ITT: Level themes you like

>inside of a huge monster

Other urls found in this thread:

>le adventure time reference

comfy japanese cities or towns.


>snow level
>slow piano/xylophone

>video games

This scene was in the short movie right? I loved it


>inside a giant flying fortress

DMC3 did the "inside a monster thing" the best. second best was Monstro in Kingdom Hearts

>Its a stealth LWA thread

>old abandoned church

i'm an absolute sucker for games that take place in my hometown, the greatest city on earth. close approximations are good, too

mah nigga


City. At night.


>tfw its raining outside and raining in the game your playing

i have no idea why this is such a nice feeling

I didn't know how much I liked this until I played Persona 4.

i love post apocalytic worlds that arent nuclear wastelands, but have instead been reclaimed and beautified by nature. Nier:A did this really well in a lot of areas

>corporate skyscraper

I've always been partial to desert regions, tanaris is one of my favorite zones in all of WoW, even after cata it managed to stay comfy.

>Raining city at night


Pretty sure it's at the end of the first season of the anime.

>fall theme

>its nighttime, raining and thundering in my city right now
>have no comfy games to play

feels bad, man

More games need rain.

inside of a tuba haha

But there has only been one season.

How many games actually tried that approach?
I've been in a coma for 8 years so I might have missed some.

They must mean the first half.

Etrian Odyssey


>future with lasers,robots and a bunch of weird shit

Seafloor bases.

The Last of Us

>the stage that simulates the entire 4 season cycle.

Hook and Banjo Kazooie is all I can think of.

very few, as far as i know. tokyo jungle is the only other i can think of

The Last of Us

kino af

>its a fungus level
>overgrown glowing plants, status afflictions, parasites
Literally the most aesthetic fantasy environment possible

>not the exterior of a flying fortress
>not a fleet of flying machines

zelda botw

>Highway outside of racing games
Snow themes are the best.
I can't wait for winter time

Movie/Stage sets

megaflora is pretty comfy in general

i really love places, both "natural" and "man made", that make me feel like i'm really small. gravity rush and SOTC did this really well

I agree 100%, Click Clock Wood is my second favorite stage and that's purely because my love for Mad Monster Mansion is just not fair.
>same level but different seasons
>methods of getting around actually changes
>different instruments used for the same piece of music in each area
Good god, it was such a good level.

>giant factory level

Bonus points if:
>It's owned by the villain of the game
>it's full of nonsensical contraptions and layout completely unsafe for employees
>It has electrical hazards or vats of molten steel
>factory sounds sync up with the music or music has factory sounds in it

>factory sounds sync up with the music or music has factory sounds in it

Yes, Donkey Kong Country did this twice and it was great

I want to see more "time frozen shitstorm" levels.

I love all those modern Sonic levels that have huge flying eggman ships.

The factory levels in Donkey Kong Country games are always my favorites.

>giant pistons everywhere
>steam vats everywhere
>maze of conveyor belts

>Train Level

I really want a full video game in whatever kind of weird techno magic
Wizard setting Black Knight 2000 was going for

I like churches and giant temples.

>technology versus magic
Never gets old

>current year
>still no game with any kind of mesoamerican setting

>you're a toy and the map is a part of a home

These were some of the best maps in the Army Men games.

Sonic Adventure

Is there any games that let me you be a Gun Wizard?

Kind of a touchy game setting. game companies are too PC to touch that.

Unless it's a Japanese company.

>shit happening around you/at the same and you know about it

Ace Combat 4's final mission is good for this


Tree of Savior is a deeply flawed game, even for MMO standards, but the scenery is 10/10. There's an entire part of the map that's a forest in eternal fall, and it looks absolutely amazing.

Trains are nice. First one that comes to mind is the Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow one. The only boring part is that they always do a segment where you have to jump and crouch over beams as the train moves.

Ace Combat is full of moments like that. I like the Comona base mission in that regard, even though personally I like 4 the least out of the golden PS2 trilogy.


>I like the Comona base mission in that regard

which one was that? I never beat 5 because of an escort mission where the escorts die in 1 hit and enemies spawn out of the blue

>it has slipping mechanics

Comona is in AC4.

>I never beat 5 because of an escort mission where the escorts die in 1 hit and enemies spawn out of the blue
Is it that one mission where you have to fly while avoiding the missile defense network? That one's easy, it's just a pain in the ass. Go back and play it.

So what games have good vore levels

>Comona is in AC4.
don't remember it

>Is it that one mission where you have to fly while avoiding the missile defense network?
rescue Nagase after she got shot down. Finding her is no problem. Keeping the escorts alive sucks

It's an easy way to spot people fresh off the boat from tumblr, they watch it dubbed on netflix where the second cour is referred to as a second season.

Snow/ice level themes are always great. Maybe the presence of snow/ice is what MAKES it great. So pure.


industrial factory

Oh, that mission. The trick to that one is that the helicopter squadron that picks her up enters the map over a path that's full of AA stuff on the ground. This is what gets them killed, not the planes. Focus on that.

We can all agree that snow levels are some of the comfiest, but the single most amazing Ice Level is Ice Cap Zone.


Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter

>spent around one year in japan on a exchange program, easily the best year of my life
>even the big cities and commercial centers were comfy as fuck
>think about going back everyday but i'm not sure on how would i be able to live there on my own.

I miss that fucking place you guys.

>giant instrument level
>everything plays in time with the stage theme

I hope XC2 is good. hearing this the first time was indescribable. for all its faults, XC was really something special at times.

Snow levels are great, i remember spending a really comfy night playing meinkraft the day notch added a chance to generate a snow world if you made a new one.

I always loved the setting of being really small in a big house or other real world location. I loved the shit out of the Toy Story 2 game because of it, we need more of that in games.

>on a tanker or oil rig
>at night
>in a storm

Those levels that evoke a feeling of emptiness or vastness of space or something like that that I can't describe. To this day, only Submachine games, Portal 2, and a few other games have got that feeling for me.
I don't know how to describe it, but these three songs are the only ones I got right now that have that to them.

>game has a halloween themed level

I unironically love volcano, desert and snow levels.

>theme parks or water parks

Gang Hideout Raid
Undercover Bust at an auction/casino

You should play Radical Rex

That level sucked, though.

Might be more because it was Sunshine than any particular fault of the level, but damn. That pachinko, that shitty boss fight.

Desolate is what you're looking for.

>Level takes place inside a moving vehicle
>you can look out the windows and see the scenery going by

>Defeat boss

Love the theme regardless of how much I like or dislike the gameplay desu. Always gets me in a cheery mood

The Depths of the ocean.

Sunshine's amazing what are you talking about.
