ITT: Games that would be considered reddit/tier if released today

ITT: Games that would be considered reddit/tier if released today

>see lost planet threads pop up
>I'LL accuse them of reddit maybe that'll kill any interest people may have in em. smart me

i see through your game op

Your post.

I actually didn't see any lost planet threads, i usually make bait threads about certain old games i want to talk about because it attracts idiots and usually people end up talking about the game

Lost Planet multiplayer was pretty fun.

OP you seem pretty reddit yourself

why the fuck cant i buy lp2 on steam user. every other game is $3 but lp2 is $20 on key sites

Dude, what?

Lost Planet 4 is coming. The question is if it will be good or trash like 3.

Hello Lost Planet fans,

We apologize for the removal of Lost Planet 2's "Add to Cart" button on the Steam Store page. This removal is temporary as we work on replenishing the Games for Windows Live (GFWL) keys that are supposed to come with purchases of the game. We will issue an update to this announcement once GFWL keys have been restored. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Best Regards,

CAPCOM USA Customer Support

>not "as we work on removing GFWL from the game"
That's fucking gay

>lowering the quality of the board by making cancerous statements that attracts actual cancer (e.g. redditors)
>shitting on games that you want to talk about

no one here actually wants to talk about a game unless it's to shit on it or ferociously defend it

What the fuck does Reddit tier even mean?


wow fuck you mods

>Lost Planet 4 is coming

Broken Horizon.

Just leave Sup Forums

Do you not see that you're perpetuating the problem?


Its an early 7th gen TPS game. All you need to know is the snow effects were the best part.

is the porn any good?