What's the flavor of the month this month Sup Forums?

What's the flavor of the month this month Sup Forums?

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Is it literally one person creating these fucking threads?

PUBG will be the fotm for the next few years

PUBG was flavor of the months a couple months ago. It's here to stay.

PUBG is great- deal with it

If you get banned it's your fault - deal with it

PUBG is going nowhere - deal with it

Sup Forums is irrelevant - deal with it

>thread goes 404 / gets banned
>makes another thread
how much are you getting payed?

PUBG is shit - deal with it

>PUBG is shit - deal with it

Hmmm, whose opinion should we trust? NEETs from the videogame board of a somethingawful.com spin-off, or 611, 000 Steam users who probably have jobs and girlfriends.

this game is SOOOO bad
>bought it
>they didnt deliver my key
>talk to support
>they tell me to go fuck myself because im not a streamer
>a guy named shekelstein shows up and offers me another key
>buy another key because im a retard
>i also had to let him fuck me up the ass while forcing me to watch a streamer and donate/sub to them
>finally log in
>queue of 7k players
>wait 19 days and finally log into my account
>finally playing the game
>walk around for days and days and nothing happens
>find a gun and some ammo
>someone snipes me
>game uninstalls itself
>reinstall and walk around for another few days
>find some guy named PrincessgamerTV or something
>he tries to kill me
>cant aim for shit so i kill him easily
>get banned reason: i have a real shot with this girl
>google her name
>a guy in a dress and purple hair yelling at a screen with an incoherent interface filled with "sub goals" "biggest D" and thousands of dollars in donations
>chatroom is filled with subhumans speaking in faces and memes from my taiwanese baloon animal forum that have been beaten like a dead horse for years
>key has disappeared from library
>buy another one from shekelstein, take it up the ass, watch transexual princess tv and some middle aged guy wearing a baseball cap surrounded by anime posters in a poorly ventilated room for 5 hours
>finish redownloading the 76gb game
>run for 5 days and finally get bored
its quite the experience Sup Forums

>tfw another friend of mine just got PUBG

How will Sup Forums ever recover?

It's a fun game but not as great or terrible as Sup Forums would have me believe.

Heard you can make your money back playing this game.
Is it true ?
How long would it take if you're good?

It's all RNG based, if you don't get rare clothes you won't make money.

pubg, like the past 4 months

you'll make a lot more money doing some basic html css and javascript tutorials and then writing random italian places to set up a website for them, with less time spent on playing this game to make the few bucks back that it costs.

Not looking to make money just asking because some people say it paid for itself after 20 hours.

You can still get some money back by selling the gamescom crates but they're worth much less now since they've been out for some time. I'm not sure if they're going to be tradeable after the event though. If they are, I would imagine they will shoot back up in price



Deus Ex, MGS3, and TF2 were all flavors of their given months.

What is this thing? Is this the same face tracking program from a while back when that one user recorded himself jacking off and filmed it as an anime girl?

>that one user recorded himself jacking off and filmed it as an anime girl?


The game is fun after you spend 20 minutes looting and moving towards the circle. But I'm not going to play a game that is dog shit for 20 minutes and then becomes fun. I don't get any sense of enjoyment in winning a match even with 10+ kills.

I understand it's a battle royale type game but if they add in a game type to play on a smaller map, with guaranteed weapons I would play it. As it is now, it's less fun than it should be.

It's an incredibly extended version of the drone phase in Siege.

>not going to hot spots

Even if you die, you can just go into another game with the huge number of people playing. And once you've taken an area, you're pretty much set to rank high. The only thing limiting your enjoyment is you.

>Rank 1 out of 93
>3 frags
Cookie clicker is a better idle game

Maybe. I've got about 10 hours into the game and I played it safe some matches, and I went to hotspots some. It's 0 amounts of fun getting a scar in the first minute and mowing down people swinging crowbars and shooting pistols at you. The same if you're the one with nothing.

And I will say it's great how quick you can find a match. Talk some shit with the person who killed you, laugh with em, and do it all over again. But it's the beginning of the match that's no fun allowed so that's not a redeeming quality overall.

You should at least get a single starter weapon I think, something you could spend exp on or w/e, it could be anything in game; even the pan, with whatever equipment you can afford to unlock, but you only get one mag/clip & have to scavenge the rest of the weapons/gear as you go.

The only thing good to come out of this early access trash.

>weebs hating games that require skill

color me surprised.

not even him, but

>steam users
>having jobs
>having girlfriends

fokin kek


Yeah, when a guy in an open field has an M416 with a 8x scope and you only have a pistol, it's only a matter of skill beating him, right?

>or 611, 000 Steam users who probably have jobs and girlfriends.

I mean you might have had somewhat of an argument up until this point

Stopped reading there.

>Get Chicken Dinner
>Then Get Fucked
Hard to believe, right?

stopped reading there

>when people you know post these 1st place screenshots that literally no one gives a shit about
actually kill yourselves

You know me?

>he never got the chicken dinner

they are working on new maps for sure, and I think that are smaller.
If I remember correctly the current map started out as a way for them to test a large variety of environments and buildings to see how the gameplay worked. It then ended up being the actual map for the game.


no but I know people exactly like you, the same ones that post their epik csgo and CoD scoreboards whenever they manage to actually do decent.
I get multiple a day but I don't feel the need to shit up discord chat and steam activity with garbage screenshot spam

Is FPS the worst genre for PvP?
>People will use lowest graphics, turn up gamma, find ways to remove shadows and grass, to spot others more easily
>Easy to cheat without making it obvious, can even bring mice loaded with aimbot software to tournaments