What does Sup Forums think of Furi?
What does Sup Forums think of Furi?
It's a good game. God tier OST.
Reminder the DLC adds a secret boss who is a combination of all the bosses
I got the plat for it. Great game
You are a monster
Awesome game. One of the three games of 2016 that I loved, alongside Dark Souls 3 and Hyper Light Drifter.
Great soundtrack too.
Shit i didn't know there was a DLC
downloading it right now
Probably my favorite game from last year, the only other one I liked nearly as much was XCOM 2 and that game had problems
I didn't like HLD all that much and am yet to play DSIII
Wait, does the dlc add two bosses?
The Flame, and some Bernard guy?
it is the greatest Afro Samurai game
>nigger protag
>he doesn't recognize afro samurai immediately
Off yourself buddy
bite me
It's one of the most hectic and fun games I've played in a while
Just beat the third boss on Furier difficulty. This game is mad fun and very hard. Been a long time since I've had the pleasure of feeling thoroughly challenged.
Any game who understands the value of a good bossfight is good in my book.
And FURI sure knows how to do that.
whats mindblowing is that i wouldnt have played this gem if not for psplus
made me think of lower budget titles differently
t. guy who only played $70 games
the most expensive game i ever got was san andreas on release for 64€ but it was every cent
I don't play nonwhite games
>fighting bernard
>get to his final phase
>mfw dodging all his shit while this youtu.be
the indie scene went through a shitty period for a few years but they're honestly where the best games are coming from these days. Furi, Hyperlight Drifter, Super Hot, Enter the Gungeon, Apotheon... the list goes on. Most tripple a games right now are just the same combination of third person open world pseudo RPG blandness.
Japanese are honorary whites btw.
Mediocre melee combat with terrible bullet patterns that feel like the guys who designed it never played a shmup in their entire life. Once you know the game's tricks it's simple to trivialize it. You can feel every cut corner and the lack of actual levels is not properly compensated in my opinion. The boss fights overstay their welcome by making you repeat patterns way too often to make up for the lack of content and that's more annoying than it is commendable.
Japs are not honorary whites but they are so ashamed of their inferior race that they make all of their games star whites
I like how you take me out of my comfort zone!
We're also seeing the return of mid-size games industry was intent on killing during the last generation and make it all about AAAs and shitty indie shovelware.
>mfw the bullet hell segments on highest difficulty
I didn't really care for it. Controls felt laggy, unresponsive, but this was near launch so maybe bugs or something. Either way though, I'm not a huge fan of it being essentially a boss rush game. Everything else is pretty nice, soundtrack is OK, but not the amazing everyone seems to make it out to be.
I dislike a few of those, opinions and all. More and more though, I'm swinging back to pub games, because it's pretty clear indies can't really deliver a complete package, though obviously a small number can, but then it's a taste issue, and then it just feels like another publisher product half the time, where something is getting sacrificed for sales/deadlines or some such. Not that most indies are even really indies at this point, but whatever.
>The boss fights overstay their welcome by making you repeat patterns way too often
Agreed, dragged out way too long.
Was stuck on this bitch for like a week.
Still am.
>mfw get to the final phase of the burst on furier mode
I hope hellblade did well enough to prove AA games are still worth making.
The walking segments were a drag and only half of the bosses were really interesting. That being said I played it thoroughly and enjoyed it.
>only AA games that pop to mind right now are Hellblade and Agents of Mayhem
Not good if you ask me. But I'm glad it's coming back at least.
Literally leftist "WE WERE DA BAD GUYS ALL ALONG!" crap.
Once again, indie developers prove why you shouldn't flush your money down a toilet in their direction.
Styx was alright, but if I heard right it kinda flopped. Not so sure about it though.
Did you really play this game for the story?
Makes me re-evaluate my previously uncontested bias against indie games.
Like Yooka-Laylee
I really loved the way story was told and all those memorable quotes from guardians.
Fucking hated it. Which mouthbreathing retard thought it was a good idea to make the dash move you towards the direction you face rather than the direction you move towards.
yeah bro. you're such a noble "right wing" faggot.
keep living that armchair fantasy
You can change that in the settings
really? Well guess I should pick it up again.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun fits into that category as well, I think.
You're using mouse and keyboard, right? You definitely can if that's the case. I even switched back and forth between the two for specific parts of bosses. Not sure how it is with a gamepad since I didn't play it with one.
fucking god-tier game
like sci-fi mgr without all the useless mooks inbetween and the bosses amped to eleven
which hive did you crawl out you complete fucking faggot
the game is cool but uh Unity engine game = AA?
Furi was my GOTY
Fukken loved it, super fun, legitimately challenging without being bullshit, amazing music
wait the guy was afro samurai? Or was the game just made by the same people who did afro samurai?
which was a letdown honestly, I though we were gonna fight the bunny man
I'm not sure what constitues a AA company, but they're not AAA as far as I can tell, and I don't think they count as indie either.
as someone who actually goes to Sup Forums I have to say youre retarded as they get
Why would you fight him?
Really good but occasionally the controls would be unresponsive. Which is kind of a huge fucking problem in a game like this
If it was the dash in particular that was bugging you then the delay was intentional since you can hold the dash to charge it.
he wouldve been a nice alternate boss in the invasion ending
I played it for 10 minutes and deleted it
Same artist.
It's good, but it's got plenty of issues. I'm interested to see what its developers do next.
I don't think the game was trying to hide the fact that Rider was locked up for a good reason. Really the only surprise with it is seeing that your actual existence is lethal to the planet. It was still made clear that you were some sort of weapon and clearly a bad guy. I'd even argue the whole point of the game was about some kind of redemption or education.
one of my favorite ps plus games ever
Its not bad, but I'd like to see the devs make a more full game. Something thats longer, higher budget. I'd be willing to pay more for it.
should be longer though, felt way too short
Croteam counts as AA right?
One of the most overrated games of last year
>acts like a retard
>has that skull avatar
>dude I make more money than you
That has to be bait but I doubt it.
hwa'ts your top 5 then
No one falls for the internet tough guy anymore, so they shifted to the internet rich guy instead
I thought it was too restrictive. It was basically just a shallow game about pattern memorization, as in you see the tell and then do the one optimal response. There isn't really any room for player expression
Shadow Tactics, Xcom 2, Brigador is all I can remember off the top of my head
none of those games are like Furi. Are you comparing apples to airplanes?
>anything that makes me feel bad is leftist
Stop being retarded
Why do you think I'm comparing them
>this apple is overratted
>i like these oranges more
All you gotta do is say "I dont like action games".
>There isn't really any room for player expression
You're right about that, but I would say that this doesn't make this a bad game, I think there is no other way around it in this type of game.
At least there is the possibility to play very aggressively and preempt boss moves, interrupting them (like on the first boss, when he teleports around, you can keep being fast enough and attacking him, he will not be able to get off his attack, and after like 8 or so ports, he will just say fuck it and stop trying to special attack, going for normals strikes instead which you then parry).
I both loved and hated this boss
At least it got a sequel, for what it's worth.
It probably is my favorite game of all time, shit has completely blown me away
Also the line is objectively the best boss, but they are all fantastic (except for the beat)
Yeah I'm not saying it's "objectively bad" or anything just not what I'm looking for in an action game at all
I love action games, I just think Furi is a bad one. I'm not comparing it to the games you asked me to list out, but if you're into action games you can compare it to something like dmc3 and figure out why I don't like it
If you want me to compare it to DMC3 then I'd just argue you like more collecting than fighting. Every game can be trivialized, but most bosses only make you repeat patterns because you fucking died. Some critics would argue that the bosses aren't as fun, but honestly, its one of the tightest games I've played in a while and the fights are good. It's certainly better than a vast majority of action games, and delivers you right to what everyone wants in good action games, the fucking bosses. Nobody remembers the trash they killed on the way to a boss.
Also to that fag who said the ost wasn't amazing, eat dick
>"finally, I meet my creator!"
What did The Scale mean by this? I mean, is it ever explained what is the connection between him and Rider?
Sort of tangential, but a game just came out that I think you'd also like if you enjoyed Furi.
It's called Aztez, it's essentially a 2d beat em up game where you play as an Aztec general, and there's a light strategy game metagame that the indivual beat em up levels are tried to. The combat system is super complex and takes a lot of cues from CURAYZEE games like bayonetta and DMC even if it's a 2d title, as the devs are a aivd platinum game fans and even do in depth combat system analyses
I just assumed The Scale was a survivor from a planet that the space head assimilated.
rider probably destroyed his body or something so now he's a toxic waste guy
It's a 2deep5u story that has just enough coherence to be called a proper story.
It's the same shit the music industry pulls, where all the lyrics are so broad and open to interpretation that everyone can insert their own meaning.
Same for poetry.
And I think there's nothing wrong with that.
It was tough and I always died at the second to last phase until I realized that the snipe mode actually releases a beam that deals huge damage. It was a cake walk from there.
You know how the rider fucks shit up just by being alive? That's what happened to The Scale. I can't remember if they say it happened when Rider first arrived/crashed on the planet or some time after though.
Look fun, gonna give this a whirl when I got time.
I still can't beat The Flame on furier, i get to the final phase and fuck up consistently
10/10 soundtrack
9/10 combat
Fuck, i miss this game
A little too easy except for the final optional boss which was retarded since it took the game from action with some bullet hell to bullet hell with some action.
Best boss
Best theme:
The combat is basically a very similar system, barring the literal moves (which lets be honest about that eh DMC isn't even that complicated). So I can only assume instead of liking both equally, you prefer DMC for its aesthetics or for the collection aspect of upgrading stats and items
>The combat is basically a very similar system
To furi?
I much prefer the build up, then the actual track.