GRIMOIRE - the meme that keeps on giving

Codexian backs at $100 level.
Codexian writes fair review of the state of the game.
Codexian banned. Post censored.
Cleve claims he received the game for free.

GRIMWAH the meme that keeps on giving.

Trying to find the thread where Cleve claims Grimoire is the most pirated RPG of the last 10 years - think it's been scrubbed.

Other urls found in this thread:

If this man isn't schizophrenic then I don't know who is.

That's modern 2017 dev and steam publisher platform for ya cucks.

>Felipe Pepe

I know fuck all about this game, but that thread is gold.
Telling people that buy your game that they're on the spectrum because they think it's shit is something else.

Sir Tech really nailed his personality with Jagged Alliance 2 - every aspect of it.

Can Ian Currie come back and make some games again.

i got banned because i didn't have the mouse icon next to my username but really i just refunded it, he must have thought i pirated the game

but really, Cleve banned me for refunding his buggy shit game

That's really not an okay excuse to silence someone, there are ways to play games besides being the legal owner of it that aren't illegal, like trying someone else's game.

Wait, what? But the ''''bug'''' you encountered is not a bug. Have you never played older dRPGs before? You need to identify the enemy. The means they're unidentified.

Currently playing Far Cry Primal, slaughtering legions of Neanderthals and thinking about Cleve.

>Cleve BTFOs nuDex shitters
Based 'thal.

Christ man, whats up with these retards and low iq people playing these games and calling game mechanics bugged? You have to identify them you retard.

felipepe, stop being a little bitch and accept your defeat

>taking the bait

>lol I'm not fucking retarded, it was all just bait

Cleve seems to be a genuinely delusional person.

I ready through all of that and from what I see Cleve is a huge cocksucker.
I pirated your game btw and never launched it.

Is it an IP ban or can you actually view the hub if you loggin on another steam account?

You can view but not post on the banned account.

Shame that the game is so unremarkable, not terrible not great, the most boring outcome.
Lost interest shortly after beating the Lich.

Yeh but what about on another account?

I think you have to own the game to post.

Or as Cleve put it:

>What a little baby sape cleve is

>keep winning instead of keep whining

He has a wife? Is she human or neanderthal?

most definitely not either of those because they live in Melbourne, his son is a full blown fag.

Jesus christ I'm glad I didn't buy it.

Judging by the smileys on the bottom, I'm guessing not even RPG Codex are eating their shit on this one.

Is this the thread where we post our best Cleves?

Quit wasting everyone's time and just leak the latest update already


Someone needs to ask if he has any medical conditions, phrase it like "We're worried about you and your game, you've been acting out of character and blah blah blah."

I can't tell if Cleve is just some master troll who doesn't give a fuck about what people think of him or if he's legitimately crazy, or both.

I think he's right about Brenda.

Definitely looks like VAMPHYR.



>nothing but personal attacks in the face of criticism
Is this guy from current-day Sup Forums?

At the least he gets to have his fun. Banning people left and right.

Cleve honestly sounds like a sane person, doing simple 1 + 1 = 2, and then applying judgment from that.
Or at the least: His forums are moderated, thats rare


>Cleve honestly sounds like a sane person

Could it be...? Someone even more insane than Cleve?

t. Lady Error

user, you just hate fun
Nothing more, and nothing less
Nice Spacing




He's not gonna respond to that, obviously. Cleve has withstood close to a dozen years of rpgcodex shitposting, some meager sape attempt at baiting him into admitting private medical information is bound to fail.

So is his defence for a buggy game just putting himself on a pedestal because he is a dev and anyone playing his game isn't and don't know the complexities of making a game?

It's called banter lad

He could have just explained how CON works here.

Cleve is the only person in australia to have score perfectly in his C++ certification.

Few men are so autistic they'll keep a grudge for 20 years because they werent listed as a producer in the credits after writing 12 lines and argue with co-workers for the sake of it

He responds to and fixes bugs all the time. Game is updated almost daily with bug fixes.

I think its funny the guy says in the thread if you're a developer and some one says your game belongs in early access that they'd get pissed

What they really should be doing is asking questions as to why people feel it should be in early access and not throwing a tantrum like a big baby.

He probably forgot how it works


How old is this man? I looked up a picture and he appears to be in his 40s, yet his posts read like some angry, pseudo-intellectual 20-something.

He claims Felipepe is the only one out of an inflated number of purchases (half of which were refunded already) that thinks this game should've been early access.
Not only is he ignoring dozens of posts of """pirates""" but the only other person to finish Grimoire also agrees with Felipepe.


>random dindonuffin insult
this man has gone off the deep end

Steam has, and continues to provide full refunds for this game regardless of playtime or purchase date.

This is a post Cleve himself made
How the fuck is his game not worthy of being Early Access?

But the bug was about the question mark being on both sides. There's no need for one in front.

51 afaik

holy shit he's 51? He types like a 20 year old that just got done with programming camp

>I am also terminating that Steam key shortly you were issued.

Isn't this going to get him in trouble with Steam?

Shut-in nerds don't get wrinkly or older faster.

Cleve even agreed with the first person that completed the game, in 80 hours i might add, that the game unbalanced and required both exploits and cheese of encounters to get tbrough to the end.
Cleve even recounted a story about how it took him 40 minutes in a single encounter due to the his idea of just randomizing monster stats and abilities.

Yes because he seems to not understand how steam works.

Before today I didn't even realize there were so many issues with this game and its dev. Oh well, just one thing to cross off the backlog.

>700 pound mom working a sex chat line
Cleve is always shitting on these morons lmao

Yet another sane comment by our resident 'thal. How can sapes even compete?

>Also, grow the fuck up and learn to take criticism - you'll need it because I'm writing the RPG Codex review. And I'm going to mention what you just did and how Grimoire is a broken game that should be sold in Early Access. And you won't be able to ban me here.
Oh boy, I'm looking forward to the review. The butthurt will be glorious.

Earlier he wanted to "ban people from purchasing my game" before the game even released on steam, based on codex posts alone.
He believes his steam page is his own little safe space where he can do whatever the fuck he wants with no consequences, including deleting and censoring reviews from 50% of the people who completed your game.

He's actually 52, I believe. Or maybe 53? Not higher than that.

He's been shitposting like a little bitch for over twenty years. He grew up during the Usenet era and has had a very tough time adapting to current internet lingo. He takes bits and pieces from RPG Codex (which in itself still says shit like "epic win" while borrowing Sup Forums terms)

kekleve will probably "refute" it by saying it's factually wrong while proving no actual evidence.
or just go for the standard ad hominem attack

Criticism is banter. Banning people for banter is called not being able to take the bantz.

Announcing that your review will be biased because of butthurt over an internet argument doesn't sound very smart

What a fucking buffoon. He's the jester at the court.

> ad homo sapientem

It's sad really.

I pity him. His game looked cool when I looked it up but fuck people like him.

So wait do people actually like him or is he just a lolcow? Does he actually believe the insanity he types?

>Dude complains about glitches and broken mechanics

What's more embarrasing, Cleve's autismal replies or people who actually fucking bought this 20% finished game?

good. faggy game reviewers BTFO

>He takes bits and pieces from RPG Codex (which in itself still says shit like "epic win" while borrowing Sup Forums terms)
This is so fucking true, it's hilarious to see him use terms that were popular in the 00s and before, but also mix them in with popular buzzword like ''SJW'' or ''dindunuffin''

He's just an easily provoked dipshit with an inflated opinion of himself.

Internet argument? He was banned from the grimoire steam page and Cleve already said he will be terminating his steam key, which he paid 100 dollars for.

Cleve's fanboys who pop up on Grimoire threads to shill for free.

people who kek at the mems > people who pirated the game > cleve > people who bought the game ironically > ditto but unironically > people who got tricked into buying the game by one of the previous groups

Fuck you felipe

>one of the main points of playing RPGs is to hunt for treasure
Only if you're role-playing as a treasure hunter.

He's an adult male lolcow. The most depressing form of being known to mankind.

felipe minha sogra fez aqui também sopa de macaco uma delícia...

>most pirated RPG of the last 10 years

It's the size of an album, what would you expect?

>forum drama
Kill yourself cunt.

He has to be roleplaying or something, his posts on the steam forum are not like that at all, they are quite humble from what i've seen.

So he's a 2 faced cunt

Roleplaying for 20 years.

the 'thal thing is clearly a joke, but he's still unhinged besides that. I mean, who'd waste so much time shitposting while pretending to be something you're not?

No, he has posted on steam in a similar voice, but then will delete or edit them later.

He's just really dedicated to the erp.

>211 all time peak players
What happened to the thousands of copies sold?