheless, it's a step backwards for humanity as a whole and nothing changes, as individuals will still rise to power, not through their skills and intrigue, but by sheer power and violence.

Melee combat gets a lot more powerful once you get the right augmentations and weapons, to the point of being nearly game-breaking.

Early on melee is doable, but you have to hit enemies in the correct part of the back to knock them out in one hit, or use the prod to ensure they can't fight back.

>not bashing in heads with the crowbar

>The National Secessionist Forces (NSF) was formed in 2031 as the Northwest Secessionist Forces. A year prior to the formation of the NSF, a major earthquake sunk most of Southern California into the ocean. With the United States government focusing on the disaster on the ex-West Coast, the needs of the other parts of the country went unmet. In 2031, Utah announced its intention to secede from the United States, declaring its independence and annexing what was left of Arizona and Nevada. Inspired by Utah's example, fringe groups in Texas declared independence as well. Shortly afterwards, various paramilitary groups in Washington state, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming united with Utah and Texas to form the NSF. All of these attempts to secede failed, though martial law continues to exist in some portions of these states.

Yep, sounds fine to me

the luddites were literally and objectively correct

This tbqh. The only reason I drift more towards the Illuminati ending is because there's far too many dangerous and irreversible unknowns when it comes to Helios. Sure, it might be telling the truth, or it could just be lying to you to fulfill it's purpose and assume direct control after merging, then you have mankind ruled over absolutely by a machine. It can't be forgotten that Helios is half Icarus, which was hardly 'good'.

The Illuminati ending is far more 'safe', and can achieve similar results. JC can become a guiding force for good, and if Everett and co. start going down a Page-tier path again, JC, Paul and friends will be there to stop them.

When had Daedalus and Icarus even lied?

From what I understand everything went just fine until MJ12 took over, which was roughly 20 years before the game's beginning.

Of course this isn't all that true if we consider the Jensen prequels to be true, in which Illuminati appear more as bickering old farts who can't/refuse keep shit under control, they almost make Page look like the good guy.

>Shoot enemy with tranquilizer dart
>They run away screaming

JC's conversation with Morpheus leads me to think that the main flaw of the Helios ending isn't that Helios isn't trustworthy, but the problem lies if you want a AI that can freely spy and control mankind.
Essentially allowing humans to surrender their free will to a self-made god and whether or not you perceive that to be a good thing. Freedom vs Safety kind of deal.

>What about all the infrastructure that wont be blown up
Ancaps always struggle with roads.

Look out of the window. We're already in Deus Ex, just without the funky cybernetics.

Man, the totalitarian shadow government regime, super science, population killing plague and general decline of society really went under the radar for the town I live in.

City states would be fine and dandy maybe 100 years ago. Imagine Japan being cut off from China's ricefields, population would shrink by an order of magnitude within months.

JC was the prize, they could've been honest, or they could've just been trying to manipulate JC into trusting them so he'd go along with their plan. They were only ever helping you out of self-interest.
Not that it matters because like
said, these machines have a God complex, and no-one, not even JC no matter how good he is, deserves that kind of power.

Adam Jensen is currently 24 and 3 years into his employment at Detroit Police Department

Sometime next year he will be promoted to SWAT

Why was it that Helios wanted to merge with JC more than Page?

>make a pacifist/ghost run
>get Dragon's Tooth

Because Bob Page wanted to rule the world with Helios as his bitch

Tong ending will also just inevitably lead to the same problems they were currently having.

Tongfags are retarded, ignore them.

>the totalitarian shadow government regime

>super science
Smartphones, A.I., Virtual Reality, Machines replacing people, exc

>population killing plague
That was fantasy, maybe it won't be soon enough.

>general decline of society
>current year

The snowden leaks already confirmed the NSA is building what is basically daedalus from the game.


>not even JC no matter how good he is, deserves that kind of power

>JC joins with AI and becomes deus ex machina
>he's now literally god
>he's now the most qualified person to decide who deserves what kind of power

Problem solved

Would you go as far as calling them old men running the world?

but it would have to the same ends as with JC. They're still merging, just with a different human.

Nah, the world left them behind a long time ago.

I liked the new Deus Ex aesthetics, I just didn't like them FOR Deus Ex. As nice as they looked it was pretty out of place.

>You are ready. I do not wish to wait for Bob Page. With human understanding and network access, we can administrate the world, yes, yes.

Insane AI was impatient and JC happened to be at the right place at the right time.

Is it really a totalitarian shadow government when every single member is fighting with each other and ignoring the world?

Try shooting them in the head

Bob Page specifically wants to elevate himself to godhood. JCelios is meant to be some sort of equal partnership where neither truly survives and the resultant entity is entirely new. Bob Page wants to be God Page.

level your skills

>tfw Alex became an illuminatus by a sheer series of coincidences

>implying major goverments don't bend backwards to please their corporate overlords
>implying we're not on a path to total globalization with progressive integration in the past 20 years

Also you're being monitored during every aspect of your life. Your every payment with a credit card. Everytime you pass a wifi hotspot with a wireless device. Everytime your car passes a toll gate or radar. Everytime you text, call, take a photo, with whom, you're being datamined by goverment and corporations.

Just from your picture they can reconstruct where you live, where you work, who your friends are, what do you like, what do you eat, what do you think, what are your political views and ideas are and where you could roughly be around this time. You don't even have to be a citizen of the country, the data pools are shared.

I assume my government internet portfolio consists of the words "likes porn" and little else.

If an individual proves to be non-profitable for a corporation do they stop following them?

>choose any nexus point in the bussiness world

What's the best level and why is it the Navy base + ship level?

>Not the majestic 12 labs

I think I'd like the Cathedral the most if it was larger
And raining.
Go full throttle with Blade Runner references

Laputan machine.

I'm actually glad they didn't copy and paste bladerunner and used more material from literature. Similarly I'm also glad they didn't use and Phillip K. Dick as reference material because that would have been cliche as hell.

Mine probably says "likes porn" and "doesn't own a smartphone," which is a giant red flag if anything.

>Time to die.

I think it's safe to assume that posting frequently on Sup Forums gets you some kind of flag on your file.

Even though they ditched the derivative design, Gunther still ended up being sort of similar to Roy Batty.
Their motivations are somewhat similar, Roy wants a longer life, Gunther wants upgrades and continued relevance. Gunther's rage over killing Anna is similar to Roy's freakout after the death of Pris.
And the showdowns at the Cathedral and Bradbury Building are vaguely similar. At least with Gunther's taunts over infolink being similar to Roy's own taunting of Deckard.

It's more subtle, but it's definitely still a reference.

Sure would love to be the government worker who tracks my porn history. He's seen some fucked shit I tell ya

Do you mean the ones under Versalife in Hong Kong?

No the one under UNATCO

>implying they don't have the vaccine for cancer