Anyone else got Overwatch patch fatigue?

I like the general gameplay, the girls and the lore but the rate at which Blizzard radically changes the game is really tiring.

Every fucking week I'll log on and a character will have some new ability while another will be nerfed into the ground.

What's the point of spending time learning to play a particular hero if Blizzard might just nerf them into the ground make them unplayable in next week's patch? There's no coherence to the balancing of the game, just constant patches to a shipwreck

Yes, pretty much. This is what killed MOBA's for me as well, if you spend some time away from the game when you come back things don't behave the way you'd expect.

>That bulge

>haven't played in 6-7 weeks
>grab a Tracer with the hook and deliver close range metal judgement
>she doesn't die
not sure if it's a bug or change but i definitely unloaded on her face

pig is ded


How do I know you've never seen a vagina?

>he still plays Overwatch

i got bored of that shit game in exactly 26 hours (checked my hours played in game)

i feel bad for you bro, invest your time in a real shooter

Like what user?

when my team gets pwned so fucking hard by scrubs and i have 2 gold elims

i just lose the will to play, I'm at 1850


combo doesn't work for anyone now. nu-blizz is cancer

just like how they nerfed mccree

>i like the lore

that's one massive hooch

Because you're playing a casual competitive shooter? Of course they're going to nerf and buff everything for crybabies, this is their attempt at FPS esports. They care about money, not the gameplay. They're gonna do w/e they damn please so long as it brings in that revenue.

I'm not defending them before some autist thinks I am, quite the opposite. Just saying. I hate that I have to disclaimer that simply because neo/v/'s children are so fucking idiotic

>casual competitive shooter
Halo 3 was this and didn't need balance patches past the first month

>company unwilling to balance their cashcow, wow
>somehow think after gutting it, they will somehow change their M.O. for their other games

Halo 3 was also the third iteration of the game, made for tasteless dudebros, and is easier to balance because its just marines and covenant. So they knew what they wanted out of it. The comparison you make here also doesn't work because the structure of the games is entirely different.

better that way

none of the changes change the core gameplay like in league, all the heros sitll have their core gameplay of clicking on heads and shit

Marines VS covenant has literally nothing to do with the MP. The MP is considered very well balanced and lacking in superfluous weapon designs.

Halo 3 was great online play. I'm sorry you never got to experience it correctly.

>Roadhog's core gimmick is punishing bad positioning with his hook combo
>Underage scum raged
>His core gameplay is now useless

This is how Blizzard has always "balanced" games. They just let people take turns being OP.

Every game i have joined has had some autistic 6 year olds playing.

and some very creepy as fuck pedos trying to groom them by telling them to join their discord

>What's the point of spending time learning to play a particular hero

There isn't any, you fuck. Every hero has a retardedly simple loadout for a reason. You're supposed to get good with several, if not ALL heroes, so that you can actually be a use to your TEAM in this TEAM BASED SHOOTER.

I am so sick of matches where people sabotage the team composition because, "Widowmaker is muh main" and they refuse to switch heroes mid-game to compensate for how the battle is going.

There's nothing wrong with having favourites, I prefer playing as Pharah, Junkrat, Mei, Rein,, Winston, Lucio, Ana, Zenyatta, or Symmetra but if our team fucking needs someone else to push or counter a choke then I'm gonna fucking switch to the hero that'll help us push or counter the choke, not just stand around shouting, "WELL I DID MY JOB" in the chat as we lose the match.

I fucking hate retards like you. This game is about working as a team to complete an objective. This isn't Gotham City Imposters where you just pick an idiot and do your own thing in Team Deathmatch.

I bet you're also the same type of retard who refuses to contest objectives during over time/back up and allow the enemy payload to progress because you're too busy trying to kill a specific person/chasing no where near the fucking payload.

Me and my ranked queue partner could never actually get into a decent game once we hit mid Plat/low diamond. So many cancerous thugs. The game has gone through several different meta since we last played.

Ladies and gentleman, the impotent rage of the average UndieWash player.

Fuck this game. I'm never reinstalling it, I'd rather play a classic that I missed than waste another minute.

I'm sorry you're too autistic to get my point. Halo is slow, plodding, and balanced around the weapons and multiple modes. Overwatch is fast, and is balanced around the characters and their moves. You cant really compare the two unless you're just a baiting underage and B&.

I don't care about neither game, but I know both enough to say you truly have no idea what you're talking about.

What sort of toddlercon sort of faggot jargon is this? It's like when a brony shoves horse puns into everything, except for infantile diaper fetishists. Fuck off, you literal shit head.


>roadhog, genji, mccree, ana, widow require skill to play? nerf them into the ground

jeff "platinum players are the elite" kaplan was a mistake

Roadhog was a fundamentally flawed design in general.
>Make a tank
>Design him as a DPS instead but with 600 HP, 1-shot combo, and ability to heal half his HP
>Gameplay revolves solely on that single combo
>Nerf his combo
>Becomes shit because he was designed to be more of a DPS than a tank
He could use a rework where he's not a one trick pony that relies only on insta-kills to be good but still keep his fun hook shenanigans.

splatoon 2

play melee if you like a stale metagame where nothing changes

I've got overwatch fatigue period. The game hasn't been fun for like two months, even with new maps, gamemodes and bigarm magoo.

Zero depth means they have to keep patching so they can keep it interesting.

I really hate the whole esports top down dictating how a game will, the best games always had some weird unitended shit

shoot twice, hog fixed.

It will die out within the next 1-2 years just like h1z1,dayz,arc survival,rust and the forest

ya got me there


None of those were remotely as popular as PUBG except DayZ which died because they split the user base and never finished it.

the updates are sluggish as fuck what are you talking about?
takes them forever to do anything and everything sits on the ptr for months


Reminder that is for black cocks only. Keep jerking whiteboi.


His entire kit is literal crutches.

His ultimate is a fucking aimbot.

But it always comes full circle for these games
>new multiplayer survival game
>it's cool and popular
>eventually most or half the player base moves on to the next new multiplayer survival game or the devs fuck it up

>so many meta shifts

there was the dva meta in season 1, the dva meta in season 2, the tank meta (w/dva) in seaon 3, the dva meta in season 4 and the dva meta in season 5

Is it just Sup Forums ramming the idea into my head or do you think OW might be doing rapid fire patches/additions because of a declining player base?