What do you think of Dangan Ronpa Sup Forums?
What do you think of Dangan Ronpa Sup Forums?
Juan Hernandez
Brandon Peterson
I love Junko!
Connor Barnes
my man
Jeremiah Brown
felt like a watered down ace attorney/999
not a fan
Christian Hughes
I don't understand why you need to make this thread every day. Just save the Junko pics this time and then you'll have them forever and you won't need to bait someone into posting them again.
Oliver Jackson
OP here, im not the Junko poster, sorry
Gabriel Lopez
I would Fukawa Toko.
James Morris
What the fuck is wrong with you? Every fucking thread. Noone cares.
Carson Young
Alexander Torres
I don't know whether to insult your shit taste or be amazed you'd actually be willing to go near a disgusting unwashed slob.