Yfw you still can't find a Nintendo Switch anywhere

>yfw you still can't find a Nintendo Switch anywhere

How? Just use instock alerts. They are not hard to find.

>wanting a nintendo switch

I'll buy one when the inevitable re-release with non-shit battery life hits, probably 1-2 years from now. There should also be more than 1 game by then, and it will also be cheaper.

There's one sitting at my local walmart right now.

I considered purchasing it only to think back to the recent Cemu development videos that show BotW running at 4K 60FPS.

The thought was quickly perished.

No matter how good Mario Odyssey is, it isn't worth hundreds of dollars to play.


What happened to the girl in that pic?

>go to gamestop looking for a switch
>they're sold out
>on my way out of the store trip and fall onto a game stand
>stuff goes everywhere and a bunch of people gasp
>start sobbing and sprint to my car and scream at my mom to drive home

Ha no

3DS and Pii U both got a price drop, why wouldn't the switch? At the very least, it'll be bundled with a couple of games.