

Other urls found in this thread:


>Nb People Rock

NB? North Baltimore or something? What's going on here OP?

>kid in Splatoon
>capable above shooting and interacting with others
>squid in Splatoon
>capable of ducking and swimming through ink
>stage in between
>capable of nothing aside from looking like a complete retarded
I feel like this was some social commentary that wasn't meant to be presented


Non-Binary you shitlords get with the times it's twenty-f**king-seventeen.

New Balance people rock?

Sup Forums's too casual for that game.

I read "In between people cock!!!"

wait a minute that bird...




Third world war can't come soon enough.


What does "nb" mean?

what the fuck.....

Non Binary

Please don't hate him if he let's you down he's only 12

yeah man


Right guy looks alot like Alex Jones


put me in the screencap

did splatoon get announced at agdq or some shit
why are there so many trannies


Why is everyone so confused about this? The fucking NB stands for non binary. Non binary people are L I T E R A L L Y retarded.

He's right

>This kid grew up to be a Chad and is drowning in pussy

Non-black people.

>Non binary people are L I T E R A L L Y retarded.
Well, yeah

>furries on plaza
>now trannies on plaza
Was the Splatoon Miiverso this horrible?

splatoon miiverse had more people drawing lewd drawings

Are these the NA servers?
Suddenly Frenchie kids telling they love each other isn't such a bad thing.

Did Miiverse have better moderation than whatever the fuck Splat2 uses? I can't even remember any furry or trans shit in the first game's plaza.

Maybe it's because of the retarded location segregation, since JP players actually posted Splatoon artwork instead of this bullshit.


nb doesn't mean trans

Hey [B]eter

Nah, its because everyone made a big deal about the furshit posts, so even more furshits hopped on the bandwagon. If people would have calmed down about it, it wouldn't be so prevalent now.

New Brunswick.

The problem is, the first game showed Miiverse posts from people you had just played with, plus people on your friend list or on mutual friend lists.

This time around, posts are shown based off of popularity. So basically something with a lot of "Fresh" votes will show up in more plazas.

It fucking sucks.

Yes Sesame Street from [B]elmo

I meant the other posts in the hub with "trans squids" messages. I don't give a shit anyway.

One person said not stop and the furries went batshit insane




Hello, Reddit!

Kill yourselves.

now this is a deep cut
have you been playing respect?
do you know if i have to have a korean psn id for the dlc or is there one from an easier asian country i can use? i know the korean psn accounts require an ssn



This is very cute and nice

lol "mayo"

>trying this hard to fit in


yes thats the joke user well done

I will never understand why those trannies always have to scream on top of the world that they are trannies.
Why the fuck can't people have the decency to keep their personal life to themselves nowadays?

You can't fit in on an anonymous image board. Kill yourself.

>Non binary people are L I T E R A L L Y retarded.
he's right

The best part about a post like this is that I can report it for either being sexually explicit or for advertising.

I don't think I'm "transphobic", but I don't really get being proud of being trans. Ideally, wouldn't you just want to identify as the gender you've transitioned into rather than remind people that you're trans?

>walk into a bar
>start yelling that you're Jesus Christ because you actually believe it
>put into insane asylum
>walk into another bar
>start screeching that you're a woman, even though you're actually a man, because you actually believe that
>''OMG she's so brave, omg tolerance and acceptance you guys, don't hate''
I'm a bit slow you guys, can you explain this to me?

It's nothing new. People with terrible or boring personalities tend to try and define themselves through outside factors that don't actually shape who you are.

i feel like theres barely any kids playing this game
its full of fucked up grown ups

Sup Forums: the brainlet board

Yeah but then how will people pay special attention to you?

Every single Inkling is capable of changing their gender at will. But they're only ever male
or female because those are the only
genders that exist

>Ideally, wouldn't you just want to identify as the gender you've transitioned into rather than remind people that you're trans?

Being trans is all about attention,especially if you are a male to female trans.

because how will they stand out and feel special if they keep their personal life to themselves, same case with faggots

>t. furfag who got reported

Octarians should've won


>their songs kicking in S4 League

why does remembering things hurt so bad, user?


its the new emo

Are you saying I'm trans because I squidbag all the time?

If you ever get to be an octarian, will do.

it's a gay incest comic where a nerdy seagull fucks his buff older brother

>S4 League
Fuck you nostalgia stop making me remember things

Love my fellow inkling boys! We are

>S4 League
Fuck you.
The OB was the funniest moment I had in a game

How do you know this?



how do you not know this?

Here youtube.com/watch?v=1A9UUCXHeFc lets suffer together user.

You called me last night and told me all about it, user :3

I hate



Worst part is knowing that there actually are little kids who play it and have their plaza filled with this garbage.

Thinking of turning posts off in the options. Virtually no fun or cute posts actually related to the game, just all this shit and the fads like "I wish ___ was real" clogging up the place.

Props to the one guy who has been doing daily Callie pictures though. Keep on keeping on.

Left is Joe rogan and right is Alex Jones with that race changing app

what is wrong with you


Hahaha why didnt I notice the name first? Thats fucking hilarious

I get that this guy fucked up his typing some, but it's still obvious what he was trying to say. A kid or a squid are both fitted into a niche, but something in-between is adapted to non-existing conditions. Like hybrid inviability.

I want to say Sup Forums isn't too retarded to infer this from the post, but I know that's not the case.

I just realized how relevant this all is because I had an online "friend" for years who got me into this game. He was a cool guy even when he told me he had gender dysphoria (basically trans) but was never in my face about it.

Fucking S4


>Daily Callie
I'm not a waifufag at all but that Squiddo is my fucking hero. A beacon of hope awash in a sea of shit.

so he was a cool faggot then.
rare breed, you were lucky to meet him.