This is what Unreal Engine 4 looks like when hardware doesn't act as a limitation. Everything here is running in realtime. This is what the next generation of games could look like.
>GPU: Dual Nvidia GeForce 1080 Ti in SLI This alone is 1500 - 2000€+
Thomas Harris
Thanks doc
Carson Hall
for now
Xavier Phillips
60fps all the way.
Jaxson Carter
Michael Morris
youd have to kill off 90% of pc users/ 100% of all console users on Sup Forums for us to achieve this as the set standard. too many favela monkeys shitting up gaming with their low budget 2gb ram machines
Easton Sanders
How long would it take to design all of those pebbles? I can't imagine all the effort it would take to do all the individual pebbles like that.
Nicholas Johnson
>says that likes good
60 fps isnt realistic. 144 is needed t0 make it indistinguishable from reality
William Hill
Do you have any idea how much work it would take to achieve this level of graphics when stuff is actually happening on-screen and keeping it at 60 FPS? Plus that 90% of PC players wouldn't be able to actually run this? We are not going to reach this level in games for a very long time.
Julian Nguyen
there isn't actually enough precious metals and chemicals to mass produce really good computers, there is a sever shortage of resources.
David Brooks
>they fell for the fps meme human eye cant see above 24 fps, why do you its they make movies in 24 fps
Robert Sanchez
Oh boy I sure love no gameplay
Having a scene with nothing happening in it is fair enough, but try rendering effects and stuff. That'll tank the framerate.
Joshua Ramirez
>GPU: Dual Nvidia GeForce 1080 Ti in SLI >CPU: Intel Core i7 5960X >this shit >just for graphics I assume you think everything else from collision to effects, physics and levels that are lager than a few square feet doesn't require any computing power
David Collins
I can't wait to play this on my PS8 in the year 2063.
Kevin Turner
>why do you its they make movies
Brandon Adams
>next generation >2 1080s Yeah, fuck that, I don't want to pay $3k for a console.
Christopher Reyes
who fucking cares
when are we going to get some advanced AI
Kevin Adams
In pursuit of graphics, and by overblowing budgets, we lost most things which we used to love about vidya. Now it's mostly indie shit that looks like it came in late 80-early 90s, yet hogs shitton of processing power, or a AAA shit filled to the brim with garbage and microtransactions,
Carson Turner
>a bunch of rocks doing nothing wow
Evan Morris
Wtf i hate 144 now
Lucas Thompson
amazing gameplay
Ryan Jackson
kek thousands of dollars just for a few lifeless rocks
PC "gamers" everyone
Charles Peterson
obviously 1 frame
Henry King
What about character models?
Adam White
Thanks doc
Elijah Taylor
How about you just fucking go outside if you want to see realism.
Gabriel Stewart
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that
Juan Diaz
Wow. Photogrammetry. Scan a scene in 3d and import it into an engine. What a new and original idea. It's not as if that's been done for years.
Matthew Morgan
I just can't understand who cares so fucking much about graphics. It blows my mind. Just fucking go outside. Go for a hike. Buy a camera and take pictures of things.
You people do not care about games at all. All you want is something pretty to look at. Leave this hobby you fucking troglodytes.
GAMES are fun because of the GAMEPLAY. Sure, it's nice to look at the graphics and the artstyle and all that; but if the game isn't fun, who cares? The game should be fun even if everything was just singular colored flat textures. Graphics mean nothing to the overall experience.
Asher Gomez
Way too much effort for any one person. That's just way too much detail for an artist to do by hand, especially when there's a deadline to meet.
If the future of gaming trying to render photo realistic rocks then gaming is dead.
Brandon Anderson
VIDEO GAMES are fun because the VIDEO GAMEPLAY you retard
Asher Perez
>I think those rocks were procedurally generated. you think you know what that means, but you dont
Xavier Scott
>not playing Pebble Skimming Simulator 2018
Henry Butler
How can a simple fact trigger you? Are you autistic?
Henry Powell
Jaxson Young
Kinda wish I could be frozen for 100 years. I feel like the really good shit is on the horizon but I will be too old to enjoy it once it arrives
Isaac Lopez
Can you not read you lamebrain? If you game is fun, even with wireframe only, or flat textures with singular colors (or even just completely gray all together), etc, than that is a good thing. Graphics and art style are only the icing on top.
Yeah, it's nice to have good looks graphics or a nice artstyle, and it can enhance the gameplay (even if ever so slightly) but they aren't what makes the game. Would you rather play a good game that has ok graphics/artstyle, or a "game" that had the best graphics ever but everything else was terrible?
Stop trying to make games all about graphics. Fucking stop, jesus christ. I just want games to be fun.
Robert Martin
Thanks Doc
Ryan White
>I just can't understand who cares so fucking much about graphics.
You do realize a game can have good visuals and gameplay right? And does nothing for the experience? No, the visuals do a LOT for the experience. Bleeding edge visuals are not required but if you have the rig for it, why not? Is there a down side to the game having these features if it also has good gameplay?
Carter Johnson
They cost more than 2000$. So? What's your point?
Sebastian Cox
Hey why not make a CGI scene while you're at it. Because this doesn't concern video games at all.
Adam Collins
>Everything here is running in realtime >GPU: Dual Nvidia GeForce 1080 Ti in SLI that's pre-rendered for the average consumer
Alexander Perez
*Wahoos internally
Luke Gutierrez
it barely looks better than Battlefront
Isaiah Butler
>60 fps with two 1080 Tis and a top of the line i7
So basically you showed what games are going to look like in 8 years when that kind of rig is commonplace
Ryan Robinson
I said "€". -> Euro
You can get them for 700€ cheapest. What is even your point. I think you are retarded honestly.
Lucas Wright
Grayson Stewart
Graphical fidelity has been at such a high point that pushing it further has been giving us so little despite pushing hardware and software more and more.
I want better physics.
Joseph Martin
Benjamin Howard
Not surprising, the guy who made that scene worked for EA DICE.
Andrew Brown
Joshua Ramirez
>1080 Ti SLI I'm ready guiz.
>more than 2000$ Funny, I got mine launch week and I paid $1550 after tax & shipping.
You do realize you can have both, yes? Visual aspects of the games are just as important as story and music etc. Gameplay is the #1 thing in most cases but let's not pretend the rest doesn't matter. Hell, my favorite game this year so far has been Nier and that looks like it's an early Ps3 title. But it looks good enough while the rest of the game is so well made that I don't care it's not current gen visuals.
Jeremiah Roberts
>GAMES are fun because of the GAMEPLAY.
Interactive dramas are a rising genre of video games. Narrative-based games like these can benefit highly from the ability to present immersive, groundbreaking graphical capabilities that can whisk the player off their feet and throw them into the captivating world of the game.
Nathan Martin
He's an unsung national treasure.
Ayden Murphy
I want better art styles. There's just so much incestuous, cheap art design meme imagery that it's sickening. Give me some novelty, give me some vision.
Chase Mitchell
i agree with this,they will also never try to make things look good like cgi fantasy scenes in real time,the industry only cares about realistic shit and it's not really evolving anymore,i get pissed off having to buy new hardware just to play the next new game when the graphics havent even evolved significantly
Isaiah Morris
Look towards Nintendo then. Sony and Microsoft are too busy trying to make everything look hyperrealistic.
Ayden Rodriguez
and nintendo is too busy downgrading everything for their shitty portable systems
Dylan Wilson
And this is what it looks like with limitations (ps4/xbone)
Evan Brown
Julian Taylor
characters and still no gameplay, typical console exclusive experience
John Hughes
>better art design >a mustached italian plumber >a pink blob >literally a fisher price dino
Kayden Ward
>bing bing wahoo >good and "hyperrealism" isn't a set art style, there's more to art style than cel shading or exaggerated proportions, you can have two games that look completely different while still being fully realistic. Just look at movies, the latest adam sandler flick doesn't look anything like the seventh seal or whatever. I want interesting design of architecture, items, monsters, etc.
Tyler Murphy
>everything is completely static besides lighting >devs would ever hand craft their meme open world games to look like this instead of copy pasting 100sqft of assets ad nauseum implying they don't already might as well be looking at pictures, who cares?
Jack Butler
so a $5000 PC can run static objects to look like PS4 dynamic models. wow!
Isaiah Jackson
Them are some purty rocks. But what would really impress me is some damn fine physics simulations running in real time among all the other chaos a triple A title might throw at the player. Red Faction Guerilla was 8 years ago, and Crackdown 3 still requires server side calculations to run that supposed destructible co-op multiplayer they were talking up. Give me some fucking TECHNOLOGY.
Ian Brooks
>copper, silicone and plastic >shortage of resources hmm
Brandon Smith
if the games didn't fucking suck then maybe...
Jose Baker
There's the little game called Breath of the Wild...
Tyler Evans
If only such quality engine could render high definition loli cunny instead of those useless rocks.
Isaiah Gray
alright but hows the gameplay?
Ian Davis
I want to hug Saya. :)
Christopher Nguyen
Pedophiles plz go away
Carter Williams
thanks doc
Jason Clark
Charles Brooks
Well i mean they do have higher quality textures... But overall the amount of detail on display isn't that impressive.
Benjamin Nelson
>human eye cant see above 24 fps Please don't. Just don't, not this argument again please. Please. I'll agree with you if it makes you never post this here again. 72 fps will suffice.
Zachary Clark
>In the pursuit of graphics Videogames have ALWAYS been pushing increasingly advanced graphics as a main feature
Isaiah Rodriguez
Thanks doc.
Michael Nelson
rock :D
This is the future r/pcmasterrace/ !
Aaron Morales
>lost bookmarks long ago >can't find this on niconico anymore fuck my life
Henry Scott
Reminds me of UNLIMITED DETAIL WORKS. Except this is in UE4, so it can have gameplay integrated immediately. Physics would be hell, though.
Levi Baker
This so fucking much, most AI is still such garbage it's unbelievable. But no, keep staring at those pretty pebbles good goy and pay 2k for that new shiny computer.
Joseph Rivera
It still looks fake. Like you can tell it's a CG render and not live action footage.
Nathan Myers
>photogrammetry Discarded and ignored. Also >Not Voxel/froxel based materials #NOTMYFUTUREGRAPHICS
Gavin Garcia
Well it could, but first you would have to photograph a wet cunny from a lot of different angles, under different light conditions.
Juan Mitchell
define advanced ai. the better the ai, the worse it is for a player. the key to balancing a game is tricking the player into thinking they're smart.
Jayden Taylor
Jeremiah Richardson
This is
Liam Martinez
>Graphics mean nothing to the overall experience. Oh fuck off Developers acknowledge that the aesthetics of a game can do wonders for the atmosphere. It's why Bloodborne doesn't look like a fucking Nintendo DS game.
Zachary Anderson
Nah im talking about stuff like this.
Joseph Martinez
>Making games have the minumum acceptible graphics in a time where real life graphics are possible is acknowledgement
Uh huh.
Ian Walker
>why do you its they make movies in Did you have a brain stroke?
Justin Brown
>minumum acceptible graphics wrong >where real life graphics are possible also wrong