I can feel the power
I can feel the power
Other urls found in this thread:
did you just walk out of the fucking gas chamber and live to tell? wtf is wrong with your hand
See if you can play MGS HD collection via backwards compatibility, I think they show Naked Snake fixing his broken arm in a cutscene so try to copy that
Post measurements
For a second I thought your shoe was your dick
your hand looks like it's made of paper OP
The power of no exclusives
>No nigger hand
the power so strong it broke your wrist
>white hand
Is it your OP?
>no penis tip at the bottom of the picture
>xbox not sony
that's not how the meme worked
if you're gonna show your hand it better be black, period
thanks for drawing a red circle around the exact same thing almost everyone else in the thread has commented on, albert
So does this new Xbox have exclusive games or what?
we don't accept white hands here. only black hands are acceptable.
There's literally nothing wrong with that hand, you fat, fat shite
t. alien
that is not a healthy hand user...
Black hands are for Sonygers. Xbox is the white Aryan master race. It's built by Americans for Americans. Sony is for filthy communist anti-fa BLM faggots. Xbox is for those who stand up for free speech and celebrate their European ancestry.
>Xbox is the white Aryan master race
>It's built by Americans
>for Americans.
So Niggers.
What am I in for Sup Forums?
>Not a black hand
>Not wearing like a dress or stockings to show """""subtlety"""" that your a trap
>No dick anywhere
>No GF awkwardly posed near by
>No horrible skin infection or something
>No shitty games on display
L I T E R A L Y whats the point?
you're in for a fucking keyboard cleaning, you disgusting faggot
wrong. only black hands are welcomed here. keep your pasty pale noodle arms out of the picture.
The picture was taken in a microsoft store. Kinda hard to do any of that in public.
Get back to cleaning house nigger.
c'mon being black isn't that hard
Only niggers have the PS4, that's the rule, the Xbone X is made for the white alpha male.
That would be so much fucking better if you put his trap dick on the xbox in public, maybe have a disgusted employee in the reflection or something. No one has any stomach to do full autism anymore.
Look at that wannabe nigger, pathetic.
really makes you think...
True, the xbox is made for only the whites and some latinos, remember that Fifa on xbox 360 was the shit in Latin America.
is that lexington steele
Now post some of that brand new dlc that your "white protagonist" game just received, cmon show the fucking indian and nigger girl, go ahead.
>it's hard to be black in public
Oh boy, you said it.
Why do you know a black porn actors name and know him well enough to see similarities between him and random characters in video games so fast.
no problem gordon
Did you paint you hand brown? You did a terrible job.
Why did you recognize his name? Checkmate, atheist.
also cuz I watch him nigga
Because I googled him goyim
Just because your hand looks like this, doesn't mean that it's normal.
This. Fucking disappointing ironically and even unironically.
you might want to go to the doctor, user
How about when the white protagonist and his brother both get their asses beaten by THAT STRONG INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMAN with a bunch of QTEs that don't do anything?
>foot in picture but shoes are on
lmao you have one of the worst nails implementation ever it's almost genetic disease tier
confirmed planet
nice shoes homo
I am brown
look at the fuckers wrist nigga
thats not right
Nice try
Have some Jason Brown hands
No no no Look at the flick of the wrist.
meanwhile in reality
His hand looks fine... his wrist looks fucked. Did you break it before,OP?
Naw pretty sure he shoved his cock down elsa's throat.
you're already conditioned to expect a black hand
porn is not reality silly jew
Pretty sure that he shoved his dick into Elsa jeanand Nicole Aniston's holes.
maybe true 100 years ago but these days they fucking your wives, sisters and daughters. hold that.
>those disgusting nigger nails
why are black people so disgusting
I can feel the power
Well actually the shooting of porn does occur within our reality so by definition porn is reality.
Who else PC + PS4 Hybrid/High-breed master racists?
I used it for Bloodborne and Nioh, I'll use it for MHWorld to play it before it comes out on PC, and then I'll never use it again
You have to go b(l)ack.
bloodborne is overrated and the ps4 has very few good games
sorry, gamergate won im afraid. thus your kind is not wanted here. kvetch elsewhere.
Don't worry OP, I'm here to save your thread.
Xbox 4 life baby
>NBA sticker
Nice touch.
Very few is still more than zero.
Winner winner chicken dinner
Thank god, I was worried I was going to have to photoshop OP's hand
do you really like basketball? or did you get it just to shitpost on Sup Forums
yo're not supposed to store the xbox vertically
I like watching basketball but I don't play the games unless I'm at a friend's place and they're playing it.
I bought the PS4 off of a friend of a friend, I don't want to take off the sticker in case it leaves residue
>white hand
>no penis
>shoes on
fuck off OP
How many neptunia games do you own
I own 3 of them on PC, if I had them physically my friends would roast me.
I haven't played any of them over an hour though
>I don't want to take off the sticker in case it leaves residue
You might want to keep your hand there then
My hand is brown and the PS4 is black, any mark I leave won't be too noticable, honest
the palm is white tho
My palms are more of a darker shade of tan
t. fatty
tfw that's exactly how my hand looks too.
That's the head of the ulna bone. A bit prominent sure, but nothing to overreact to
>I own 3 of them on PC
>I haven't played any of them over an hour though
Why would you own three of them if you didn't even play them?
Niggers arent welcomed here
Do you ever feel bad about being responsible for 90% the crime that happens in the world?
racist much?
I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but our melanin enriched companion here has saved this shitty thread.
Not gonna lie, I'm a sucker for weeb games.
If it has cute girls in it I'm definitely gonna buy it, unless it's a puzzle game. Fuck puzzles, they're either boring and a chore to go through or they're needlessly complex and require you to pay attention to a bunch of seemingly meaningless "clues" from past puzzles to finish later ones.
I think I got them through some kind of sale though, I'm not gonna pay full price for them.
Don't be like that my brotha, we all know you're dark skinned too
You don't have to try to fit in so hard
I've never had an encounter with the police.
I guess that'd be obvious since I'm posting here