Where were you when Squeenix was BTFO by Best Korea?

Where were you when Squeenix was BTFO by Best Korea?

wtf i love Japan now

Well, I mean, they aren't wrong...

What the fuck? This is not something I expected to ever read.

>Where were you when Squeenix was BTFO by Best Korea?
Post the "PE class needs 1 hour to change clothes" screencap


Burgers btfo

Not really. The very nature of the game means they will be slaughtered, more than once even.

post more




>It's another satirical Twitter account

Is this satire or fake or something? Pls explain

Kim uses it for shitposting


Who wants to live in North Korea?

its satire user



Nobody. Not that we can't anyway, since Trump has now banned US citizens from travelling there.


Shit is fake. @uriminzok is the real north Korean twitter.

Anything in english?

spoonfeeding faggots


Thanks, user-kun



Twitter thread.

Did you report it? I think i will report it so we can improve the quality of the board by returning to the time where no fun was ever allowed and you were only allowed to market FOTM games. Just like good old Sup Forums right my fellow oldfag?


what are you doing here Razor

>Did you report it? I think i will report it
Announcing report is a bannable offense

>implying i reported it

LMAO !!!

Why would anyone willingly go to a country with that despises all foreigners and has a justice system that consists of throwing people in to labor camps for fun.

holy shit. this is great.