Marvel's Spider-Man is looking to be the best capeshit since Batman: Arkham City

Marvel's Spider-Man is looking to be the best capeshit since Batman: Arkham City.

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It looks amazing!

No weight to the animations kinda ruins all the cool stuff you could do

this. It looks exactly like amazing Shitter-man
I dont dont think even supposedly physics based swinging can save it

The comments about the animation are true, but bad animations seldom get in the way of good gameplay.

You did it. I couldn't figure out what was off with the webm, but you're right.

I remember the PS2 game. Was great. Swinging around that fuckhuge city and beating up thugs.

Looks fun. I just hope swinging feels good and the city feels alive, not just a sequence of checkmarks.

Mad Max has Batshit gameplay, but has real weight to the punches.

Why don't more games do that?

i dont know why, but it really doesnt look like a good game. maybe the animations or how small the buildings are? the fspider man 2 video game felt so much bigger and more "real" instead of looking like a cheap movie that tries to trick its audience into thinking the movie is good because they threw a bunch of money at special effects

looks great

The HUD looks slick as fuck. Could've been what Insomniac wanted from "Overstrike" before it was shit canned into "Fuse."

That game in itself had an 'Incredibles' feel to it.

not a ps4 owner, i think it looks neat. They did say they listened to feedback about improving the webswinging so i think thatd be neat

Looks alright but the Arkham combat puts me off but i guess there's no other way to make Spiderman agility justice

Holy fucking nice. Building a PC soon so now i can play best exclusives and best multiplats

Looks pretty shill

I still can't believe how badly EA fucked this up.

who do you want to see in this game?

definitely these two for me

Black Cat from the 90s cartoon was one of my first cums, good times.

>BamHam combat
I don't like it

>that moon swinging

I fucking hate this site. Game looks great but everyone has to shit on everything.

Fuck off then

The swinging and the ways you can use web attacks to trap enemies are cool. The hand to hand combat in the webm and at e3 looked pretty weak though, and the story mission set pieces being so full of QTEs is a bit of a turn off. If QTEs aren't common outside of what they showed at E3, and combat is either improved or you're able to do lots of neat webslinging tricks to circumvent straight punching, I'll buy it.

there might be less hate if it werent a ps4 exclusive but theres not much we can do about it. just ignore the shitposters


When will this meme die

There is no moon swinging in that webm.

when game devs stop hiring literal, literal retards as """"gameplay testers"""

It really does not look good. Especially that moment when Spidey is about to fucking face-plant into a wall and suddenly he snaps into wall-running animation instead.
Firing web to a target off-screen that does not exist automatically (Batman-style) to maintain movement instead of you know - actually targeting your webs and using the rope physics to move, gratious use of slow-mo and pre-baked combat animations, "Pres X to activate environmental take down"... Yeah, this is not going to be the capeshit game people so desperately need.

How? It looks like somebody took TF2 and just made a whole let stylish and into a completely generic coop?
I realize that the lighter-hearted tone and pseudo-60's TF stylization was literally the only thing that made it look like not an absolute garbage, so removing those elements by EA was not exactly a smart decision, but still... why did people think this looked good to begin with is beyond me.

I know you're shitposting, but I've been meaning to dump these anyhow.


Holy shit this.

What is it with the animations in this game? They look detailed, but have like weighy to them, as if Spider-Man has almost zero mass.


Looks kinda bad desu. There's no weight to any of the animations. Like Spidey stands in one spot then jump and spins 3 times and kicks a bad guy. Or how he slams headfirst into a building but somehow breaks into a sprint straight up the wall.

It's the same problem Shadow of Mordor and Bamham had.

Venom, Doc Ock, Green Goblin. Carnage, Rhino, Sandman, Scorpion, Vulture, Lizard, Mysterio, Punisher, Blade

x-men origins wolverine and deadpool games are far better than this shit


Swinging and running around looks fun but the combat looks like utter dogshit and it almost looks like CoD campaign crap. I know capeshit games don't have the best gameplay in those regards but damn son how can anyone like that?

Looks like barely an upgrade gameplay wise from the Beenox games and filled with more QTE's to boot.

What talent Insomniac had is long gone.

Hobgoblin since God knows when was the last time he was referenced

>Touches wall
>Loses all momentum and get locked into a stock speed

get the fuck out of here

Hobgoblin was in Shattered Dimensions, I'm fairly sure.

Other than the prettier graphics, nothing about this seems very different from the regular movie tie-in game.

When you hear that Insomniac is making a stand-alone Spider-Man game, you don't expect it to be just decent, you expect it to be fucking great. But watching gameplay of this is like "Oh it's another Spiderman game huh."

For fucks sake they even brought back the QTE's people make fun of from the Spiderman 3 game. Like what the fuck is even new here? Some enviromental takedowns?

They going to pull off a Metal Gear Solid 2 by killing off Peter and making Miles the protagonist instead.

How much do they weigh?

What I like about the game is that Insomniac is doing their own thing. None of this MCU synergy bullshit that Marvel is so addicted to these days, just a original story with a adult Peter who currently hinted at dating Mary-Jane Watson.

nah there's too many limitations and the QTEs and combat make me not want to play it

Well I'd play it on PC because it looks neat, but I'm not buying a PS4 for it.

what the fuck is wrong with the HUD

>Marvel's Spider-Man is looking to be the best capeshit since Batman: Arkham City.
Because it's the exact same game and not a Spider-Man game.

>Treyarch and Beenox
Fun combat based on Spideys momentum, crazy air combos and all based on spidey throwing hammer fists (Because he's strong as fuck), webs, roundhouses and the occasional pro-wrestling move because he was never trained as a fighter, he just uses instinct and likes to show off even though he doesn't know much.
Press X to do fancy capoera and flippy gymnastics shit constantly because Spidey is Batman now.

Insomniac will use "Spider-Sense" just like "Detective mode" as well. It's not a Spider-Man game. It's reskinned Batman and they don't get Spidey at all. It's so safe and copy paste the only original thought in the E3 gameplay was using Mister Negative as a villain.

I'm sure its going to be great honestly. The R&C game was awesome.

This will be better.