I'm currently replaying Swat 4 with the Elite Force mod and loving it. I especially like the missions that reminds me of possible real life situations more than the "terrorist group attack x" kind of missions. My favorite one is probably the cult one where they threaten to blow up the building, kind of got a Waco Siege vibe from that mission.
Swat 4
An excellent blog post yet again my good sir. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's. Do you have a patreon perhaps that I could donate to?
Just trying to start a conversation. It would have been a blogpost if I began rambling on about my life or some other shit. I could just have started my thread with a generic "discuss" or some other shit.
Ignore that baitmaster
How's the Elite Force mod? What does it do? And have you played the expansion? I think you might as well skip the base game and just play the expansion since it's got better controls and the missions are pretty much the same but more polished.
Yeah SWAT 4 is pretty fucking great. I'm looking forward to that new thing they're working on.
what new thing?
Why don't they make a SWAT 5?
He's baiting. There is no new thing.
oh fuck you
It's owned by activision m8
Do you really want Call of SWAT?
Sierra is defunct now. Some guys are working on a spiritual successor called Ready or Not that looks good though.
It adds new features of which my favorites are traps and revamping how you choose your loadout before going into a mission, i.e. no more invisible gas masks in singleplayer, now you have to carefully choose it like in multiplayer. The traps does make things more interesting since you now have to watch out before you just carelessly move into a room, also adds a great bit of flavor to the before mentioned cult mission since it is very much in character for a cult to use bobbytraps.
There are some other changes too with the AI such as them being less likely to give up without a fight and the fact that you have to be careful about who you taze since old people now can get heart attacks if you carelessly taze them.
In general it makes the game more realistic and challenging.
irrational and sierra are gone as well as the market being over saturated with tactical shooters
yes. call of duty: pavement ape removal operative
Neat, I'll try it
ahahaha niggers le ubpoat
Looks great I'm definitely following this, though I'm always skeptical before a game is released. Has voidinteractive done anything before?
>old people now can get heart attacks if you carelessly taze them.
But can I throw a flashbang at them when they're hiding in the bathtub?
not who you were replying too, but VI is made up of former sierra devs and some kommandos, so I'm expecting something pretty decent at least
Really excited then, though can't get too excited since I've been disappointed many times before.
was this game really that bad? The main complaints i've heard is how easily you die, so that makes me think cod kiddies getting their shit pushed in.
I remember the lead designer of gaylo reach and GRAW worked on this, so it kinda kept me away
Has anyone else noticed that we've had daily Swat 4 threads for a couple weeks now?
My negro i love playing swat4 it's the only game i can think of where you have to strategically plan your path and how to deal with hostiles very tactical i haven't found another game like it
No, the AI were completely fucked. Most of the time they don't even notice you when you're right in front of them, and then seemingly at random, they'll do a 180, shoot through a door and take you out in a single shot.
Never played it, but from what I've heard it had no Campaign, which for me is a deal breaker. I remember being very excited, but decided not to buy it since I only heard negative things about it. One of the developers later on apologized about it and explained that some of it had to due with publisher meddling if I remember correctly. They are working on a new game now, which is at least getting mostly positive on steam, though it's been on early access for a while now and you can rarely trust steam reviews too much.
Worst post on Sup Forums
I don't know if its the original developers, but its called Ready of Not, and its looks p sweet imo.
SWAT 4 is great. Playing with friends on the cult level was some of the best and funniest memories I've had
Are Swat 1 and 2 worth it? I tried getting into Swat 2, but it felt too clunky.
I think it's one of those things where one guy mentions it, then a whole bunch of people play it, and they mention it, and then more people play it and so on
Exponential word of mouth
Swat 4 is cool but Swat 3 has better mechanics.
Also Swat 3 has more replay value, imo
SWAT2 is a little weird, a very stiff tactics game with a lot of small mechanics that are actually pretty useful. I enjoyed it due to the openess and flexibility in how you can go about scenarios (always send in the guy with the police phone), but you can probably give it a pass.
SWAT 1 is Daryl F Gates / Everything-Kills-You-Sierra era Police Quest, so there are a shitload of "do this shit exactly by the book that you don't even have or else you game over" things on virtually every screen. Some are hilarious, some are frustratingly unforeseeable.
Not aiming your gun sights at that pile of wood for half a minute? Bad guy jumps out and you die. It's worth it just to see how replaying the same four missions can play out in totally different ways and to see how screwing around can get you in trouble.
And better AI
And better level design
I found the levels in Swat 3 to be more "realistic" in the sense that they are more like something that actual swat members would experience, like how most missions aren't creepy dark dungeons, but just some dude's house. Swat 4 missions seem more like something you would see in a horror movie or crime drama by comparison.
SWAT 1 is fucking ridiculous, the entire game is getting yelled at by angry white people drinking coffee out of paper cups
>School shooting level
>Human trafficking level
>Dead children and children hostages
Dis gonna be good.
It's called Rainbow Six Siege
>that sewer level
You playing with voice commands, or no? I've found them to be ridiculously responsive.
Been watching the trailer like 5 times now. I really like the dark atmosphere combined with Air by Bach. It's going to be great to go through those levels and seeing all of that fucked up shit, makes it extra satisfying once you apprehend them or put a bullet inside them.
No, didn't even realize that that was a feature. Going to give it a try.
kys my man
Irrational is dead, and the company that replaced them is only big enough for indie games.
I hope this will be as good as it looks and sounds.
I had to grab a notebook and draw the fucking labyrinth that was the sewer level with a pen. That map was an absolute hell, I don't know what the fuck were they thinking.
Should I redownload SWAT 3? It's been ages since I've played it, and never being able to see my firearm triggered my autism ridiculously hard.
Swat 4 threads are thinly veiled Ready Or Not shill threads
You're a fucking shill. Let us get nostalgic and hope a new game can live up to our expectations, faggot.
You can add a command line, which makes you able to see your gun.
It's true, when I see a thread about a video game I scoff and think "wow, what gay fucker thought that talking about video games on Sup Forums was a good idea? probably a sony shill"
What does the mod do?
>trying to fit in so hard that a sane post about video games is "blogging post"
Stop breathing
just shut up
How do you do this
fuck that bullshit. You made me remember even though it's been 15 years.
So, can i buy swat 4 on steam and there will be people playing it right now or what?
You can buy it on GOG.com for like 10 bucks or so. The servers are down, but you can still play it online by using third party software such as gameranger.
And Sup Forums doesn't make some LAN parties once in a while of this game or whta?
>playing with Sup Forums
Not from what I know. Someone could arrange something, but it's not going to be me right now since it's late for me and gotta go soon.
Play a game that allows you to kick underages acting like reddit or one that allows you to bully them but other than that don't expect the game to be full retard.