Shame on you for not being excited for Morrigan's game

Shame on you for not being excited for Morrigan's game.

vidya booty best booty

morrigan don't have any impact anymore

are all zelda fanboys gay

I cant stand that artstyle.

what new game?

Show me her face

Modern men don't like ass.

MCU vs reused assets: infinite

Sorry, I don't play waifushit kusoge, so I've never had an interest in Darkstalkers. I've also never had an interest in purchasing flaming garbage, so MvCI is right out.

Then what do modern men like

How does boipussy feels like?

I'm not giving Capcom any money until they fix SFV and make this game not look like shit.


who cares? only faggot autists like mvc

Other men.

SSJHollowSasuke4500 trying hard tonight, anons and gents.

>Marvel or Disney doesn't want Xmen or Fantastic 4, two big things with MvC
>Get overshadowed by fucking DBZ of all things

I don't envy Capcom, but part of this shit is their fault with that character pass crap and anemic initial roster.

Why are modern men faggots

Jedah looks cooler to play as

every people shit on the game
trailer show ass 'you will buy the game user'

Because they where coddled to much

Okay. Still looks fine.

because women aren't worth the hassle

Probably because of huge amounts of xenoestrogenic plastics in the enviroment.

>overshadowed by DBZ

What? You're insane if you think that MVC:I won't sell about 5 times more copies than DBFZ.

Speak english please

>Get overshadowed by fucking DBZ of all things
DBF is quickly being overtaken by its own hype. 100 hit combos and the reveal of the SSB clones isn't helping keep my interest.

>Fantastic 4
This isn't the 60s anymore grandpa

Fantastic 4 itself isn't that big anymore, but Doom is synonymous with MvC in the same way Magneto and Wolverine are.

her color palette is too vibrant, especially her eyes and sleeves
her eyes don't look tired
the wings on her head point too far upward
the bats on her legs don't move
i do like that they made the white stuff look more like she's wearing a boa though

as a side note, does this game even have alternate color palettes?

>does this game even have alternate color palettes?
Yes? How the fuck else would there be mirror matches?

She literally looks like a velociraptor. Most of it comes from the narrow face and the eyes.

>not wanting to fuck a velociraptor

really really fucking good. ive taken it up the ass 8 times and will be fucking his pucci soon

Its always interesting to watch everyone reach as far as they can to nitpick on this game and also always ignore the gameplay which looks amazing.

Even after they fixed Chun-Li and Chris faces people will still go "uhmmm...there that bit over there looks weird fuck Capcom".

What is going on? Leaving the X-men out of the game couldn't have made SUCH a big impact, I mean, a lot of characters didn't make it from 2 to 3 and I didn't see so many people throwing a hissy fit over it, Remember Jin? Mega Man? Thanos ( who is coming back)? And Captain Commando?

Some characters have to go to make space for new ones, or else we would have a 1:1 copy of the previous roster.

>Some characters have to go to make space for new ones, or else we would have a 1:1 copy of the previous roster.
We're pretty close to it anyway

>being this offended no one wants to play your waifu garbage

If you want to sell moeshit first you have to make the girls moe. MvCI is a failure on all fronts.

>not being happy for a new model for SFM

You could have Morrigan twerk on my fucking face and I still wouldn't buy MvC:I. fuck off

The jews did this.

Even I have standards, low as they are.

>itt thirsty virgins

Sooooo.... this should lead to another proper darkstalkers game down the line, right, right???

Do you really want it to?

Nice lie.

But I am excited for Ghost Rider's game!

Look at her fucking eyes. What lie?

will you... savor it?

t. c0mb0fag

WHat the fuck did they do to his proportions

Where do you think you are?

Tiny head, also they fucked up the symbiote suit.

They made him a Chad. Blaze has been hitting the gym. Problem?

I hope Jedah gets Penance Stare'd in the story and bursts into flames.

i can imagine capcom adding a P# above the characters

reminds me of some porn game create a slut with someone trying to remake her

her pelvis and her face look really weird

Game has like no charm to it, but I cant put my finger on it.

the fuck are you on about hippie

few hours in HS and you get better results than that.

>back spidey with webs

>long-haired Lilith

Can't wait for all the sfm to come with the new model.

Because you didn't show them the way.

I'm never not gonna see this fucking pic whenever people bring up MvC:I.

WE GET IT, everyone on Sup Forums wants morrigan do answer their wishes

Stop it.

If they came out and apologized for the shitty business model and beginning roster and announced either that additional characters would be a buck or two (or alternately adopt the fight money business model), then I would unironically be hyped for this game.

After seeing that shit with Nova destroying the other team by spamming one move in Time Storm, I can't call the gameplay "good," but it at least looks mostly fun. The visuals are disappointing but could be forgiven with a good roster. All of the newcomers on the Capcom side have been surprisingly good choices (Marvel isn't my area of expertise) and so there's no reason to believe that the rest won't be.

Thing is, I really can't justify giving three or possibly even TWO in an entirely new entry then locking the rest behind a $5 paywall. A good roster could make it worth overlooking the faults, but without that, what is there?

Lack of, and intentional degradation of morals by ((((corporations and media)))). You don't necessarily need religion but, to be honest I say it helps. It forces idiots (which are sadly a majority) to conform to some set of guidelines. While we may not all need it, and anyone intelligent worth their salt wouldn't, some actually do need a strict set of moral code to operate themselves off of because they're simply too simple minded to help themselves otherwise.

t.someone who doesn't conform to any faith or belief

I don't know, I sure do not want a bloated new gaming system, personally. If they released it on a microconsole, that would be something else.

But some people are very sore about the lack of new fighting games.

>t. """awoke""" faggot
like pottery

you know the rules, unless you are the bigger faggot, you shall stream it



Morrigan only excites dicks. She's been left to flounder without a proper game of her own for years.

Ghost Rider makes everything better


eat a dick.


She does but it would have to be in her own game by not modern capcom

Is she actually going to play similar to how she plays in Vampire Savior?

for some reason that pic made me hear the sound of heels on marble floors

Well, she does wear heeled boots.

>Immune to Succubitch wiles
>Roasts a fucking sun goddess
>Penance Stare'd Galactus

How can one flaming skeleton be so based?

But Morrigan is the worst character in her own game. I mean, Viktor and Anakaris are frequently believed to be worse, but shit at least they have gimmicks that make them appealing and have autists that can make them work.

>that shit with Nova destroying the other team by spamming one move in Time Storm
you have a link?

Morrigan is in every game.

how much semen can morrigan milk out of a man

How do you intend to test that?

That one sucks. Night Warriors Morrigan would be better to draw from.

that's fucking ugly what the fuck man

Shell Kick.


>Vampire Savior
>Shell Kick

What do you think "Lmao" means?

wait Venom looks like THAT?

Oddly enough you're the first person I've seen react to that picture like that.


I'm willing to be an experimental subject.

it looks like they just ripped the mmx model from the ps2 era and dropped it in this game.

Cute nose.

Venom looks cool.

How very brave of you.