
Is it any good? I enjoy MOBAs and I've been looking for one to play that isn't LoL or Dota.

No, it's shit.

It's essentially LoL with a different camera perspective and control scheme. It's got the gimmick appeal, but if you're already sick of LoL it won't hold your interest that long.

get out of 3k already user

Yeah that's how it was for me too. Couldn't stand the main conquest map because it's the same as every other moba. Loved the mythical gods theme, but after a month or so I was done with it.
Having to watch your ass because you can't see behind you is rather nice though.

way more skill involved then the other mobas

Imagine being this stupid

Yes. For me it's really good. I never can enjoy MOBA because of the click here go there play style. Having real control of your character really feels good. And I don't know how to explain this but the way it plays feel more dynamic and action oriented.

I come back to it and play it for a month or two every year. Most game modes are pretty boring if you're playing with randoms.

>adds the need to dodge
>need to aim all abilities
>need to aim all AA