So /fgg/ made a list of the 20 best fighting games of all time, what do you guys think of it?
1. Vampire Savior
2. Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
3. Bloody Roar 3
4. TvC
5. Ultra Street Fighter 4
6. MvC3
7. Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo
8. CvS2
9. KoF 2k2 UM
10. MvC2
11. P4U2
12. Cyberbots
13. Skullgirls
14. Virtua Fighter 4
15. Soulcalibur 5
16. Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3
17. Arcana Heart 3 LM
18. Garou MotW
19. Samurai Shodown V SP
20. Guilty Gear XX AC +R
I'd change some places around but not too bad over all, lots of important entries
Fighting games are for subhumans.
Matremelee was pretty garbage dude i dont know why you think it should be in top 20
This list is diffrent. I saw this thread before and it was full of animu shit.
Wouldn't expect fgg to not be biased but this list is actual garbage without any Tekken game on it.