>every other line starts with "heehee" or "haha"
Every other line starts with "heehee" or "haha"
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apparently it was always like that, ask falcom
i'm not blaming the localization specifically
but why
But it doesn't. A few of the girl characters do it, like Alfin, but that's it.
it does. almost every conversation. and it's not just the girls either. sometimes i think to myself "maybe i'm exaggerating", but there they go again with their heehees and hahas
>just got annoying loli in party
Damn, how do we go from Tita and Renne to this? Though I'm hoping she improves. I usually like lolis. This one seems to ruin any sort of tension in any scene.
Rean and Joshua do it all the fucking time.
which one
Best Cold Steel
>best cold steel
>a noble
>a male
You forgot best written
Neo-Falcom is bad at writing.
Can I play this without playing trails in the sky
Yes, and you should because Sky is a bad trilogy.
It's definitely the easiest entry into the series if you're not going to start with Sky or even with Zero
Has Xseed said anything at all about Zero and Ao?
NISA will announce next week in Gamescom that they have acquired Cold Steel 3 release rights.
I think it's coming. They made a turbo-mode for Sky trilogy a week ago and I don't think they would allocate manpower for that alone. There's certainly something else coming out on their engine, and it's most likely Zero/Ao.
Or they really did make a feature for the games everybody's played already just because.
Adding a turbo button is some of the most simple shit ever.
>Or they really did make a feature for the games everybody's played already just because.
Considering how the localization director keeps updating the localization for even FC, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a nice feature they decided to throw in. I'm not sure why you think the addition of a turbo feature would mean much.
That was because 3rd was about to drop and Sara has autism about her pet series.
oops, forgot Fie could count as a loli. I meant Millium. I gotta play more cause who knows, I could end up liking her. I just hope she doesn't ruin the mood in every scene.
Yes but you shouldn't.
Millium is a bundle of joy desu. Her faces remind me of Estelle's, she can be smug as fuck too.
What is it with the fucking cliffhangers in these games?
To get you to buy the next one.
The Sky trilogy doesn't add much to CS1.
Whaddya mean
What else do you expect from a shitty light novel inspired game
CS spoils one of the more surprising reveals in SC
I need pictures of best girl.
You got it
Undisputed best.
*teleports behind you* ppsh, nothin' personnel kid *unsheathes katana*
Does Fie have breast envy?
Only the best.
>surprising reveals
Like what?
I thought Olivier was a spy or something of that degree
That's a pretty dumb reason. It's obvious that Olivier is more than he appears, and Imperial Prince isn't out of the question.
I never played any of the trails games, can someone explain to me who the fuck those two people I played as after the finalie in CS II were? Also all the people they were talking about
Is rixia's game out in english yet
Not for a long time.
>CS waifus are the least popular
>used goods is more popular than CS main heroine
What went wrong?
Alisa is the worst
>estelle 1st
damn, she's the perfect waifu
Did you actually play Cold Steel 2 as your first Trails game? If so then you are retarded.
Laura is the best!
She's looking especially fly
It's because of the stockings, they were missing in CS2
>braindead bimbo as 1
>fie in 10th place
why do nips have such shit taste?
Fie is the best
Because XSEED's translations are shit. Glad NISA took Ys 8 off these hacks.
Fie is not a loli. Also you clearly don't like lolis if you hate Millium as she's a top-tier loli.
>fie in 10th place
You looking for a tussle?
Joshua does this all the time in Sky FC, dunno about the other two games since I haven't played them yet.
>this triggers the crossbell shitters
Why is she covering her belly button?
She's shy.
huh, is she wearing shorts?
What did she mean by this?
You're gonna miss a lot of references, get Liber Ark and the Olivert reveal spoiled and miss all the Osborne foreshadowing in SC/3rd.
What did she mean by this?
I want another Xanadu game not trails.
She should wear it desu.
R18 Trails when?
Because I just got done fucking it.
>having such shit facial animation in 2016 that you have to add "haha" to every sentence to show that someone is smiling
Why does everyone like this dumb bimbo?
I bought Trails in the Sky and was bored to death after 1 or 2 hours. Is this any better?
I played the first, but that doesn't answer my question
not at all
Trails is one of those "it gets better after 40 hours" games. The game is filled with world building and sets up events and conflict for future sequels or games, but it progresses at a snail's pace. Most of the good stuff happens in the sequels.
That doesn't really change with Cold Steel, and the overall formula for Trails games stays mostly the same, but the school setting was made to be more accessible for new or modern fans. You could try it, but chances are if you dropped FC after legitimately trying to get through it you'll probably drop Cold Steel as well. It's definitely not for everyone.
Im fine with this
Go away, Josette
>world building
You keep using those words. I don't think you know what those words mean. Doing random shit for plebs isn't world building. Having a few throwaway lines from random npcs isn't world building either. As for setting up events for future games, that's all well and good but there's never a pay off and it hurts the current game. In CS1, your party goes around the country while all the important shit is hinted at in the background. Shit, G, a character that you fight twice, even dies in another game.
What the fuck did you say brah?!
>CS3 Alfin
Oh man.
Im finishing up chapter 3 and I have never played any of these games but it feels like I just spam delay cp attacks and buff if I can. Is CS2 the same or did they tone that down?
Also does Towa and Claire become party members at all later?
I know, she grew breasts. It's disgusting.
>Alfin and Elise grew breasts
>Fie is still flat
>Anything getting nerfed
Also, Towa and Claire are party members in 2, but only during certain parts.
>First game is shit, mediocre at best
>Second game is decent
>Third game is actually good, but like all the rest, takes forever.
Are all Trails games like this? Trails in the Sky series burned me the fuck out.
The second game is even easier to break than the first. Both Claire and Towa are playable in Sen II.
Power of best girl. It looks like Elise didn't really grow that much though.
I don't even play this game but brown-haired girl with books looks like best girl
>gaius powers up to super chad
This is why you thank the wind everyday
Towa thread?