People like to complain about the writing in this (which is terrible)...

People like to complain about the writing in this (which is terrible), but it's a shame nobody points out how fucking awful the level design is as well.

This has some of the most confusingly designed levels I've ever seen in a game, coupled with a terrible map, and instant death falls fucking everywhere.

It's like it's made by Aussie shitposters hell bent on making the most irritating game possible.

Nobody here played it

Somebody must have. There's more borderlands fans here than you think. There was a general once.

the presequel managed better the levelcap than bl2

The level cap, sure. The levels themselves are badly designed though, that's my problem.

The entire Helios station is horrible, especially the part approaching the laser. It becomes a maze, where you're constantly on the wrong level for objectives because the shitty map doesn't make it clear where they are.

You just sound too retarded to navigate properly

It's my fault that the game is badly designed?

I played a bit of it and you're right, it's designed really stupidly. Everything that seems like a good idea is never used, or flat out unimportant. The writing made me completely drop the game and flat out delete it, though.

When I heard the sentence, "Oh, you're not from around here, lemme say this in a way you'll understand -- baseball, assault rifles, homophobia" I deleted it.

I'm fucking gay and that shit annoys me to no end. The pre-sequel is a shit game with shit design that you'd think could be forgiven if the writing was solid, but no, it's also shit. There's a very, very valid reason why so few people talk about the game beyond it's writing, and that's likely because the writing is the biggest insult. A lot of bad games can be carried by phonemonal writing. I consider Fallouts 1 and 2 to be a bad game by gameplay standards, because they're just not fun, however, the character building, writing, and universe are incredibly interesting and well executed, which saves it for me.

TPS...not so much. Everything in it is bad, or has already been done to the point I'd rather just go play BL2 because despite BL2's awful writing, the gameplay's still really fun for me.


TPS is talked about so little because very few people could probably actually fucking stand to finish the whole game and you're probably the only person here who has played it as far as you have.

I played the first Borderlands for like two hours, and can't understand why anyone would like the franchise.

The most obnoxious writing is at the start is the thing, which means that most people drop it early, and miss the rest of the game, where it does improve. Or at least, stops being completely obnoxious to the point where you're tempted to just mute it.

Apparently the DLC is better, but I haven't tried it. I'm glad that Tales from the Borderlands exists though, because it actually makes the Borderlands setting less of an embarrassing mess and into something that's genuinely interesting.