Sum up your thoughts on KT since the '09 merger in one sentence.
Sum up your thoughts on KT since the '09 merger in one sentence
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literally who?
no one cares
Better than before but still sort of obscure
Fuck, she's good at her job. More please.
Talented but unfocused.
spends too much on R&D of perfect waifus that there's barely any resources left to hire a competent devs for their PC ports
I liked the original hyrule warriors before they fucked up and made the cashgrabbing 3ds port. Fire emblem warriors looks awful though.
How does a port negatively impact the original? You can't claim to be missing content since the 3DS characters were even added to the Wii U version.
Fire Emblem looks the same as every other musou ever made. Can you explain what about it looks awful without whining that the roster isn't pandering specifically to you?