New monster hunter world trailer is out
Looks fucking great
New monster hunter world trailer is out
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Gg mhxx... This is the shit i want. I cant wait to try it... Desert looks fucking amazing
What Xenoblade X would have been if Nintendo weren't shit.
Looks alright, but the collisions and impacts look just like all the other monhuns and I'm worried capcom doesn't have the skill as a developer to fix that.
I don't like how sterile the logo is but everything else has been fucking fantastic so far
>mfw I might actually gunner for the first time in monhun
It is pretty generic yeah
do you want RAPID FIRE or more accurate shots
choose wisely
What does this even mean?
Things hit when they shouldn't and their impacts aren't satisfying because there's minimal reaction to it most of the time.
Man these new monster look line ass. Did the desigbers left suddenly or something? The chmeleon one is specially hideous. Could have used chamelos ibstead.
>Gunner looks actually fucking fun now instead of Roll&Shoot
>All monsters are properly designed instead of being edgy digimons
>Barroth Sensei
I think it's finally time for me to buy a PS Quadrupple.
Looks like shit. I wonder if Crapcom is going to fabricate views on this video as well.
>Still no Peco
Please, Capcom.
looks like what you would see on the sign of a monster hunter guild in a random podunk town. works for me
The minimal reaction is telling you to get outta the way. Making monsters flinch is a gameplay tell.
>Phoneposting this obviously
This is the Switch installbase.
Peco got to be in Stories, so obviously they met their quota.
>still using the 'muh fabricated views' excuse
I hope when the game is successful you do the world a favor and off yourself
>that m95-style bowgun
The new monster look awful. Also lavasioth for mud is dissapointhig. Could have gone for plesioth and beach. Visually it looks great but the framerate really fucks that shit up.
How much does it cost now? Think I'll just wait for pc release patiently
>that moment when main theme kicks in
I have some nostalgic connection to this music and I don't even know why
i feel retarded for buying a 3ds last year
it alright
Its on pc too
Probably better to wait for pc if it actually has 60 fps.
>literally no market
Don't you have to play XX or something?
The first trailer left me feeling a bit skeptical, but this one legitimately got me excited for the game.
It looks EXACTLY like what I've wanted out of Monster Hunter for years now. I really fucking want this game.
>wanting to play a japanese PC port in a game where every frame matters
the new monsters look like shit compared to the old ones, frontier did go fucking nuts with it but the mainline games usually had pretty decent new monster designs in each new game.
It actually looks pretty good. I've never played a monhun game but maybe I'll have to change that.
Were Diablos and piscines confirmed before this?
Not him bu i'll probably do that too, i want it in 60 fps, the only thing though is, is it going to be a good port ?
What're you talking about there's a market in the game
Can't wait this the real shit bois
Haven't checked the price on the Pro, normal PS4 is around 250 bucks iirc.
>MH userbase
Nice joke user, next you'll tell me fighting games on PC are a thing.
I'm so happy that gunning will finally have analog aiming.
Already confirmed to be running on MT Framework dummy, it'll be fine.
was those games always this grey looking?
It reminds me of the last gen.
Is this stupid asshole the new Kut-Ku?
>game where every frame matters
relax there buddy it's not a fighting game not to mention that the psp games ran at 30fps and no one had trouble hunting there.
Nobody owns home console in japan and nobody gives a shit about MH in the west. There is no marked. This game will flop hard and kill the MH franchise with it, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Hopefully never. I hope they get their own team to test and hunt for bugs and release it all to the masses at once. Beta always takes the magic out of games. A demo would be okay though as long as it's like the 4U demo. Just enough to generate hype and quell concerns but not so much that the wiki was half complete by the time it was released.
Now if olny the charcters didn't look like midgets. Even the psp version had better proportioned charas.
The only 100% confirmed old monsters before today were Rathian and Rathalos
I want to see the gigginox in world
>that guy literally flying around spinning with the hammer
what the fuck is this shit? looks terrible.
Mainline mh usually have better designs. Not sure why they want that naked feather dino theme for them now. Could have used chameleos instead if whatever that shit was.Also xx wasnt any better in designs.
obviously it'll have a bigger ps4 playerbase since it comes out first but you'd be surprised how easily you can find people to play with using the public p3rd server on ppsspp
I'm sure many people don't own a ps4 and won't be getting one simply for one or two games.
>next you'll tell me fighting games on PC are a thing.
They sure do. SFV and Tekken7 are still alive and kicking on PC. It seems like if you don't delay your release for a year or more you will get decent userbase. Who would have thought?
MT Framework, dummy. Dragons Dogma port engine. Remember how good that is?
I imagine the PC playerbase to be fine. Besides, you should just be playing with friends anyway. you not have any friends?
That shit ks destined to nit have userbase might as well get the best running version.
constant 20-30fps. bad ports though just freeze up and drop to 0 randomly. or straight up CTD. why risk it?
>pretty much everyone is gonna be able to play and enjoy this game except for nintendo kids
toppest kek.
eh I bought a n3ds xl about a year back and it's been fairly worth it for a select few games
gonna get stories as well
>Not realising its a joke about how dinosaurs have feathers and their closest living relative is a chicken.
The design is absolutely genius. Looks like the new Kut-Ku
>constant 20 30 fps
Pretty much what we are seeing now then
lel I bought a 3ds and mhgen last year, but i got almost 600 hours out of it so it was worth it imo
still gonna get a s witch if they announce XX for the west, and I'm looking forward to world
feels good not being a fanboy
>MT Framework
>bad port
>tfw all the hunters I know are hype for a new MonHun
>Even more hype for PC release
>Even other friends that never got into monster hunter but are interested are hype that it's coming out on PC
I don't know. I know it's pretty anecdotal on my side but I'm willing to bet PC will have a pretty decent MonHun community.
Christ you're autistic.
So fucking glad this is coming on PC, won't even have to buy it
why fix something if it isn't broken?
The trex, that shitty bird, even the chameleon looks like it had feathers.
Is just unappealing. Kut kut was far more reptilian.
you just dont' UNDERSTAND Eastern media, u gaijin baka)))
if yo--
Okay, what the fuck is this shit? A crossbow with a gun sticking out from it? Fuckhuge weapons clipping through terrain and characters? 2d special effects? Early 2018? Moar liek early 1998.
Go play Madden if you are that hungry for conveyor-assembled "games".
Not an argument, faggot. $0.05 has been deposited on your Playstation account.
constant 30fps is what you'll most likely get on consoles and like may people have said in the thread capcom has a decent record with ports, DMC4 being one of the best ported games ever and dragons dogma more recently.
Looks nothing like Monster Hunter. Casualized western garbage. Not even portable...
I like how it uses its tail to help lift up the rock, nice attention to detail
Looks good but the sound effects of weapons hitting monsters wasn't very satisfying, unless they were mixed low for the trailer.
>>All monsters are properly designed instead of being edgy digimons
Nigger the designs are fucking garbage , what the fuck are the devs doing
Because I will probably get better graphics and constant 60 fps.
So is tripping still a thing?
I can sit and watch you get ass blasted again, just like you did with the view thread. The most hilarious part is you will buy a copy of world.
Not an argument, console warring cuck, kill yourself.
summerfag plz go
>They sure do.
Don't lie to me user.
>SFV and Tekken7 are still alive and kicking on PC
Who the fuck even wants to play the two worst FGs on the market? On PC no less?
The only friends I have that play MH are japanese, and are getting it on PS4.
Coupled with having the larger userbase for FGs it's the best option for me, I don't care about mods or the game running marginally better, I care about having fun with people, and stay away from hackers, which ruin every single online game on PC.
Stay mad son.
Given you being a retard and the spelling errors I assumed you're a phone poster and your opinions are worthless, next.
I will pirate it, play it and then make sure to never buy anything from capcom ever again.
>still cement effects when you hit monsters
>that nu-chameleos design
This is something I actually don't care about. Game wont really sell more or less if a youtube video has more views.
Game will probably be easy as fuck but then again which MH game hasn't been since 3rd gen?
At this point it looks fun and I'll probably pick it up to have a co-op adventure with a friend.
Also L2 to aim and R2 to fire, like god intended.
>rehash yet regressing further into anime shit by incorporating it directly into movesets
>perfected the formula now they can add visual flair while making anime shit completely optional
I don't know dude it's a hard choice
>Who the fuck even wants to play the two worst FGs on the market? On PC no less?
Plenty of people Xturder. Shame that your game is only considered by everyone as good but nobody is willing to play it.
for a better looking game and better frame rates that will make the experience more enjoyable.
not watching. don't care.
MonHun is dead. This game can go FUCK ITSELF!!!
Now, if this game was on the Nintendo Switch this would be a different story all together. But because crapcom has betrayed it's most loyal fans, I can no longer support them. Think about the cool Amiibos we could've gotten had they stayed exclusive. At least Odyssey is around the corner and that game will be fucking unstoppable. The Switch will out pace the PS4 and by next year all the normies will jump ship from pissstation4.
Screenshot this post.
>He is so desperate to the point where his only "argument" is pointing out a single typo on my post
Sad! You need to work harder, maybe then Capcom will give you a raise for all the shilling you're doing.
>thinks it'll look any better
>thinks pc games don't look better than their console counterparts