ITT: Games nobody on Sup Forums would defend
ITT: Games nobody on Sup Forums would defend
Invisible War was a good game, Dragon Age 2 is somewhat impressive considering the dev time was only 7 months, and Final Fantasy II tried a really interesting progression system that wasn't fully fleshed out or thought through.
Assault Horizon was a passable game, it was just an AWFUL Ace Combat game.
I've seen people defend DA2 and AC. Also IW isn't a bad game
I used to be able to say any CoD past MW2 or any RE past 4, but now faggots are coming out of the woodwork.
Paper Mario 3ds was good , one of the only 3ds games I completed , although I did have to use youtube videos to complete it.
I would defend DA2s approach to a character focused story. If they had abandoned the scope and actually factored in the players choices in the 2nd and 3rd act we'd have a much better game. But the changes to the combat, the repeating environments and the fact that your choices don't make a tiny difference is why this game is dogshit.
>Invisible War was a good game
No it wasn't. Even if we separate it from the Deus Ex franchise, it was a shitty FPS with nonexistent RPG elements, underwhelming guns, literally WHY universal ammo mechanics, horrible optimization and a literal step backwards in level design from the first game. Even the PS2 port of the first Deus Ex was a better game despite being horribly gimped to run on PS2 hardware.
>thinks Sup Forums is not retarded enough to defend DS3 because "le epic fun with friends"
how naive
I don't think most people consider IW bad, in fact, in terms of story quality it's not that different from the original. It's everything else that while not necessarily bad, is completely mediocre and bland.
Regarding DA2, a pile of shit done in a short amount of time is still a pile of shit. KOTOR2 was impressive, DA2 wasn't.
Invisible War is unironically a good game
I actually liked Invisible War. I don't get why all the hate.
I liked DA2 too, but I can certainly see the glaring issues with the game.
>Invisible War was a good game
>Invisible War was a good game
I have and will defend Dead Space 3, it was a really fun co-op game.
>All these faggots defending Invisible War
Guaranteed you faggots weren't playing PC games when it released. You assholes disgust me. Never post here again.
How about games Sup Forums had a complete 180° reaction to from hate to love for some reason or another? I'll start
>Metal Gear Solid Rising
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Dragon's Dogma
>Apollo Justice Ace Attorney
>Pokemon DPP
Dead Space 3 wasen't horrendous, and I played it solo.
Nope, I've seen faggots defend DmC more then DMC2.
I've seen some faggots who weren't around at launch start to defend DmC now. I have not seen a *single* person defend 2 though.
dmc was fine. not brilliant but fine and certainly way better than dmc2
paid Ninja Theory shills don't count as defenders
I've played Paper Mario Sticker Star on my 3DS and I fucking loved it, it made me bought the Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario Color Splash (which I haven't played yet since they're console games and I don't much time for that)
I honestly don't get why everyone hated DMC 2. To me, it felt like a direct upgrade from 1.
No Apollo still sucks.
I keep forgetting about it.
I always loved how tameme ranted on about how "dante would get laughed out of a bar". it takes an insane lack of self awareness to say shit like that lmao.
Any mobile port that shoehorns freemium garbage and/or requires an always-online connection. Dungeon Keeper and Tales of Phantasia come to mind.
There is not a single Nintendo game that a sizable chunk of Sup Forums won't defend. Nintendo fans are the biggest suckers on this site.
I defended Other M in the past and no one could ever counter my argumentation.
What are you going to do about it ?
Revelation is good. The liberty it offer and the good maps make it at least a 7/10.
Still, I think Conquest is better.
That used to be the majority opinion but you sure see a lot more defenders now.
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
still shit
I quite enjoyed DS2. The PvP was very enjoyable.
I defended Other M for a while simply because Metroid fans pissed me off with their odd romantization and mentally ill headcanons of the old games. I soon realized you can criticize that aspect while also admitting the game's flaws & stopped being contrarian for the sake of it.
I've not played FF2 but JRPG fans tend to be wrong about their "black sheep" so maybe it's good.
Many people defended DA2 before/after it was released. In fact there were more topics about DA2 discussions (and waifus) than TW2.
Other M and Sticker Star are the only two games I can think of that I haven't seen anyone actually trying to defend them. If they do, they start off by explaining all the flaws
dante is emo. the fucking helicopter boss exists. guns are essentially superior to melee weapons.
Only on /vg/
Ill defend DMC2 then,
DMC2 mostly got fucked because it's a decent game, but DMC1 is a better game in almost any regards. The first one is near flawless and pales in comparison, but on it's on, it's decent.
The music is fantastic, It's also has the best costume for Dante in the series. The concepts of style switching (most of the concepts that became staples later in the series originated in DMC2, but was executed poorly, DMC3 fixed most of this). The gun aspect and style such as shooting in 2 directions and running on the walls were super cool. but the guns were too strong in comparison to the other weapons and the levels were too empty.
MGR wasn't just Sup Forums, even on a shitty gay SJWey forum I posted on where everyone was creepily super nice about everything it was hated on.
After the game came out the "we wanted the original Kojima version, fuck this shit" stuff completely died out. I honestly don't think the original cutting system would have made for a very fun experience beyond the initial novelty.
Maps were the worst thing about Revelations but I agree on the liberty. Game kinda sucked but being to use whoever you want, however you want was pretty fun so I can't see myself straight out despising the game.
I can understand why someone else would though.
I'll defend Dead Space 3. It's a good game but it's a completely different genre from games before it. The weapon customization alone makes it a fun as fuck third person shooter.
>I've not played FF2 but JRPG fans tend to be wrong about their "black sheep" so maybe it's good.
They aren't. The entire leveling system is completely broken.
Only Dobson will defend Other M
Kamiya's original vision of Dante was actually pretty gay too; basically from what I recall
>"he pretends to be a cool smug guy because he's broken inside and doesn't want people to hurt his feelings."
He said this personality was directly from Cobra from Space Adventure Cobra, which I enjoyed from what I saw but never finished. If it delves into that stuff then I could see myself hating that too since Cobra, much like Dante, works better as a genuinely smug stylish dude who enjoys kicking ass more.
i saw a dmc2 apologist last month
I liked Metroid Other M e and no one else can dislike it for me.
that is impressive. they took 18 months on persona 4.
Platinum got on board. Same reason Automata had more hype than any other Taro game.
>Deus Ex
Got leaked and people saw it was the one pseudo-reboot that was so trendy at the time that actually wasn't too bad.
>Dragon's Dogma
It released during peak Mega Man cancellation where nobody could say a single nice thing about Capcom, and only when Dark Arisen came out could people look at it with objective eyes.
>Apollo Justice
Apollo became an actually good character in later games and this made people retroactively have a higher opinion of his debut game.
The kids got old enough to post.
I have seen people defend every one of those games.
FF2 has an ok gba port
DMC2 gave the first glimpse into alot of things refined in 3 had the coolest DT system and best outfit
why? game is thoroughly forgettable.
>Pokemon DPP
ONLY Pt. DP sucked.
>50 posts in
>the only games where people haven't mounted an argument for are Sticker Star and Assault Horizon
Loving every laugh
Also add Federation Force to that list, it's been a bad decade for Metroid.
>Apollo became an actually good character in later games and this made people retroactively have a higher opinion of his debut game.
Apollo becoming better does not make his first game not shit. Just like how Raiden got better does not make MGS2 less shit
>Maps were the worst thing about Revelations
Never understood that meme.
They're creative, varied and made good use of the dragon vein thing. They were perfect for Revelation that was more experimental than a Conquest which was more classic.
You're right, I wasn't. Not for the most part at least. It was about half Xbox and half PC when it came out, but if you want to go ahead and say part of the blame for it being so bad lies with it on being released on Xbox too, don't forget Morrowind exists. The devs were just lazy, simple as.
People have, you just ignored them
Feel free to repost them if you want to get BTFO'd again
I've never understood the hate DMC2 gets. It doesn't compare to 3 or 4, but its at least as good as 1.
it's DmC trolls trying to claim that their game is not the worst by attacking the weakest of the good DMC games
Fuck anybody who can't get past that shit. I didn't follow prerelease stuff but I still hold MGR as the game with the best musical direction ever.
DS2 has an equal lovebase to hatebase at this point
I've see too many Tsubasaposters to deny there isn't at least a small contrarian faction on this board
Nah it's definitely an older meme than that. I've just never understood it.
#FE is excellent, faggot
Do people defend this game?
nobody can defend this at all
i still played it more than sf4 though
it's a shitty "crossover" and people should not defend false marketing
They were only human
Not vidya, but the other day I've seen somebody say Fourth Stage was better than First Stage and act like it was the majority opinion
Come out here faggot I know you post here
FF2 does have a fanbase and it's pretty consistently defended in every FF thread on Sup Forums and /vr/
People were butthurt about Other M because of the fucking story and >le immersion
haven't seen a solid argument against the actual game
i want to sniff yoshi's armpits haha
DMC 2 has good ideas, like multiple forms of DT and multiple playable characters and it also introduced Bloody Palace to the series.
But it's execution is awful, bosses you are required to shoot to death, enemies too braindead to do any damage, Dante barely talking, Stinger Level 0, and almost no weapon variety to speak of.
I'm talking about 1.0 here
BOTW. At first on the Great Plateau I just straight up didn't like it. But after a few hours it was 10/10 GOTY. Then after 40 hours it's a good 8/10. Glad I played it.
>Not vidya
>posts it anyway
This is why Sup Forums is a shithole.
I won't defend the marketing, believe me, it was the dumbest decision they could have made pitching this as SMTxFE because I can't even talk about how good it is without people getting pissed off about it. And it is good, one of the best console JRPGs of last gen.
Is it actually bad? The only complaints I ever see are "the graphics are bad" and "it's short". I don't think i've even seen gameplay of it outside of E3. How did such an anticipated game fly so far under the radar?
Sad thing is they'll probably trash the whole franchise because of this abomination.
It's sort of vidya.
I've seen several vibrant back-and-forth debates about the virtues of other controversial games in the series like 2 and 5 but it's just like everybody settled down on the opinion that 4 is mediocre
Fucking how. Even with the occaisional cute girl the romances in DA2 were awful. Hawke just makes increasingly clumsy passes at the girls and for some reason they find it really charming and clever. It's absurd.
I'm going to need a brief synopsis of that guy user.
Oh I'll defend that game because it gets way too much hate while not even being the worst Mass Effect game
>one of the best console JRPGs of last gen.
now I know you are talking shit.
Saying it's good is one thing, but "one of the best console JRPGs of last gen." is going too far into bait territory
>Final Fantasy II tried a really interesting progression system that wasn't fully fleshed out or thought through.
Except Elder Scrolls did the same thing, and it was perfectly fine. There's nothing that was poorly conceived about it. Sparring with your own party members is entirely logical.
>Leap off this huge cliff and sustain a buttload of damage to increase your agility!
>Let this death glider gnaw on your face for a while to increase your health and armor skills!
Sound familiar?
>Charlie strikes again
I still think Other M was fun
Hey man Dad Space 3 is a solid fucking coop game.
Have you played it? It's got superb dungeon design and the battle system is great fun. The story is pretty light and non-serious but that adds to the charm.
The fact that it's worse than 2 and 3 doesn't make it mediocre, it's still better than most games from its gen, and it's certainly better than 5.
fuck ea but most importantly fuck you