What's the flavor of the month this month Sup Forums?
What's the flavor of the month this month Sup Forums?
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Is it literally one person creating these fucking threads?
PUBG will be the fotm for the next few years
PUBG was flavor of the months a couple months ago. It's here to stay.
PUBG is great- deal with it
If you get banned it's your fault - deal with it
PUBG is going nowhere - deal with it
Sup Forums is irrelevant - deal with it
>thread goes 404 / gets banned
>makes another thread
how much are you getting payed?
PUBG is shit - deal with it
>PUBG is shit - deal with it
Hmmm, whose opinion should we trust? NEETs from the videogame board of a somethingawful.com spin-off, or 611, 000 Steam users who probably have jobs and girlfriends.
this game is SOOOO bad
>bought it
>they didnt deliver my key
>talk to support
>they tell me to go fuck myself because im not a streamer
>a guy named shekelstein shows up and offers me another key
>buy another key because im a retard
>i also had to let him fuck me up the ass while forcing me to watch a streamer and donate/sub to them
>finally log in
>queue of 7k players
>wait 19 days and finally log into my account
>finally playing the game
>walk around for days and days and nothing happens
>find a gun and some ammo
>someone snipes me
>game uninstalls itself
>reinstall and walk around for another few days
>find some guy named PrincessgamerTV or something
>he tries to kill me
>cant aim for shit so i kill him easily
>get banned reason: i have a real shot with this girl
>google her name
>a guy in a dress and purple hair yelling at a screen with an incoherent interface filled with "sub goals" "biggest D" and thousands of dollars in donations
>chatroom is filled with subhumans speaking in faces and memes from my taiwanese baloon animal forum that have been beaten like a dead horse for years
>key has disappeared from library
>buy another one from shekelstein, take it up the ass, watch transexual princess tv and some middle aged guy wearing a baseball cap surrounded by anime posters in a poorly ventilated room for 5 hours
>finish redownloading the 76gb game
>run for 5 days and finally get bored
its quite the experience Sup Forums
>tfw another friend of mine just got PUBG
How will Sup Forums ever recover?