You're just getting old, games are better now

>you're just getting old, games are better now

Other urls found in this thread:

They are not necessarily better, but they are on the same level. It's just easier to forget the shit of the past and focus on the happier memories.

>but they are on the same level


t. Nostalgiafag

>They are not necessarily better, but they are on the same level.
Bullshit. Games nowadays are loaded with
>45 minute unskippable cutscenes
>qte's, arrows showing you wear to go and what to do, and the first hour of "gameplay" being a tutorial
>open world nonsense where you basically walk around doing nothing
Numale gaming was a mistake.

Do you really believe this?

Where you born in the late 200Xs?

>It's just easier to forget the shit of the past and focus on the happier memories.
Personally I feel it's the opposite.

Tibia was ruined by Brazilians.

Casuals and greed made everything safe and soulless. We had shit games back then but we also had real gems and innovation. Nobody today is dropping 100 mil on someone's promise that they're gonna make a great game, well aside from crowdfunding I guess but look at how that usually turns out (it's not all trash of course).

Literally anyone who says games haven't changed and just got better are fucking normies. The games did get better... better for them. The game market pivoted towards these fuck heads who think games should be movies. Just look at any recent e3: there is never any fucking game play footage, just stupid prerendered garbage - and their new audience eats that shit up

If I was objective, they're simultaneously more and less polished, and more repetitive.

More repetitive in that they're bigger, more time-consuming, and more expensive to make, and so companies are less willing then ever to take risks, experiment, or try something new, so all we get is, for the most part, the same ten or twenty cookie-cutter games with slight twists, gimmicks, and changes in setting thrown at us over and over again. More polished in that, if you do the same thing over and over again, eventually you're gonna get pretty good at it and figure out what works.

Less polished in that half the time they underestimate the workload, don't leave enough time for setbacks, or just set too early a release date and shove that shit out onto shelves half-done and with the edges sewn together instead of actually finishing the fucking product.

I'd kind of hoped the indie scene, with lower expectations, less pressure, and without the demand for the meme graphics, would become the new proving ground for experimental games. Instead it just became a swamp of fucking nostalgia, remaking old games and spiritual successors because people think they want the same thing over again instead of doing something new.

Tibia was never good tho RS is also shit

I used to trap noobs on rookgaard all the time
Good times,good times

tibia? always fucking sucked

Current trends are shit but the best games of these days don't follow them and they're better than the best games of past generations.

Makes me want to play Ultima 7 instead

>Games now are just as challenging as they were back then!

This thread is about quality, not challenge and if you think there's any relation between the two please removed your self from this planet.

This. Nostalgia is a powerful feeling.

>muh music was better in the past
>muh vidyer was better
>kids these days don't know what good movies are like
> technology is harmful to kids

Never listen to these types of people, they're outdated and stuck in the past.

Yeah, but alllllllll the awesome ideas came from the PAST!! AHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA, woo!

Im just sick of cinematic 3rd person shooters. Also I miss AA games, the only innovation now comes from indies who don't have the proper publisher backing like AA devs used to so while they have cool ideas they fall flat. Or they have good gameplay but have shitty pixel graphics or something.




everquest/wow were the worst things to ever happen to MMOs

ballooned development costs pushed a lot of smaller devs out of business and most of the big ones try to make shallow crap to appeal to as wide an audience as possible because it's the only way they're making that 20 billion dollar marketing budget back.

Yeah you find all of those games so good because of nostalgia. None of these lists ever take the massive amounts of garbage and shovelware into account. Keep trying though.

>remove yourself from this planet
I will, but how?

>It looks better now so clearly it's just plain better

Shove yourself up your butt

I'm not gonna argue with a nostalgiafag like you. I've found great games in every gen.

>Challenge is not an intrinsic value contributing to the quality of a game
And this is why modern """"""gaming"""""" is shit.

Even looks are arguable. Modern games often has shitty lighting and filters that detract from the visuals.

t. Newfag


I remember when I was trying to discover Rookgaard's secrets and all I found was a bunch of lore stuff. Fun times.

Nearly half of those games are shit, and/or have been superseded by later entries in their respective franchises.

Tibia was ruined by bots though.


it is all abut the new generations. get used to it.

Don't feel bad user, only people like us who lived through the good eras of gaming know what is good and bad.

We will never have another 1998, where every company was putting out something good all year.

It never was, youngfag. Kirby games have been easy and fun since before you were born.

So you were born well after 2000?

>I have found a well liked game that is low in challgenge - your argument is invalid!

Kirby has late game segments in the SNES titles especially that maintain solid challenge. Also they were games made for entry level gamers.

I mean fuck Sonic was a casual friendly franchise and today's newfag gaming crowd can't stop bitching about the mean ol' robots making them lose their rings :'((((

Your mom was made for entry level gamers

There is no longer a good reason for companies to be creative when making video games
Indie developers don't have to be creative either, just make what people will buy, it doesn't have to be a good game

Yeah and people like you think they're hardcore for beating Mario or Mega Man or whatever when they ain't got shit on the arcade classics. Let me see your Gradius III 1CC then you get to talk shit.

kys bae

No, the stock market ruins everything because of the way it's designed.
By the way, the stock market is not based on profit. It's based on "stock price" which really has nothing to do with profit.

uh no

fuck you, im probably older than all you fucks
im saying, gaming was fucking amazing and now its stale as fuck because devs can't remember what made games good

we NEVER got fucking yearly releases that weren't sports games. sure, we got some SHIT ASS GAMES like bubsy 3D, but too much AAA shit which SHOULD be fucking 10/10 isn't and is more like 6/10 meh.

too much shit is safe now too, can't have a real hard game, gotta make sure you have your pre order dlc, gotta make sure you have a 1 hour unskippable tutorial section!

there are good shit now, its just too damn far and between. you would know this if you fucking lived through the SNES era.

No. I feel Mario and Mega Man should have remained the baseline. Nobody in the 90s was fucking hardcore for beating middle of the road difficulty. It's just fucking pathetic what passes for a "game" now.

There's no fucking risk/reward at all in half of this shit.

These kinds of claims are always iffy as hell. People around here don't like to admit it, but it's really easy to become biased and jaded.

That said, I think right now gaming is in a decent spot. As somebody who has been taking interest in the industry since maybe 1996 (and retroactively played/expored a lot of even older stuff):
1990-1997 was an era of discovery - of new systems, of new genres, of ways to communicate through games. A lot of very novel and varied projects were there, but a LOT of them really struggled with polish, or with complexity.
1997-2004 is - to me, the golden era. I think maybe 70% my favorite games come from this time. I really do believe that in many ways, most genres peaked in this time.
2004-2007/8 was when things start to crawl down. A bit of the previous steam was lost, studios that previously made the peak games of their genres making weird fuck-ups, sequels that failed to live up on the potential... there were still quite a few good games, but it was also the time when consoles started imposing their limitations and multiplatforming has started seriously negatively affect old PC standards... It's around here where most of the negative sentimes that people still express around here started showing up.

2008-2013-ish: Now that is the real DARK AGE of games. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if most people whining about games today are either still stuck in this period and did not notice things have changed, or if they parrot attitudes that formed (especially around Sup Forums) in those days.
Since then, things have actually been gradually improving. I think 2015-17 may have been a small golden era in itself.

Basically, you have the Doom grand-dads, the Deus Ex golden era kids, the Halo and Cod Generation, and now the Minecraft generation. And I think the Halo and Cod generation was BY FAR the worst era for gaming, and might be the worst generation of gamers too.

I'm pretty grateful for what we have now. Things have been so much worse.

So yes you are a underage retard that does not know that gaming always a few gems and huge amount of meh to crap. Ok then

why everquest? because of the tigole stuff? I never got to play it back then, my parents wouldn't let me play anything that required a subscription.

i wish you would get zapped every time you were wrong, faggot.

you know you are, right?
the amount of good shit we had back in the day MASSIVELY outweighed the number of shit games that came out

just look at the wii, your first gaming system probably. 99% of the fucking thing is shovelware. fuck you, babby.

Every time I go back and play a game that I really used to love, I just get disappointed. The graphics are always shit, or the controls are too loose, or some other problem. I do think that games today are probably programmed better, or at least there are some conveniences that didn't get put into older games.

>we NEVER got fucking yearly releases that weren't sports games.
So you don't remember the billion Mega Man games or how Tomb Raider was run into the ground because the publisher wanted yearly releases?

>45 minute unskippable cutscenes
fucking Golden Sun

>we NEVER got fucking yearly releases that weren't sports games.
Mega Man?
Tomb Rider?
Might and Magic?
Yeah kid, you weren't around more than a decade ago.

what exactly are tight controls to you

not to the extent that fucking CoD, AssCreed and others. fucking asshole, nice try!

also, mega man had no game out in fucking 1989! it was the one year we didnt, so no, not a yearly thing


You are just proving my point about you being a underage moron fag lord.

>whining about old graphics is the first thing you do
Guess how I know you're a pleb.

I'm a young little girl ^.~

You're retarded. Look at the entire catalog of NES games. 80% of those games are trash.

Go home moot you are drunk.

I wonder if you people even realize how stupid the things you say really are.

This was true and serious problem of the industry seven years ago. But things have changed since then drastically. In fact right now we are facing very much the opposite situation.

darj souls is the hardest game ever and slyrim has infinite quest... what else u want??

Tibia is what makes me wonder if the "games were always shit" meme is true. It was good but looking back I realize how grindy it is, specially since I played a pokemon tibia clone, and I wonder if I could still take the grind today and say the game is good unlike modern mmos/gacha. 'Course, grinding was the point of the game and not a means to something else so I don't know.

>not to the extent that fucking CoD, AssCreed and others. fucking asshole, nice try!
See What is the point of bitching about present if you can't even get the basic data right? It's not like there aren't REAL things to complain about, so why the fuck are you people insisting on making up bullshit?

>mega man skipped one year so it doesn't count
AssCreed also skipped a year so it doesn't count either, then. Call of Duty might've as well, can't be arsed to check.

Also, you write like a retard.

89 was the burger release of mega man 2. from 87 to 97 there was at least one mega man game released a year including localizations, and from 91 to 95 there was also a handheld release each year.

it's not just about the challenge, music and atmosphere play a huge part. Not saying they were the most challenging, but built right is built right, regardless of the genre.

The idea behind this is both false and true at the same time.

It's false because gaming has gotten worse as developers and publishers realized that modern gamers do not have a higher standard of quality with which to base their purchase decisions on. So they can get away with increasingly less quality titles that get bought anyway on marketing and name value. While this has always been true, it's especially prevalent today as the practice is more popularized by gaming being a successful multibillion dollar industry.

It's true in the way that, because you get older your tastes are more well refined and you know what you want. You stop being the target audience because younger gamers are easier to appease, so you get faded out by the corporations because you're not a profitable group anymore that will just buy ANY game like the younger gamers will. This is why Sup Forums is filled with middle aged (like me) and mid to late 20's faggots who are always complaining, because games aren't made with us in mind anymore. We get thrown the occasional bone but most of us (who actually have standards) are playing indie shit/romhacks (like AM2R, and Terraria) now or wait for that occasional bone to be thrown to us while we play old shit, like how Nintendo is doing with Metroid prime 4/Their version of metroid 2.

tl;dr corporations never cared about us, only money. If you think that corporation you're defending now gives a fuck about you, wait 5-10 years. The young that were calling us nostalgia goggled or say we wore "rose tinted glasses" are having their tastes and standards fucked now, karma faggots.

one time in high school my girlfriend was grinding me on her bed but we heard her mom come in so I left her room real fast and sat on the stairs with a boner

never said the NES library was ALL fucking good
i hate assholes who fucking have a complete set of shit they will never play

i rented a good portion of those games too back when, so i KNOW the fucking NES has shit. only has like 150 games WORTH owning.

its like you fucks don't get it, at fucking all.
there is a damn reason we don't remember the shit games, because THEY ARE FUCKING SHIT!

who is gonna remember the Wii U?
who is gonna remember the Xbox 1?

it takes at least SOME good games to remember SOMETHING. shit, even the damn Virtual Boy has fucking VB Wario Land, fucking locked on that system forever and would have been damn perfect for the 3DS. asshole nintendo fucks.


suit yourself but i prefer my asshole to have a complete shit so I don't have to play musical toilets all day

Oh wow. does there even exists a system where most of the games weren't just either mediocre or bad?

I like you. Wanna make out?

Grinding is always a means to an end, not the end itself. You grinded to level up, so you could access new areas, use new equipment, impress your friends, whatever. Nobody, not now, not before, not ever, grinds for grinding's sake.

I'd even say gacha is better since you can just whip out your phone any time you have a few minutes to kill.

i never cared about corps, only devs
and when fucking devs start losing their damn minds, like konami and capcom, i worry about gamings future.

> someone thought this perspective was fun

The japs did it well in the 80s with zelda, final fantasy and dragon quest


> gf in high school


your picture isn't a rep of me, it needs less hair and more fat, also i need to weigh 530lbs and go for surgery that is PAID FOR BY US TAXPAYERS!

also, did he live?
do we have pics of the flying squirrel flaps yet?'s not like we didn't see those 2 cases coming. Anyone with a brain could see Capcom spiraling into their own death. Konami was a tiny bit more subtle until recent years where all the bullshit got revealed, like them isolating and screwed over their own devs n shit.

>devs aren't corps

What did he mean by this?


16/f/cali you? ;)

Then fix the pic fag flag.

I don't know if you recall, but people didn't really play video games until the PS2 era. They're making shit up because they weren't born or they were the ones crushing your nuts in the school yard for being a turbo-dork (ie: didn't play vidja).

no they're not smart for realizing this, because it's so blatantly obvious.
children are happy and easily impressed so they like pretty much every game they play. now you are probably depressed and tired of life so it's harder to make you feel like you felt as a kid playing a new game. you refuse to believe it's simply because you're unhappy because that would bum you out even more so you tell yourself that you aren't the one harder to make happy, it's everything else that's getting worse.

admit it, you've contemplated killing yourself at least once this month

but im lazy, just like 99% of this site!
i have no hopes/dreams, i just wallow away life on this site for the last 13 years!

The thing is, grinding in those games entailed a certain degree of risk and preparation that kept things interesting. Nowadays grinding is just asscancer that only leads to more grinding and then more grinding.

In a sense, nothing's changed, but the grind in-between has been dilluted so much there's not a smidge of fun to be found anymore.

What if I told you the majority of my early gaming career happened when I was a depressed teen? Nice attempt at generalization faggot, try again when you've had a few more years to develop intuition and awareness.

Then go die by pooping on your underage face.

>gaming has gotten worse as developers and publishers realized that modern gamers do not have a higher standard of quality
>So they can get away with increasingly less quality titles
Not really. The amount of work poured on AAA games is actually quite impressive, the tech behind some of these engines, the stuff they can do, all the mocapped animations. AssCreed's animation system is pretty amazing stuff even if we have become used to the bling of big budget games and that sort of stuff barely makes you blink anymore.

Of course, you're talking about gameplay when you mention quality, but the point of the above paragraph is that the majority of the people (aka the ones with the money) want quality of presentation, not quality of gameplay. Well, it'd depend what you consider to be "quality gameplay", remember that these people pick up maybe one or two games a year and play them on and off in between other activities, these are people that consider Dark Souls ball bustingly hard. They want an easy, pretty ride. And they're the majority, so they get to have it.

And now I'm having flashback to Yahoo Chat circa 1998.

>They're making shit up because they weren't born or they were the ones crushing your nuts in the school yard for being a turbo-dork (ie: didn't play vidja).
Seriously, posts like these makes me really fucking happy I grew up in a country where this dork/playing games stigma actually didn't exist.

I was there too.