Was it a bad decision to have the new jobs both be DPS?
I'd say yes but considering how fucked tanks are and how every healer feels like it plays the same they probably couldn't make a new one good anyway.
Playthrough starts now Sup Forums.
Not really, just their main reason for doing it was completely retarded.
>Here's an expansion with a new DPS, Tank, and Healer
>Hmm the ratios between Healer/Tank and DPS didn't improve, I guess no one likes to heal or tank
Tank and healer balance are good
Were dps queues better before SB?
Right now I would say no
Next expansion is kinda awkward though because I'm not sure what they're going to do since they said 3 classes is too much. If they release Tank + Healer they lose out on a majority of the player base, if they release DPS + Healer/Tank then the other one complains that they havent seen a new job since HW
No, it was still 20+ min of queue
Not really
Better question: Would DPS Q's be better if franchise favorite jobs like Red Mage was a Healer, and weab bait like Samurai was a tank?
The answer is yes.
>If they release Tank + Healer they lose out on a majority of the player base
Not really, a lot of people jumped on DRK and AST before MCH just because of how cool they looked. Obviously it won't sway mains too much but only select few retards just refuse to heal or tank forever.
makes queueing for anything as a DPS fucking hell on earth though. Don't know if it's improved since I last played though.
They've said as far as you want to believe it, I guess that most of the people that played DRK or AST were either mains of the roles before or attempted them and quit. The majority of the game are still DPS mains, even if some people unlock and play the healer/tank classes.
>or attempted them and quit.
That would be good enough though.
Most players quit after hitting the cap or even before that.
Who cares?
>Who cares
It's a resource they could put towards a class that would see more sustainability. They have to choose based on what people are going to play, they can't just dedicate all their resources to a class only a minority would play. The problem is they put themselves in a corner because they will probably lose a community of a role based on what they pick for the next expansions jobs. That creates more issues with role player discrepancy and perpetuates the issue of having way too many god damn DPS
>they can't just dedicate all their resources to a class only a minority would play
Oh bullshit. By that logic nothing but DPS should ever exist. In this game you can be everything. There's no excuse.
Still need tanks and healers for a holy trinity MMO. They have to find the balance of appeasing the majority that play DPS and the minority that play roles that allow DPS to actually play the game.
I can just imagine.
>Add new tank which is based on POSITIONALS
>Loses 15% of their DPS potential by being MT
>Add tank based on dodging
>Fails to dodge 2 attacks in a row despite having a 99% chance and dies like a bitch
>Add new melee based healer
>Has to hit something to heal
>Goodbye big pulls because they won't have enough healing output at the start of a fight
>Add healer that's a channeling healer
>MP issues up the ass
>Takes a few seconds for channeling to start
This only really affects DPS queues though in the end since 7/10 players are going to be DPS.
Play a tank or healer and you're going to enjoy really easy queues.
Please queue
>retards actually think tank balance is fucked.
I don't understand.
Man I do love the current tank balance!
t. PLD main
I'm not too knowledgeable on healers, but isn't SCH shit too?
Use party finder, unless you are on a Japanese data center.
I am on a Japanese data center
Must be nice
You're not too knowledgeable in general. Tank and healer balance are some of the best it's been since the release of ARR
>isn't SCH shit too?
No job is shit right now
How fun they are to play is another question entirely.
When people ask for SCH SMN MCH reworks they don't mean just buff their output, they want them to play smoother and more intuitive.
Dancer when?
>Queuing for Savage content using Duty Finder
Do I just make a party finder group? I have zero savage experience and statics/english speaking groups are all farming groups
It's honestly not that hard to come up with new classes, balancing them would be another issue. For example I've never seen a mage tank class, like an earth mage that wears a giant rock armor. One of my favorite rift classes was chloromancer, a healer that healed by dealing damage.
do the EX primal dogs come from drops only, or can they be exchanged for tokens?
>How fun they are to play is another question entirely.
Well, not fun to play, or needlessly hard to output damage with when compared to other jobs in the same role that output the same damage but in a way more streamlined way kinda makes a job shit to me.
See also: WAR (burst phase is a pain in the ass to pull off out of training dummies) and DRK (hurr 1 DA 2 DA 3 DA).
All jobs are "viable", but as I said above, viable and unfun/non streamlined isn't good and balanced.
Also PLD is objectively way ahead of DRK and WAR. It has the most utility and like 3% less DPS than WAR which has none and is way harder to pull that 3% extra DPS with because of mechanics.
Well since tanks are going to be on the front line regardless of magic, they would have a melee weapon, not a staff.
DRK WAR and PLD are all streamlined, if you think WAR has mechanics issues currently you're probably playing the class wrong.
WAR has more aggro gen and physical mitigation that PLD/DRK. DRK is a general all around maintank, PLD is a good OT with party utility. All of them do about the same damage. All three are seeing playing in all forms of content as well. Is it perfect? Of course not, it never will be unless the classes are literally the same. Is it the most balanced they've been with all 3 tanks interchangable? Yes it is. Tanks are fucking fine right now.
Well no because, DRK is massively boring to play now, and is arguably the worst of the three. PLD is balls to the wall broken right now, and hands down the best tank there is. They could easily just work things out this way, PLD has most utility and phs negation, DRK has greatest self sustain and magic mitigation, and WAR has the greatest DPS and burst
I dont know why they dont do this
Honestly, the only thing I would want on SCH to change right now would be to make Bio 2 24 sec and Miasma 1 30 sec
Before, your last dot with Bio 1 which was instant cast, so you could bane without eating in your gcd.
If you want to do the same now, you have to use Ruin 2 after casting Miasma 1, which make you eat up a whole GCD too.
>In this game you can be everything. There's no excuse.
Ill never tank or heal
You say DRK is the most boring to play and worst of the three, but it has the same number of parses are warrior. Not only that, fun is completely subjective and I've seen a multitude of people call PLD and WAR more boring. PLD is only stronger than the 2 because it fits the OT slot best currently, and even then its marginal because swapping out for a DRK/WAR comp will net you a very small loss unless you are relying on DV/Passage for very specific mechanics. The statement originally was best they've ever been balance wise, and this is still true. In 2.0, PLD + PLD was the best because WAR was straight up useless until the rework before SCoB. In 3.0, PLD saw no play throughout the almost entirety of Alexander due to how bad it was. Right now, all tanks are being played and all have strengths, and are all very interchangable unless very specific mechanics call for a certain tank. WAR still has access to a gap closer and a short CD like holmgang with very high physical mitigation. There's just not a place to use it in these specific fights in deltascape sans o3s main tanking. Despite this, it still sees play.
But I think all three should have their own traits they do best, so WAR isnt just the one job thats "passable". Its just not fun for people who play it or people who might want to play it
No... World of warcraft done that with Monk in LFD, talking utter shit.
>Honestly, the only thing I would want on SCH to change right now would be to make Bio 2 24 sec and Miasma 1 30 sec
SCH needs a lot more than that. It's a fucking disaster.
Too much aetherflow dependency, not enough fairy usage and out of AF abilities Indom is fucking BROKEN.
The gauge is only obtained at 70 and is used for one ability whereas Aetherflow is used throughout.
The interaction between Aetherflow and Fairy bar makes no sense - PVP idea is better (SCH is not the only job where PVP versions straight up contain stronger gameplay ideas in SB).
Selene is still fucking useless.
Excog actively contradicts the fairy, Union actively contradicts Dissipation, Dissipation is still kind of a janky skill.
They need to take the job to the drawing board and rethink how its kit comes together (right now it basically doesn't). Emphasize the smart heal and fairy support aspects.
No because everyone can become everything in Stormblood.
Everyone can tank heal and dps at the same time.
>It's not fun
That's subjective. I can name a lot of people off the top of my head that enjoy playing warrior and understand its strengths. They also all do have their own traits. WAR is physical mitigation + aggro gen, DRK is magic mitigation + small utility, PLD is high utility OT. I wouldn't mind seeing WAR get its lifesteal back but other than that tanks are in a very very good spot right now. Just because it isn't perfect doesn't mean it isn't in a great spot.
DRK is a fucking bore to play though.
Most of WAR's toolkit is locked behind its stances. It's either one or the other. Defiance is shit, and if you wanna use either HP regen Equilibrium or IB you gotta swap to it, which also murders your damage output.
>but Unchained
It's shit because it shares its cooldown with Inner Release which you wanna keep for your burst phase.
You're right though, WAR has slightly better physical mitigation CDs when excluding IB.
WAR's burst phase (with 2 Onslaughts and 1 Upheaval) only happens every moon (2 minutes) and is fucking hell to pull off when you don't know the fight, or when the fight doesn't go well. If the slightest thing happens, you're boned for two more minutes because the timing is that tight.
Also, you've got to stick to your rotation tight or you're fucked too.
You can't use an extra FC in between your burst phases.
Compare that with PLD's burst.
You can't call that streamlined. That's bad.
Also, it's got no utility, at all.
And it's got a useless skill to boot (granted, it's going to be reworked in 4.1 into something that is probably going to be shit anyway)
>Compare that with PLDs burst
>15s of low mobility
>25s of a long duration buff where downtime is very bad for it
>Class is locked into a 60s rotation where delaying that rotation anytime feels like absolute shit where WAR has an abundance of meter gen before it hits its berserk windows in case of downtime.
Nah man, PLD is pretty ass if you want to compare it that way. It's still possible to work around both classes though.
It's fairly easy. Make it like melee shamans in wow. They even had a weapon buff that increased aggro generated.
What's broken about indom?
Somehow, SCH should not have a good aoe heal at all and be shit most of the time
It's strong as fuck. Cases where you'd take Sacred Soil would cover lost hps from not just using Indom instead are super rare.
t. SCH main
That's not what I said at all.
AF is a resource and you have to choose how to spend that resource and among five options you have Indom stands out as the absolute best button by quite a good margin.
I don't understand the MP cost increase on Succor either. Emergency Tactics needs to have an MP cut baked into it.
SCH needs to be massively rethought. The game in general should move away from shield vs regen dichotomy (it never really made sense) because two distinctly opposite styles of healing make balancing any new healers difficult (See: SE's "genius" idea to work around it by just making AST do both)
Oh, and pet responsiveness needs improvements but that kinda shit just goes without saying
SCH/SMN feels like dog shit to play. how do you fuck boys stand it?
Honestly i really dislike the burst healer playstyle that sch has become . I signed up to be the mitigation healer back in its golden days and it feels so bad to have been completely cucked by noct ast, and i dont even wanna level ast cause cards dont interest me.
Right, but WAR's damage output outside of that 2 minute window is way lower than PLD, because WAR's DPS combo route's potency is lower than PLD's or DRK's for some reason.
WAR's damage is heavily reliant on that burst phase, and if it goes wrong, there goes your damage.
By the way, why don't they fucking remove the stance restriction on the skills? There's no fucking point.
They've removed all of WAR's identity which was high damage and self sustain via life steal, might as well remove stances or completely rework them.
I feel like they tried to force 3.x WAR and its stances into the 4.0 mold of "simplification" and damage output equalization, and it didn't work well. It needs a rework, not a damage buff.
>Put eos on steady
>she embraces anyways
Im pretty sure embrace priority is literally the only thing they need to fix about pet responsiveness. You can make a contagion macro for Garuda to steady > contagion > obey to instantly apply, but Eos will never do it for some reason. Its been an issue for a long time now and I have no idea why it isnt fixed. Anyone that tells you its possible to micro eos Embrace is a liar. Its fundamentally broken.
SB feels half assed in general compared to HW
My favorite meme is that Earthly Star is actually a pet so it is both weaker than you yourself and takes a tick to respond despite doing nothing otherwise.
Planning around 2 minute burst phases is fine though. Literally the definition of min/maxing in this game is planning around optimal burst windows and this game almost always allows for them. The Creator double ranged meta played around lining up cooldowns together to get the most out of them, and it still sees play in a lot of speed kills.
I just hated how SE heavily changed several job playstyles in SB. It completely fucked over people who signed up for that job because of how it played in ARR or HW.
Also, the SB story was shit and so were the main Ala Mhigo NPCs. Fuck Lyse.
The Scions were bad too, but that's par for the course.
How long have you been playing XIV?
Have they ever packed a Fantasia + name change together? I'm not wasting 15 euros on this shit.
Dear Lady; PAY UP!
Anyone wanna do roulettes on Chaos? I'm trying to level nin
>on Chaos
Fuck no.
What's the fun of another WoW clone, with boring and interchangeable "trinity" classes?
cat girls
Help me they're so bad
I know :^)
Why should I pick this up again? I got to level 41 and kinda drifted off from it but I've heard HW is really really good.
I got a level 53 WHM sitting around, what's the fastest way to get it to 70 without MSQ?
Losing bloodbath was the worst, the least they could do was give WAR another cool-down rather than try to force stance bullshit, instead we get fucking Shake it off. I'd even settle for a buff to raw int at this point, considering it's completely useless on some encounters.
I'm on Chaos and you probably know why I am going to decline.
Of course and when you tire of it again, you can feel free to find something else to do until you get the itch once more.
thats up to you
Dungeons. Healers don't have problems with queue times.
Big fat cat tats
How many hours did it take Justin to pay for this?
Looks high quality, so I assume its expensive as far as commissions go
Spamming dungeons, leveling roulette, trial roulette.
I don't blame you, the ARR MSQ is boring as fuck, it starts to pick up more towards the end and gets even better during Heavensward. You also get to do optional stuff like Coil and Alexander when you hit 50/60 respectively, both of which I found enjoyable.
I don't have any more healer equipment. Can I just buy those shitty vendor equips for higher level dungeons
Yea, I think the city state NPCs sell all gear up to 50 now.
>level 47 PLD without armory bonus
What's the best way to get to 50 that doesn't entail killing myself doing it?
If you have poetics, just grab ironworks gear from mor dhona and you'll be set until you hit 60 (which then you can buy shire gear in idyllshire)
They're going to bring back the Heavensward Orchestrion Roll for this year's Rising, right? R-right?
Is there a Rising event every year? I'm kind of waiting for it to get announced.
0001 under C.V
What's wrong with Chaos' Roulettes?
>>Add tank based on dodging
>>Fails to dodge 2 attacks in a row despite having a 99% chance and dies like a bitch
Give them moves that guarantee a dodge against certain things or to prevent them from getting bursted to shit.
I just got into ARR base game as a pugilist and so far I'm loving it.
What am I in for in the long run?
People are bad at the game and runs either go bad or take fucking ages.
$5 on the mogstation goyim :^)
Chaos is EU if I recall correctly, so if I had to guess I'd say it's salut
>I just got into ARR base game as a pugilist and so far I'm loving it.
You'll like the rest of the game then, since it only gets better.
Is there something wrong with the bead?
Oh. RIP EUAnons. Never had a chance. I will pour out a burger for them in remembrance.