Multiplayer shooter

>multiplayer shooter
>last one on my team vs the entire enemy team
>get killed and my team bullies me
Why are people so mean in online games?

>this thread again

Because you're a stupid fucking faggot that needs to off himself

Real reason, because they're talking to a screen. 99% of the people who shit-talk online would never dream of doing so in-person.

>tfw too much of a coward to play team based games

>Doing alright most of the match
>Fuck up ONCE
>redeem myself at the end and close out the game
>Entire team STILL gives me shit
Sorry for not being perfect

Why are you so mean?
Just do it and the shyness will go away!

Nobody notices your successes. Everyone notices your failures. Just like real life.

>Just do it and the shyness will go away!
But I don't even have anyone to play with. I don't want to play shitty games like Dota, but I don't want to drop money on Overwatch when I might not find any group of friends to play with.

I play alone and I have fun

I'm going to sniff your hair

>Last one on my team
>Nail the headshot that wins the round
>Chat is filled with everyone saying "ns"

Feels good, man


Nobody is shy here, you are just ugly 16 year old faggots who ERP with each other and need to kill themselves.

type "cry harder" and move on...

Nice projecting my friend

This is not a gay faggot thread! Stop being mean
Stop being rude

What's an online game?

>I am not the faggot, you are the faggot

>Game has ranked mode
>Monumentally fuck up early in the game
>Teammates start calling me an idiot
>Get shit together, start carrying the team
>AFK in the final round until teammates apologize
>They don't
>We lose
>One of them has tried adding me on steam for the past 3 days after the incident

Im mean because I have testosterone. You should try it some time. Feels great.


>One of them has tried adding me on steam for the past 3 days after the incident
That shit always scares me. Makes me think some Russian hacker is gonna steal my account.

Why are you scared, it's literally retards who try to add you to talk shit, plus if they wanted to hack you they wouldn't be trying to add you in the first place

fuck you too

I don't know, vindictive people just scare the fuck out of me.

It will fix you faggotry.

>tfw used to be super out-going in online games
>talked to everyone
>confident in everything I did, carried many teams on my back
>get older, become introverted, don't talk to anyone, not confident in my abilities anymore

Where did it all go wrong.