>Tfw too dumb to play vidya without listening to a podcast
gimme some good podcasts to listen to while playing vidya
>Tfw too dumb to play vidya without listening to a podcast
gimme some good podcasts to listen to while playing vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
Or play games that aren't shitty enough to require a podcast to begin with
>good podcasts
Something from 5-10 years ago. There are no good podcasts anymore
This is what I listen to currently:
The Official Podcast
Bill Burrs Monday Morning Podcast
Dumb feelfaggot
Mysterious Universe is pretty good if you like /x/ stuff
Pizza Party Podcast if you like Sup Forums
Dan Carlin hardcore history is great
seconded. currently the newest is 'celtic genocide' about the roman invasion of gaul
cumtown is the greatest podcast of all time
Triforce podcast
Common Filth Radio
I still just listen to old Talkradar episodes.
The Dick Show
>the arrow pointing down (geff, ryan, and brad before they were giantbomb
>rush limbaugh
I get the feel he really dislike Caesar though it's still great.
I've binge-listened to this channel while playing today
It was fun
Dude soup is what I listen to while running. I don't listen to anything while playing games, but if it's a nice semi-structured distraction they're real nice.
On the contrary, being able to concentrate on both a podcast and vidya is some high-intelligence shit
Lets Drown Out with Yahtzee and Gabe. It's great background noise and is honestly one of the better let's play channels.
My nigga
>mfw getting nostalgic over Chris' soundboard
The Daily Shoah
and the stormer when it comes back up
Insufferable Social Media Argument: The Podcast
I used to listen to Screwattack years ago before (((suttering greg))) had the site legally placed in his own name while Tom was on vacation.
you're not wrong
I haven't had the chance to listen for weeks and weeks, can't wait to catch up on the backlog my man
It's strange how nostalgic the show is for me at this point more so than the actual games they talked about. Every episode is still absolutely fantastic and entertaining today, even in the sad final episodes when Future US was Aushwitgzing the GR offices. It's such a shame what happened both to the site and Laser Time.
Tell Em Steve Dave
To me, Laser Time is still good, it's incredible, even. But with Talkradar every episode was special. I even won two of their giveaways. RIP Future US. It's now a Game of Thrones normie wasteland.
I've been listening to 25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade recently, even though I've never played the tabletop. Shit's interesting.
cool, retard
daily shoah.
fash the nation.
the paranormies present.
Kill yourselves
Laser Time is still good, but I feel that the main show is a real crapshoot now; between the topics being really bottom of the barrel at times and the increasing disconnect between the crew and the current landscape of media, it gets me a bit down at times. I stopped listening regularly because after the election every show as permeated with the exact kind of pathetic political commentary I hate hearing from people. It got to be too much for me. I don't know if it's settled down any since then.
What's your fucking problem?
The Northernlion Super Show.
>Sleepycast (relistened twice..)
>tfw still need to finish Biggest Problem on the Universe
>tfw my enjoyment has decreased slightly since learning about Maddox being a faggot cuck
What's some good stuff if I've already heard all of Hardcore History and History of Rome and Revolutions?
Majority Report
China History Podcast
what episode are you on? There's no point in listening after the second Tim Changzzzzz episode unless you're really concerned about Maddox whining like a bitch and advertising his YouTube channel for hours on end
.t anti-white kike
The Biggest Problem in the Universe (Even if Dick and Maddox hate each other now it's still a fantastic show)
The Dick Show
My Brother My Brother and Me
Cool Games Inc.
47. When does it get bad?
>Maddox Patreon: $273 a month
>Dick Patreon: $20333 a month
Can't wait for dick to literally earn 100 times Maddoxs wage
I can't stop listening to Norm Macdonald while playing MGSV.
How I wish there was a head model of norm for that game.
>playing Vidya while listening to podcasts
>"Yeah well it's better than wasting your time playing video games!"
While technically not a podcast i listen to fishcenter live on adult swims stream. It's pretty comfy and hilarious.
the drop starts around episode 75, but if you aren't looking for it you won't notice until 77 or 80, then it levels off and drops more when you get to the 90s for a steady decline until it ends
It can vary, honestly. On a good day it's fantastic, but then you can have shit segments like Nidhogg 2 or geoguessr and shit guests like cobalt or nek
Thanks user, will be ready for it
I fucking love cumtown podcast, it's bar none my favorite podcast out currently. Nick also has pretty decent taste in video games.
guy on right reminds me of an asian Alex Jones
Last Podcast on the Left is my all time fave
If you like spooky shit and serial killers it's great
Any other answer is just wrong
yeah, it's sad that Maddox's autism ruined Biggest Problem, but considering how much better TDS is is now that Dick's hit his stride, it was for the best
What a stupid and useless person you must be.
So are these pretty much just SJW tier alt right podcasts?
>tfw a bunch of stormfags fell for the nazi meme and are ruining the alt right image
How I Built This
I think it's from NPR or something but they basically interview entrepreneurs and ask how their businesses got started. There's an episode on the Atari guy.
What's the point of a podcast? Never listened to them. Is it just people talking about whatever?
friend simulator
yes its pretty shit unless by the off chance they actually get around to talking about something interesting
This and sleepycast
They can be informative, entertaining and you can listen while doing something else if you want a break from music
and they make me feel less alone in the world and I can pretend I have friends ;_; as the user above said
it's like radio but with likeable people talking
reggie yates can fuck off
It was good when they'd share interesting stories and get good skype conversations going but now they just stick to the outline and spend 30 minutes on sponsors.
I've listened to every sleepycast at least 5 times (some more) and I wish I was dead
What is Sleepycast? Lots of you seem to like it.
You're not wanted here
>sjw tier alt right
kek ok
Horseshoe theory is shit and we don't even use it in political science
doesn't mean either side in that pic is right though
It had animators like Spazkid, Psychicpebbles, Stamper etc shoot the shit for a few hours per episode but it started dying when Ricepirate made it too formulaic. Stamper moved away and then the others did the same, everyone stopped caring. Now Psychicpebbles has a new podcast Shmucks where he injects politics into everything and barely makes any episodes
ghost radio
le strawman ms paint comic
Newgrounds animators in a big office in Pennsylvania met up and had quite possibly some of the funniest conversations ever recorded. They did the podcasts because they were simple to do and were content to tide people over while they worked on their projects. Now everybody's moved all over the country so they can't do the podcast anymore but there's still like 50 hours of quality content.
^^This is probably one of their best moments but there's too many to list. I'd give it a listen if you like this type of humor, and maybe the podcasts with guests so you can learn a bit about animation/the process
>It had animators like Spazkid, Psychicpebbles, Stamper
Never even heard of any of those e-celebs. Never mind. I don't care anymore.
neo-AR is legitimately just SJWs with a different coat of paint though dude
Why is this so true?
>e-celeb shit
underage detected
Stamper is sorta vidya
They suck now but early shit is great.
Burr's is bad now, had to stop listening after almost a decade. He became what he hated
.t mixed race le rational skeptic who makes epic feminazi rekt compilations
Of course they're fucking ecelebs you retard, they're on a goddamn podcast. Literally EVERYBODY people are listing here made their living on the Internet besides a select few comedians
Joe Rogan
have you missed the rest of this thread, user?
You 13 years olds get real upset about your e-celebs being insulted.
wow user you're really above it all aren't you
how mature
Not an argument.
>never heard of Stamper
The Dick Show
The F+
How so?
>What's this podcast?
>It's people who talk about things
>On the Internet?
>Pfft, yeah, whatever kid. Sure, kid. Uh huh. Oh yeah. I see what you're getting at. Oooooh yeah. Uh huh. Sure, kid. Sure.
Neck yourself faggot
Distorted view daily