Why do japanese love PUGB so much?

Why do japanese love PUGB so much?


>Despite being ranked at #6 on a global scale, the popularity of Battlegrounds shows
noticeable differences per country.
>It is the top performing game in Japan where 25.4% of core PC gamers played the game in July, 5% more than the #2 game, League of Legends.

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Japan has long been known for shit tastes, why does this surprise you?

I assume its because Japan absolutely has nothing like it, and PC shooters don't take off. So when one has teams so friends can play, and a different style than anything available, it takes off.

Because you can make girl characters with schoolgirl uniforms

Aren't LoL and PUBG both owned by Asian companies?

Probably why

Maybe it has something to do with this.

>hey vee why do people like dis game huh!?!?!?
>"BATTLE ROYALE THEME PUSHES PUBG TO #1 IN JAPAN" literally the 3rd sentence in the post

sometimes people on here confuse me.

Japan has every shooter we've ever got, really. It's not like they don't have access to the same games we do, they just don't really like them much.

noone in japan plays on p except for westcucks. Its obvious those peolle will have a similar taste to the west.

Japs have no taste

Very few people use PC in japan as a gaming platform and most people who do only play these simple online games or VNs on them.

Just because this game dominates the nonexistent PC market in Japan that doesn't mean the game is popular there compared to other games.

good for them, at least they don't have to play nip garbage games

>Why do japanese love PUGB so much?
How many other shooters are 3rd person with multiplayer?
Japs like most asians can't play FPS due to motion sickness

yall might not be aware of this, but modern young japanese culture is not much unlike ours. We have an almost identical spectrum of values (from far left internationalists, to the far right nationalists)

it's actually really cool meeting japanese socialists/communists. I guess that's one of the cool things about being a leftist: no matter what country you're from, if you're a leftist, you'll have an amazing time with your international comrades

anyway, im not surprised at all that PUBG is popular in japan

You realise that the game is still very unpopular with the Japanese audiences right? PUBG is only the top PC game in Japan because people there in general don't use PC for other games than visual novels and f2p online games with low requirements.

It's almost like its a video game that is

>easy to pick up
>played in bite sized chunks
>played in social groups

It's perfect for pcbangs and shit.

>motion sickness
this meme needs to die
it was literally one Japanese guy who said that FPS games make him sick and then he was referred fucking everywhere as "why Japanese don't like fps games"

>easy to pick up

I refunded that shit because it was impossible to kill people, every time I got in a gun fight RNG was always in their favor.

because they only play pc for westaboo games and doujin vn's

probably also because the original battle royale movie was really big

>I refunded that shit because i'm shit at the game.

[citation needed]

Not my fault the bullets don't go where you aim them.

Top 10 best-selling games of first six months of 2017:

Monster Hunter XX for 3DS (1,640,005 units sold)
Pokémon Sun and Moon for 3DS (527,862)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Switch (501, 614)
Zelda Breath Of The Wild for Switch (464,480)
Super Mario Maker for 3DS (397,656)
Biohazard 7 for PS4 (324,066)
NieR: Automata for PS4 (311,906)
Momotaro Dentetsu 2017 Tachiagare Nippon!! for 3DS (263,790)
Yokai Watch Sukiyaki for 3DS (215,297)
1-2 Switch for Switch (200,807)

Prove otherwise.


Everything I've read proves my point
You're the only one saying otherwise

>people playing pubg in Syria

Couldn't they just go outside for the real experiance?

nips love it and i hope they get more into PC in general. all nips on steam playing EDF 4.1 are great teammates -- but most people just are in the EDF

seethe OP is fucking misleading

For example, take a look at store.steampowered.com/stats/content/
Japan has 1.9PB while Sweden, an incredibly depopulated country in comparison, has 2.4PB
That works out to a sort of Steam GDP of 15MB vs 250MB.


Hope those slant eyed fucks make an anime bootleg of pubg

Oh I wasn't talking about that
I though you were talking about the whole
>people there in general don't use PC for other games than visual novels and f2p online games with low requirements.


You just want someone to post the webm again.

they have to

well, that's actually also true
seePC market is pretty niché in Japan. It's literally around 10 times less popular per capita than in the west.

Japan invented the battle royale concept these games stem from

Fucking anime this season has a PUBG reference in its intro...

I thought it was more to do with cultural differrnces, similar to how they see weapons as a symiotic part of the player avatar rathern than a self-contained tool like the west does.

wait, which one?


pubg is NOT popular in Japan at all

Dragon Quest is popular
Splatoon is popular
Monster Strike is popular
Puzzle and Dragons is popular
Monster Hunter is popular
Pokémon is popular

but not fucking pubg, you guys are taking this shit too far. pubg will never be on the level of popularity of the games listed above in japan





Goddammit I'm on your side
I thought you were disputing that claim because you replied citation needed to the post that said PC gaming is dead in Japan

What fuckin chinese cartoon is this?

>currently the most played game in japan
>not popular
what did he mean by this

They don't though

there is a reason why they lost WW11

Install Sup Forums X and hover of the "title" thing or open the webm in your favourite media player and look at the title.


overwatch has one of the worst UIs that probably can actually give people motion sickness, but koreans are the best at it

sorry dude but they're already referencing it in anime....looks like we lost, fellow weeb lardaass :(

The anime in question

It's a cringeworthy shit show with a super beta lead that doesn't want to join a gaming club because he only plays for fun and is too nervous to actually play with other people.

meant to quote

oh, i see. i should have guessed because i assumed either that one or new game. i should probably watch gamers

>player unknown grattle bound

>because he only plays for fun and is too nervous to actually play with other people.
So it's really about the average Sup Forumsirgin

>currently the most played game in japan
no it's not you retard
it's the most popular PC game, which is a dead platform in Japan

It's actually significantly worse than that. He only really plays mobile games. Has like 3 girls ready for his dick but is too beta when they're literally throwing themselves at him and apparently the whole thing is sponsored by Arc System Works because they're in every fucking episode with Guilty Gear or Persona Ultimax

>most popular pc game
>not popular

Japan is starting to like shooters.


Japs switching over to PC is pretty gud news because it might incite jap studios to do the same

>He only really plays mobile games. Has like 3 girls ready for his dick but is too beta when they're literally throwing themselves at him

they aren't

it's just korean/chinese students

It's "misunderstandings" the anime

The show drops vidya pretty much altogether and it becomes a romcom by episode 3,with the occasional vidya reference sprinkled it

Right now however,beta MC proposed to be the boyfriend to the love interest and she says yes.The title of the episode even has "good end" in the episode like VN route

In the manga,Chiaki is a jealous cunt that breaks up MC and Tendou because she's an insufferable bitch that should've stuck to shitty mobile games

keep bargaining with yourself, fatass

No. The protag actually plays and likes vidya.


It's not even him being beta. It's a shitty trope of harem anime where the MC is clueless as shit which in recent years has been overdone to the point where he doesn't seem to have any interest in getting his dick wet at all.

Is this an edit or do they actually play pubbyG?

I can't believe this got an anime adaptation instead of High Score Girl. I gueess it wasn't sexy-moe enough.

The Japanese and to a lesser extent the entire Asian population of the world have a weaker inner ear on average making high speed shooters disorienting to them. The fact that PUGB of all things would get the entire nation interested is amazing in itself.

"most popular PC game in Japan" is like saying "most popular Xbone exclusive" or "most popular Battleborn mode"
>making high speed shooters disorienting to them
That's exactly why they love PUBG then, it's pretty slow

Probably because drop in drop out, and I'm guessing since it's a nobody dev/company, it's incredibly easy to get away with hacking on it.

Just two guesses.

Koreans are masters at knowing what addicts the Japanese.

you should really read the thread

High Score Girl was being adapted though and even entered production. It was just put on ice because of the law suits which made everything go to shit. So who knows what'll happen with it now.

what's with koreans and idolmaster, though? they even have a shitty live version and the girls are ugly

The anime also has xbox references in it. Doesn't mean it's popular in Japan but that the animes like to refer to every kind of niché stuff.

Koreans are even more addicted to idolshit than Japs. They're not allowed to make porn so they stick to this instead.

PC gaymers in japan are westaboos that like call of duty and battlefield so they eat this shit up

Japan has had socialists and communists since WW2. Impotent anti-americanism does that to you.

nips will never have the PC audience the rest of the world does because nip publishers want to keep gaming on consoles and region lock all their steam games to not work in japan

The last Rainbow Six has always been decently popular over there so your theory is wrong. Not to mention BF and CoD.

You forget Sup Forums is underaged and has not seen this masterpiece, but they rather blame it on shit taste.


Fuck, sorry
Happy now?

>calling Sup Forums underage when underage yourself

It's a book you fucking philistine.


>post yfw you didn't fall for the pubg meme

who the actual fuck cares? why do you retards keep making these threads

I know it's ALSO a movie, retard.

I fell for the battlegrounds meme. One of the worst games I've ever played.

But you got a refund, right?

Because people respond to them

Afraid not.