Hey user!

Hey user!
Do I still have a place in your Heart?

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Yes, but fuck multiplayer, youtubers and those websites where you buy LUA scripts.

Back in 2009/10 when I was 13 yo GMOD was my primary souce of porn.
You know nude ragdoll of my favorite vidya gurls.

No. I don't have autism.



Underage spotted

>2010 (13)
>2017 (20)

Friendly Reminder: 2000 was 17 years ago.





Never mind I get it. The gmod lol

Yeah, but literally every game mode on your platform is horrible. Just because the game is alive doesn't necessarily imply that it's good.

>tfw you never got around to making cool ass vehicles to blow the shit out of your friends with using that cool mod that implemented wiremod guns that could destroy props
gmod 2 when

>Download WAC 2 years ago
>Try flying a plane and crash almost instantly
>Try to practice more this month
>Get good at it
>Actually enjoy Garry's Mod again
>Then realize I am always on a singleplayer server talking to myself about speed and altitude

*teleports behind you*

>egde memeing the companion cube when the skull cube from portal: still alive exists
I bet everyone forgot about that Xbox exclusive, didn't they?

>tfw facepunch won't work on gmod anymore because of rust
>tfw rust gets shittier by the update

you never did

Wiremod was my shit.

>Xbox exclusive
Get with the times grand dad



Gmod tower and wiremod were the best things about gmod

I don't remember what it was called, I don't think it was any of those two at least

I remember it had a nebelwerfer or something like that

>first few years of release
>i forget the name of the tool/mod but it let you program things
>learned how to make a minge-hunter-bot
>get a big steel door, attach thrusters to it in back and on the sides and top
>add a player locator to the front, set range to max
>it would fly straight at the nearest player it could find
>anyone without noclip would die from the steel door hitting them at like 60 MPH
>ergo, minge-hunter
gmod was a lot of fun early on

i remember when i first discovered physics games around 2006/7 Gmod was the holy grail of a physics playground fuckaround game and all I ever wanter in my life.

I watched so many youtube vids of gmod 9 marveling at the things you could do, whilst saving up for a shity small form factor GPU that would fit in my "school pc"-ass dell computer. When i finally bought a physical copy of hl2 and got steam and installed gmod I did nothing else for a week, I will always love that game, even if the magic is gone today

I remember making the classic mingebot, no addons required
>take big object like a locker
>strap on thrusters, hoverballs, camera, ravenholm rotor blade
>make everything noclip
>set the blade to clip through terrain but not players
>paint everything invisible
>noclip into a corner, drive around your cloaked killmachine
great fun


man i loved learning how to use it and messing around, I made a turret with 360 degree aiming out of a tire and two locker doors that would track players (poorly)

>find new player
>pin him to wall with steel door
>make it invisible
>he asks me to stop

You could make a perfect tracking turret with a wire facer. Hide it in a corner of Flatgrass with a tracerless turret.

I liked to build my own aircraft using fin tool and hydraulic controlled control surfaces

In pic related the ailerons, elevator, and rudder are all functional. Also the propeller is finned also, no thrusters or hoverballs on this

post favorite maps

My geforce 6150se with my amd athlon x2 remember this game :3


But I could never figure out how to fix the ERROR and purple/black missing textures. I owned all source games and downloaded all the files servers wanted.

Any map with secret areas was GOAT.

>all that secret shit underground

You have to restart after downloading since the source engine doesn't know how to mount newly downloaded models/textures without a reboot.

>half-life 3 never existing meant we will never get gmod 2: now with non-shit physics

fps banana was teh shit

>he dont remember expression 2
no user, you are mingebag

i guess gmod was to me what minecraft was like 10 years after to younger people

haha holy shit i was like 10 when it came out (2006) it was so fun just playing ayound the sandbox

Nope. Not autistic enough.

Wasn't this map like one big fucking Fallout 1/2 reference?

but gmod was made in 2004 or 2005 can't remember. it was free back then.

I remember when they removed the secret area under gm_construct's stairs
still a little salty


Not anymore.

I played on noxiousnets zombie survival and searched the temp folders for porn sprays

>Remember seeing 1990 was 20 years ago memes on Sup Forums
>before i know it I'll be seeing 2000 was 20 years ago memes

You make good reaction images

Oh shit, neat they finally got into it.

Yeah, its a great map tho


first heard about it when a friend showed me this way back when. Doesn't get much more mid-to-late 2000s than Ultimate Showdown and Gmod.

>This will be 10 years old in November