Bad company 2 thread? bad company 2 thread

Bad company 2 thread? bad company 2 thread

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when you call an airstrike and the whole house goes down hnnnnnng

The actual peak of the Battlefield series. Vietnam was a pretty dope MP expansion too.

>Vietnam was a pretty dope MP expansion too
Except the gun balance was shit.

Shit sucked.

anyone got a link for a download of this game?
Ive been trying to play it for years. have it on my ps3 but still have never played it.

Post your favorite

Did building destruction better than any Battlefield game before or after it.
BC 1 and 2 have the only Battlefield campaigns worth a shit, and I actually want the return of B Company in single-player really badly.
Also, great map selection.

>Cold War


who cares when you can duel helis using flamethowers out the side

Retards who say this sucked didn't play the game properly. It wasn't made for comfy pc gaming. It's for comfy console gaming. Xbone best platform to play it on these days, for some reason lots of players.

I always wondered why they didn't do more of the building destruction in the later games. It's perfect for the shooter sandbox.
>Sniper shooting you from across the map in a 2 story house?
>Make it into a 1 story crumpled up mess.
>Want access to the adjacent building but don't want to go downstairs?
>Make a door way with a 40mm grenade.

In other games there would be a cheeky cunt hiding behind a corner waiting for someone to pass by, but as soon as you see that shit you can turn that corner into a C4 emporium.

>Killing snipers from across the map with a shotgun

I honestly want to play the campaign.

Battlefield games went down hill after this one. So sad.

>It wasn't made for comfy pc gaming. It's for comfy console gaming.
But I played it on PC and it was comfy AF. Seeing some niglet sniping out of windows and then blowing the wall out with a grenade launcher was top fun.

Arica Harbor tho

Mah nigga

>you will never flatten some fuckboi wookie camper's house with a load of C4 again

just fucking kill me, BC3 when


I always loved Rush when they'd lock down a house and you'd just dump C4 around the outside then drop it to destroy the point anyway.

Port Valdez was the name I think
Thompson all day everyday

How about a team of engies/assaults knocking down the house on port valdez which contained the MCOM from spawn with RPGs/tubes

Arica Harbor
M24 or Scar
Sniper. Only game where I enjoyed being a camping little shit but also rush with other classes.

>Panama Canal

>tfw 1911 headshotting people at close range as a sniper
You'll cowards don't even ignore rifles.

why it's so perfect

>Isla Inocentes

Valsparo by a wide margin that map has almost perfect balance
Xm8 or An-94
Assault all day err day

>burst fire
>why it's so perfect
it's not

>arica harbor

Arica Harbor (Bonus points because its my family's hometown)

post yfw you get in the helicopter and someone says "how do you go forward again?"

Battlefield games went downhill with bc1