People like to complain about the writing in this (which is terrible)...

People like to complain about the writing in this (which is terrible), but it's a shame nobody points out how fucking awful the level design is as well.

This has some of the most confusingly designed levels I've ever seen in a game, coupled with a terrible map, and instant death falls fucking everywhere.

It's like it's made by Aussie shitposters hell bent on making the most irritating game possible.

Nobody here played it

Somebody must have. There's more borderlands fans here than you think. There was a general once.

the presequel managed better the levelcap than bl2

The level cap, sure. The levels themselves are badly designed though, that's my problem.

The entire Helios station is horrible, especially the part approaching the laser. It becomes a maze, where you're constantly on the wrong level for objectives because the shitty map doesn't make it clear where they are.

You just sound too retarded to navigate properly

It's my fault that the game is badly designed?

I played a bit of it and you're right, it's designed really stupidly. Everything that seems like a good idea is never used, or flat out unimportant. The writing made me completely drop the game and flat out delete it, though.

When I heard the sentence, "Oh, you're not from around here, lemme say this in a way you'll understand -- baseball, assault rifles, homophobia" I deleted it.

I'm fucking gay and that shit annoys me to no end. The pre-sequel is a shit game with shit design that you'd think could be forgiven if the writing was solid, but no, it's also shit. There's a very, very valid reason why so few people talk about the game beyond it's writing, and that's likely because the writing is the biggest insult. A lot of bad games can be carried by phonemonal writing. I consider Fallouts 1 and 2 to be a bad game by gameplay standards, because they're just not fun, however, the character building, writing, and universe are incredibly interesting and well executed, which saves it for me.

TPS...not so much. Everything in it is bad, or has already been done to the point I'd rather just go play BL2 because despite BL2's awful writing, the gameplay's still really fun for me.


TPS is talked about so little because very few people could probably actually fucking stand to finish the whole game and you're probably the only person here who has played it as far as you have.

I played the first Borderlands for like two hours, and can't understand why anyone would like the franchise.

The most obnoxious writing is at the start is the thing, which means that most people drop it early, and miss the rest of the game, where it does improve. Or at least, stops being completely obnoxious to the point where you're tempted to just mute it.

Apparently the DLC is better, but I haven't tried it. I'm glad that Tales from the Borderlands exists though, because it actually makes the Borderlands setting less of an embarrassing mess and into something that's genuinely interesting.

The gameplay is fast paced, and the abilities make it feel varied and exciting. The looting is fun too.

Mainly, I love the gameplay.

The Borderlands games all play really badly. The enemies are healthdumps that you whittle away by hitting at their weakspot with the right element while they cycle through the same 1-2 attacks. You pop the cooldown of your F ability after it's done recharging and just keep doing that. It's a mindless DPS race.

The only mildly compelling part of the game is the loot, but that doesn't get good until near the end of the first playthrough, because the way the game distributes stats like rate of fire and accuracy means that almost every gun you get before level 30 is an inaccurate piece of shit that has more drawbacks than positives, so you're always using the "least shitty" of your guns.

Oh, and you get no inventory space so when you get a decent gun that is 5 levels ahead of you you need to waste precious inventory slots until you can equip it.

Borderlands are shit.

For the first point, git gud. I finished pre sequel under levelled as fuck because I was rushing, but still it wasn't a "DPS race" if you just use appropriate builds and weapons. The game actually rewards you for varying your loadout.

Even on a first playthrough you'll get orange drops which can completely change how you're playing. I got an orange grenade mod which made me completely respec into grenades.

And there's the fucking bank you can store guns you want to keep for later.

Your opinions are shit.

Oh, and the vast majority of time you're shooting low health enemies in large quantities. Only the boss fights are really bloated for health.

I played BL2 and its DLCs for quite some time and went into BLTPS pretty motivated, but after a while I simply stopped playing. The constant backtracking got to me. Somehow they managed to constantly give me missions and objectives that always seemed to be on the exact other side of the available world compared to where I was at any given time. Also, some of the routes were also a chore to traverse, so after a while I left the game and haven't come back to this day. I thought the recycling machine would be a fun diversion, but ultimately, it made the game seem even grindier than BL2 was on the higher difficulties. Pity.

I have 70+ hours in that game, and I don't remember a fucking thing about it.

It's funny, in BL2 I did literally every side quest. All of them. BLTPS I did just enough that I wasn't completely under the level requirements for the story, and even then it was blazing through the ones that gave the most experience.

I wonder how the DLC is.

No, wait, I actually do remember enjoying that Claptrap DLC quite a bit.

Worth playing?

Isn't it exactly the same as 2? If you liked 2 surely you'd like that. I heard it's an expandalone.

Australia ruins everything

Not even the shitty writing?

It's like they gave the dev tools for BL2 to a team of people who had never played a video game before.

I remember Australian lesbians and that the hub area was quite fun to explore in the low gravity. I'm not sure if I even finished it or not.

I think that The Pre-Sequel is the best game in the series, fight me.

I can't fight poor taste. I can see not hating it, but it's just so lacklustre in every way. There's nothing it offers that Borderlands 2 doesn't and better.

It should be, because the jet packs or whatever are a great idea and work really well.

It's not though because it takes all the level design issues that BL2 has and makes them worse.

The only good part of Borderlands is the loot

Boy I love me some random drops. Get hype like a motherfucker farming equips hoping to get the best of the best

No, his opinions are better than yours, and bolstered by the fact that he probably did not even buy TPS, never mind play it all the way through.

The only issue I have as far as level design goes is in Verago Solitude that next to last area as you are making your way to the vault is way too large for no real reason.

I liked the characters (namely Athena), general setting and musical themes, and enemies more. TPS is the one that I feel has actual effort put into its boss fights compared to BL1 and 2, especially the final boss. The Claptrap DLC is also better than most of 2's DLCs aside from maybe Tina's.

Its one of the slowest paced games I've ever played!

I played it and I have complained about the level design here before. I hate that mission where you need to put antennas up all over the hub town. There's way too much walking, and every other mission seems to be about helping a woman murder her boyfriend so she can become a lesbian.

The problem all the Borderlands games have is that the first time you play them there's no way to know what quests you need to take and in what order so that you don't have to backtrack through the same areas constantly.

It's fucking obnoxious that they keep doing it.

Yeah. The rush of getting a legendary drop and then trying to work out what the fuck you do with it is nice.

The problem with Burch's writing isn't even just the political shit. It's that he's genuinely incapable of writing any character or interaction that isn't completely fucking obnoxious.

Does the "this character is always shouting" joke work? Yes. Mr Torgue could be funny. Is it funny EVERY FUCKING TIME YOU DO IT? No.

Is the Pre-Sequel better than 2?


I'm not that user, but I actually enjoyed playing the characters in TPS more than BL2. Aurelia, Athena, and Timothy (the doppleganger) were a lot more fun to me. In BL1 and 2 I only ever really played Lilith, Maya, and Krieg.

Overall, I enjoyed BL2's story and dlc more though. TPS had a lot of boring segments for me but the boss fights more engaging (last boss and the dahl one right before the vault entrance come to mind).

>complain about mobility

do you even use the boosters ?

That fucking dropship was a ballache playing solo.

That and it pissed me off massively when a bomb killed me even though I was under cover.

I thought Torgue was hilarious but I attribute it more to Chris Rager's performance.

This game singlehandedly made me hate Australian accents.

I hated every second of playing this piece of shit, and I played through it all with my best coop buddy whom I always have a good time playing with.

The only good part about it was the final boss, which was admittedly pretty cool.

Atleast you can play as Wilhelm and the humour is not toned down to an 8 year old shitter's level

I hadn't expected the boss to have that many phases, so I had to do it with no fucking ammo

Nah, the writing is worse than the level design. The level design is uninspired, but the low gravity is fun to fuck around with.
The addition of the Grinder made this game leagues better than 2, but the writing is still god-awful. Also its really damn short and the playable characters are hot garbage.

I have fuck all to do tomorrow, I'm going to try and actually play TPS. Which is the best character?

The grinder isn't good at all though. It's a placebo. You don't get any better loot from it than you would from just playing the game normally.


>Holodome DLC
>It's an arena to fight in
>So they put a fucking instant death pit right in the middle
>In a game where getting knocked around by enemies is a very common occurrence

I hope whoever said that was ok was fired.


I loved the first game but I haven't even touched this one

Only one of my friends played it and he sayed it's shit

I liked this one more than 2 because I played as axton in 2 and the weapon and enemy scaling in this one wasn't trash.

>You don't get any better loot from it than you would from just playing the game normally.
What are you even talking about? Get three legendaries. Put em in the Grinder. Get something you don't like? Alt-F4 immediately after Grinding until you get something you do like.
If you have a buddy online, you can do the same trick. And because the game's autosave doesn't immediately kick-in, you can Alt-F4 and then rejoin their game for piles of Legendary guns for both you and your friend.

Oh. I guess if that's what you're doing then yeah. I just played the game through, rather than legendary grinding.

I just used Salvador to breeze through all the stupid high level stuff in 2. No way I could be bothered to do it with the other characters.

I played it

Still shit walking long distances.

I played it through normally once.
Gearbox seems to be under the impression that the character you're playing is more important than the gun you're using.
They're fucking wrong. The legendary weapons are the only reason the game is worth playing.

Yup. My first playthroughs were with the doppleganger and the way I had things set up especially on the harder difficulties made a lot of things more bearable. I didn't initially understand why people were having issues about the dropship solo until I ended up doing it through another playthrough on higher difficulty with a different character. Those holograms are truly a life saver if you have the shit that lets you endlessly lengthen the duration with each kill and also gives you a portion of your health back.

> "Oh, you're not from around here, lemme say this in a way you'll understand -- baseball, assault rifles, homophobia"

Once you get over that shit its a pretty nice game, personally prefer it over BL2 but that's mostly because I like following the whole Jack downward spiral. The humor is shit tho.

I imagine if you played as gaige, gunzerker, or psycho, your opinions on BL2 will be significantly different.

I played as Gaige the first time and it was a whole lot of fun. She's the best Borderlands girl.

Salvador is the gunzerker.

I haven't ever found a Vault Hunter that doesn't have a summons fun.

I play solo pretty much exclusively, so having a summon is like having a friend who helps out.

I played as Krieg in 2 and Brick in 1. Krieg and Brick are the only two characters in the franchise that can stand by themselves as fun playable characters. However, going Berserk has its limitations, and range becomes an issue at certain parts of the game.
BL2 is fundamentally fucked because, among other problems, the drop rates for good guns are garbage. Below certain MMO drop rates, if I remember correctly. I sunk 120 hours into that game, and I can tell you that it is a bad game.
Borderlands is ripe with fantastic concepts, Gearbox just has no idea how to deliver on them.

I played borderlands I need release and same with 2. Then I got a PC and got them dirt cheap but I can't get back into them.

Is the pre sequel worth it if I use cheat engine to modify sprint speed?

I want a loot shooter on pc

>so having a summon is like having a friend who helps out.

now theres a cry for help

Then you will have fun. If you play through most of the characters for the first 50 levels you will have fun.

If you keep that character for higher levels, depending on who you picked, you might be boned or not see a problem.

They doubled the legendary gun drop rate after you quit. Still in my opinion as an axton player; not enough to get me to play again.

I'm aware, yes.

I agree 100%. The entire world of TPS was lackluster as hell, and most large areas were repetitive and hard to explore without getting lost (unless you're constantly using the map). Borderlands 2 had far FAR better level design.

Why is level design still not something that devs have mastered?

They doubled it from 1.5 to 3%? As a mainly single-player game with unskippable dialogue and scripted events, that is still totally insignificant. I'm inclined to agree with you, I don't think I will ever play 2 again.
Not sure Gearbox will be even able to make it to 3 at this point either.

Not him, but yes. The Claptrap DLC is easily the best content that TPS has to offer. I know that isn't saying much, but I'd say it's on par with the better BL2 DLC's.

I really fucking wish they would allow you to track more than one quest. We've had three games already. Why the fuck isn't this a thing? It would help cut down on back tracking.

Cool, I'll play it then.

I wonder if it was also written by Burch

Nigga do you even Melee Zer0?

Gearbox finally learned how to make fun bosses that aren't giant bullet sponges that shit out novas.

I did with my bro. Spent over 3 full days on it. Got to NG++ but the difficulty shot up like a motherfucker on the first planet and we were pretty burnt out on it. Borderlands 2 is complete shit in comparison though. Good god it's missing so much that made Pre-sequel good.

I still prefer BL2 though

Best boss in the entire series

I say BL2 is shit mostly because I've only spent like 5 hours in it so I'm not that familiar with it but my god is the jetpack and slam sorely missed. Only thing I sort of like about BL2 is the frequency in which I get gold weapons. That shit is rare as fuck in Pre-Sequel, even on the second time you fight the final boss in NG+.

It's badass level design.

I don't feel the jetpack adds anything particularly. I think I hate low gravity in games, actually.

Well playing TPS before 2, I feel there's a huge difference. Like I'm not being allowed to jump as much or as far as I want to. Far jumping and slamming was so good in TPS.

what's that telltale game like? is it actually borderlands?

>but it's a shame nobody points out how fucking awful the level design is as well.
Honestly the whole game was so damn forgettable it's not a problem, the problem is half the game having stupid fucking moon gravity and the whole stupid faux-Australian shtick every NPC has.

That was forgotten by the second half when you're on helios anyway.

Doesn't also help that most of the game takes place in generic industrial facilities, and industrial facilities must be one of the most boring game environments that even exist.

Literally the first half of the game
>moon surface
>industrial facility
>moon surface
>industrial facility
>moon surface
>fuck this shit

Moon surface looked cool at first, but there's just too damn little variety in it. Come on, it's Borderlands, they could have got more imaginative with it.