GRIMOIRE - the meme that keeps on giving

Codexian backs at $100 level.
Codexian writes fair review of the state of the game.
Codexian banned. Post censored.
Cleve claims he received the game for free.

GRIMWAH the meme that keeps on giving.

Trying to find the thread where Cleve claims Grimoire is the most pirated RPG of the last 10 years - think it's been scrubbed.

Other urls found in this thread:

If this man isn't schizophrenic then I don't know who is.

That's modern 2017 dev and steam publisher platform for ya cucks.

>Felipe Pepe

I know fuck all about this game, but that thread is gold.
Telling people that buy your game that they're on the spectrum because they think it's shit is something else.

Sir Tech really nailed his personality with Jagged Alliance 2 - every aspect of it.

Can Ian Currie come back and make some games again.

i got banned because i didn't have the mouse icon next to my username but really i just refunded it, he must have thought i pirated the game

but really, Cleve banned me for refunding his buggy shit game

That's really not an okay excuse to silence someone, there are ways to play games besides being the legal owner of it that aren't illegal, like trying someone else's game.

Wait, what? But the ''''bug'''' you encountered is not a bug. Have you never played older dRPGs before? You need to identify the enemy. The means they're unidentified.

Currently playing Far Cry Primal, slaughtering legions of Neanderthals and thinking about Cleve.