Where do you place on the casual chart, Sup Forums?

Where do you place on the casual chart, Sup Forums?

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Somewhere between the leftmost two

>shmups and Bemani games being in the same category as GSGs

That can't be right. Shmups and rhythm games have easy modes. GSGs are overwhelming with no opportunities to tone the game down to grasp basics

I browse the deep web and play games only coded using punchcards and Pascal. I build my PC with virgin tears and stones.
What do I win?

Somewhere between the gamer crowd and the one to the left of it

Can't speak for SHUMPs, but Bemani-style rhythm games have huge fucking brick walls after the early easy modes and are where 95% of the content is hidden. I got through all the easy difficulties in SDVX in about a week before hitting a brick wall of 14s/15s that I'm still stuck on 2 years later.

If I'm translating hardcore correctly you can only be a true patrician cinephile if you're not only equally knowledgeable about but also enjoy every damn genre like romcom or turkish soap operas. Got it.

It only says you have to had tried a bunch of different genres, nothing about liking each one.

I have played Gradius and most SHUMPs from Konami even including the obscure ones like Parodius.
So the SHMUP zone?

I play the games of the central arrow but have a personality that's closer to dudebro than anything else

Middle of hardcore. Helps that I was born before the 21st century.

i've played games from all 3, most games i've played are in the lowest hardcore bracket

There's a place """""near""""" me (it's an hour drive, but I find it to be worth it) that charges people a set amount to play a bunch of rhythm games on free play, so I've gotten a bunch of regular practice for a while now. It doesn't take too much practice to consistently clear 11s-12s, which I feel are challenging enough to be fun, but aren't too overwhelming

>dude le 4chin is le best XD

fuck off reddit.
were here because its the only social interaction we get.

Between the second and third category in the hardcore section

People here have infinitely better taste than you average redditfag or neofag. This place was the only site calling out No Man's Sky for being blatant overhyped shit well before it launched while all the other casuals and normalfags were getting obscenely hyped for it.

middle of hardcore. i play dwarf fortress and shmups and doom wads a reasonable amount, but wouldnt call myself knowledgeable about all of gaming because i have never tried mobas, dont play many rts, and i dont know much about rhythm genre
no mans sky is a niche game but should not be included on this
mario is definitely not casual anymore. belongs in the same tier as zelda.
dragon quest, metal gear, and fighting games are "gamer" crowd
overwatch is dudebro
otherwise pretty accurate

I'm all the way to the right on the casual scale nowadays. I don't even know why I visit this site anymore. Probably to reminisce about better days...

>mfw in all the spectrum


>no mans sky is a niche game
It's sold nearly a million copies on PC alone and the PS4 probably sold even better. The amount of casuals and normalfags that got hyped for the game was insane. It's not niche.

>dragon quest, metal gear, and fighting games are "gamer" crowd
Dragon Quest only in japan, only the enthusiast side gives a fuck about it overseas.
Metal Gear arguably but the people who actually give a fuck about the series now and have actually played the games lean towards the enthusiast side.
Casuals don't give a fuck about fighting games besides shit like Injustice.

>overwatch is dudebro
Arguably but I'd say it leans more towards the "gamer" side.

>note: none of these groups or games are mutually exclusive

According to your pic I'm in the max hardcore part. I like every genre and I play whole franchises in release order. Tho I wouldn't say I have good taste in games. My favorite games are Doom (the whole series), Shin Megami Tensei (the whole franchise), and Nier (the whole series)

>t. triggered reddit babby

>Arguably but I'd say it leans more towards the "gamer" side
How? It has the depth of a puddle compared to other games in the same genre like TF2 and the community it has is absolute garbage.

You have decent tastes.

*Accurate reddit babby

I guess I'm max hardcore since I play damn near every game I can, old or new.

Nothing to do with depth, it's about the people it attracts. Overwatch attracts the "I'm a gamer xD" people moreso than the games in the "dudebro" tier in my mind. The type of people who tell everyone who hard Dark Souls is, how much of a masterpiece Skyrim is, etc.

Again there's no hard barrier between the 2, just a generla frame of reference.

dragon quest is only casual if you live in japan. your power level is at very least moderate if you're even aware of it, if you actually enjoy entries that aren't 5 and 8 you have a pretty high power level

>implying this is niche/hardcore
Wtf am I reading

Just because Sup Forums is contrarian with literally everything

So your own tears?

SeeThey're all like that. It's embarrassing

>mfw Dota and LoL in different categories
Insecure dotatards are so cute.

All those games are niche outside of Japan with the sole exception of Metal gear.

Sup Forums was 100% sucked into no man sky

Absolute bullshit.

It just has to do with game popularity. Most league players dont even know dota exists.

Most of those games literally everyone have played. They should be together with the central arrow(or maybe added a new arrow to its left) and replaced by real niche/hardcore games like Factorio, heavily modded TES games, roguelites/roguelikes, Mount and Blade, overall difficult or/and complex games that don't get to be full blown autism like Dwarf Fortress, Aurora 4x, grand strategy, etc.

Saying that some slightly less popular shooters, RPGs and hack 'n' slashes are "real hardcore community" is just a joke.

>Most of those games literally everyone have played.

look at the sales numbers. Dude bro Steve definitely isn't fucking playing Dragon Quest, Silent Hill, Bayo or STALKER. All of these games barely fucking sell and that's why all of those series are on life support.

You probably just hang around Sup Forums too much and don't have normal people as a frame of reference. They buy open world games and shooters, not jap developed low budget games.

damn this is the tierlist to end all tierlists

With "everyone" I meant most of the central arrow crowd, those games are not sufficiently different from the ones in the center to make the distinction between "mainstream normie AAA games" to "wow such real hardcore secret club niche games"

dudebro steve got those games for "free" with PS+ and XBL and tried them out
he knows what they are
dudebro steve is the entire reason the fighting games genre still exists

Shut the fuck up! I just want to be special!!!!

>Persona, Fallout, Silent Hill
What the fuck am I reading?

Dragon Quest 7 sold like 30k in america. That is niche as fuck. They are obviously sufficiently different because they all appeal to smaller audiences, if they were more similar than they would sell more.

Open world RPGs vastly outsell non open world RPGs for a reason. One is a lot more similar to games in casuals' comfort zone.

those games are too niche for casuals on PS+ to give a shit. Transformers: Devastation got given out for free and nobody gave a fuck about it other than hardcore action game fans.

Silent Hill is so niche it isn't getting made anymore.

If casuals bought it it would still be made. Casuals don't buy it. Therefore niche.

No, people stopped buying SH because the games became shit.

Lots of people played SH1, 2 and 3 back in the day.

Probably right between the Sup Forums icon and the next to the left. I've played a good chunk of the games above the Sup Forums icon and I've dabbled in Dwarf Fort, classic DOOM games, and some Grand Strategy. I still pick up the occasional Nintendo title, but that's about as far to the right I'll stray.

I think the two genres I have the most experience in would be Metroidvanias and Stylish Action games, neither of which really sell to "The Mainstream" crowd in this instance.

Right where it's purple

>GSGs are overwhelming with no opportunities to tone the game down to grasp basics
Cheats exists, m'lad.

I swear the people who make these charts know nothing about actual casual perception of games. Halo hasn't been mainstream for almost a decade. Pretty much everything in "gamer" is far more mainstream then Halo is and has been for years.

Halo is pretty much on par with the Sup Forums logo's games in terms of obscurity now.

>note: none of these groups or games are mutually exclusive

>t. buttmad halofag
Your game is casual shit that people forgot when the company it's owned by fucked up. The games are still system sellers though, making them casual

>visual novels
>hardcore gamer


Is that how you're supposed to learn? Seems pretty sketchy to me

Persona might be more mainstream than it used to be, but it's still niche. It didn't even rank in last month's NPD. Andromeda did, that should tell you how far this series has to go to be a thing in the west.

>tried Crusader Kings 2
>thought it would be a civilization with less graphics and more complex elements

>its literally a soap opera generator where characters try to fuck each other in the ass constantly while the war aspect is lackluster as fuck

the people on this board who aren't on the far left of this chart are the people who are shitting it up constantly with stuff like consolewar nonsense or saying that anything that doesn't use 3d models is "pixelshit"

I'd place on the third position from the left. I enjoy most of the example games given. I'm very comfortable there.

>I'm in every category but super casual
Thanks Sup Forums, I've learned nothing

I'd assume is retroactive. Anyone on the far left has almost certainly played Mario and Zelda obviously.


>tfw my brain has degenerated to a state where I'll find even a bunch of abstract squiggles with motion in the vague shape of a female attractive

just kill me senpai. curiously still images don't have the same effect

so now playing with your fingers pretending it's a little person playing DDR on your keyboard is considered HARDCORE?
Please, and I've gone through a DDR-esque phase.


>Rhythm games aren't hardcore

Thirdmost to the left, maybe dabbling in the one to the left of it if RPGMaker horror games count for anything.

I mean they are cool, but sperging out on your keyboard while blasting kawaii uguu moe ost number 40 remix at 1500 bpm doesn't necessarily make you more knowledgeable about vidya.

That's OSU-tier garbage, literally the fucking reddit of rhythm games. Bemani games have weeb songs (mostly touhou shit) but that's mainly for the legit Japanese degenerates. Most people who pllay the games play them for all the electronic/legit music.


>Sup Forums
>plays a lot of games but has better taste and more knowledge...

Right on the clover

Cringe as fuck

It's unironically one of the best ways to learn how to play grand strat. It's more or less training wheels.