Western devs can't make attractive fem-
Western devs can't make attractive fem-
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Too bad you're only half right
Honest to god, I can't tell if this picture is photoshopped to make them look uglier. Are these their actual models?
I believe it is, yes.
Naughty Dog is trying to ascend SJW, they're aiming for SSJW, with ugly ass strong lesbian multi-ethnic female characters.
Oh yeah and of course there would be some tps shooting gameplay sometimes.
It's a video-game after all, lol.
>man jaws
They're both ugly as fuck.
Here's how you tell if a woman is attractive. Imagine them with a shaved head. If the woman is still attractive afterwards, then she's legitimately hot/cute.
They're hideous.
Anyone else notice a lot of ops get their posts cut off? Is this something the mods can fix? I'll report the thread so maybe they can sort it out
this is so powerful. wow. we are defeating the nazis more and more each day.
>Sonybro thinks Black Widow isnt going to torture him for infomation instead of fucking him
I agree with you OP, but could you at least post one.
You could have at least posted someone attractive from that series.
fuck these literal whos we want young sully
I tried but I couldn't find any..
>butch niggres
>dirty beaner
wtf I want to rice mix now?!
Sales figures should be interesting.
Is that bitch from uncharted 4? She looked hot in 2, how did they fuck up with better graphics?
hahaha xD
Neil (((Druckmann)))
>right is ugly
It must be the mandela effect but I swear Chloe was either Australian or English and not a poo in loo. She has the name Frazer for fuck sake.
Neil Druckmann.
At least the ryona might be pretty good
They can, they simply made Chloe uglier and Nadine is ugly in general.
Elena is actually cute.
are they actually lesbians or is this another instance of Sup Forums hyperbole?
Are you really that dense? Anglos typically don't have brown skin, and jet black hair.
Chloe is canonically bi and Nadine was a lesbian in the prequel comic they put out before the game released.
Fake news. Cuckmann has nothing to do with the game. Too busy make that tlou girl into a mega dyke.
>not posting the most attractive western character in gaming
baka op
>Chloe is canonically bi
where is that stated? ive played through uncharted 1-4
They used to. Chloe was once the hottest piece of ass in the franchise by a fairly wide margin.
To be fair to their redesign of Chloe, Nate also got uglier in the transition to next gen.
Several sources are now backing this up. I swear it's mentioned in 2 as well. They fucking retconned it for sjw points.
Nah, Nate still looks good. But yeah, the next-gen bump changed a lot of the charm of Uncharted.
>Chloe is canonically bi
when did this happen?
>Is that bitch from uncharted 4? She looked hot in 2, how did they fuck up with better graphics?
She's hot in the original U4 (her MP model). They changed her look in Lost Legacy (and she also has a new seperate MP model).
she is supposed to be half poointheloo half kangaroo
Nobody mentioned poointheloo until this DLC.
Dude, you'd have to be a retard to not figure out that she was pure anglo. She honestly looked more spic with an aussie accent. They just never confirmed an ethnicity.
>Nate also got uglier
Said no one ever. Nate ages like fine wine in a closet.
>lead developer starts going on insane feminist rants, making up stories about men hating womyn and praising Anita
>his games are now all about strong women of color or are lesbians and or muslims
What a concidence.
>I didn't play the second game
if you are going to console war, at least pretend to own a playstation
This is the first time they explicitly said it but it always seemed obvious to me. If somebody has an olive complexion, and a british accent they probably have indian blood.
Didn't say pure Anglo, I meant several generations of Australian. Nobody mentioned Indian until now.
Do I have to take a fucking picture to prove I have the game or something. Cause I will.
Sup Forums has lower standards than Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums combined
There is nothing wrong with women that have strong jaws. In fact, I prefer it. Sorry you don't like women with strong physical frames which would be a genetic bonus to your offspring.
do your parents know you're gay? or are you not out yet?
>black male white female
When will this end
never, white females love the bbc
>TFW at the end of Uncharted 4 they hint at Sam and Scully adventures.
>It was all a ruse for an interracial MtF adventure.
Oy vey.
No idea who is the chick who does Nadine, but chloe is Claudia Black
She was pretty hot in stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis and even now in her 40's, she has way less jaw than that Chloe render
Chloe eerily looks like Bruno Mars in that pic
>supposed to be THE hot chick in Uncharted
>only game she is hot is U1
>U2 has chloe styling all over her
>U3 she barely matters
>UGA has a hot huehue girl
>U4 she gets downgraded hard, looses all of her hot ass, smaller tits and develops a habit of speaking though her nose
Elena a SHIT
The hell she's 39?
She looks closer to 29
Cirila is cute
>those saggy tits
holly fuck, what is wrong with ND
Thank Jesus, Nathan got together with Elena.
btw am i the only one who thought of a new uncharted with the daughter? (Or a Addon with Young Sully)
>open thread
>race baiting shitposting
I dn't even know what I expected to happen.
Nate looks fine in U4, just older, he is transitioning from chad fuckboi to DILF
Ugliest nate is U3 when he for some reason got a really nasty case of neckbeard
I swear, I live in a suburb in Ottawa and it's just that, like it just happened yesterday.
Pretty sure Chloe was supposed to be the hot one until now. Elena was the generic one.
I loved the ending. Most games never make a satisfying ending with your favorite characters.
The epilogue makes it meaningless
They fixed the main plot fault of every game "Why drake just doesnt go back to the previous citties to loot all the values now that all baddies are dead or not willing" so Drake's kid life is literally living in an island paradise with her rich as fuck parents
Not a very exciting life to make a video game about
Unless you want an H game about het taking her dog's knot
Chloe didnt exist in U1
Elena was the hot blondie with star in her eyes, that was literally her character
Go watch some G1 cutscenes,the graphics look like shit now, but she did have a bigger ass and tits when compared to her U4 model
>Nobody mentioned Indian until now.
That's because they never mentioned her other half until they decided to make another game with her. It's a retcon sure, but there was nothing to replace it with in the first place.
>think Chloe is a Brit
>Shes half indian half australian
For what purpose?
I meant the series in general, not just the first game.
Neil Druckmann
Her VA is an australian actress
Because neo ND
If they ever go back to Uncharted(which is most likely yea) than they better make it more gritty and dark. Have her parents killed or Sully killed and her avenging them or some shit.
i dunno,maybe his daughter wants to look for something that her dad didnt really find,desu it doesnt really have to be some "real" myths,they could make some cool things up
Holy fuck, this is the perfect advice. For years I've made female models in character editors with bald hair setting until finalization but I never bothered to articulate why.
>bean nigger
I don't have a problem with these characters at face value, but I do have a problem with the context.
One of those character was largely disliked, so why shit on your own fanbase with giving her her own game?
>killing off drake
Cant see it
I honestly would be fine with a scale down, have her doing small stuff that wont get her so much in trouble for her first game
or start a game like that, then go a bit dark
Like family vacation on some topical island
Uncle troybaker gets his dick hard for gold and back stabbing again, gets separated from daddy drake and have to survive alone for the rest of the game till daddy drake and company find her at the end of the game
Those aren't attractive, and I'm not sure they're female.
say it with me...
female. characters. sell. games.
>have sex with a woman once
>claim you're bi
>pursue male partners for the rest of your life
>canonically bi
This has to stop.
Ah, good old same face from all NT's games with some tweaks
the girl on the right was fucking gorgeous in 2 and 3, why did they make her look worse?
girl on left is cute
yeah just look at that big hit Mirror's Edge that sold millions
You grimdark teens need to fuck off. Uncharted is Indiana Jones. TLoU is The Road. Don't try to force your edgelord narrative onto a fun adventure when literally the same dev puts out your mopey shit.
Only if they are hot or cute
2B and Zero sold thousands of units by being at the cover half naked along, same did Cat and NepNep
Nadine is not hot
Chloe WAS hot, but they ruined her
This will only sell because its more Uncharted and the masses want that
nier automata had everything about the game be shit but sold well purely off of 2b's ass